The Ressurections

I will admit, it is a book I have looked a little bit into but have yet to get round to buying it. Before I take that last leap I would like to ask you, fellow members, for your opinions on Simon Louvish novel.

The premise and AH scenario intrigues me, but I know little of the actually plot. What do you think?
You mean "Resurrections From The Dustbin Of History"?

I've just finished it and was pretty impressed.

POD: Liebknecht and Luxembourg evade their Freikorps murderers in 1919.

The book consists of a lot of short POV chapters, mainly by political actists. Everyone seems to behave much as they do in OTL - Guevara fights: Pasolini makes films (and Derek Malcolm reviews them); Reinhardt Heydrich oppresses; Herbert Marcuse dissents; Yukio Mishima commits suicide; the Holy Land's Jews and Arabs don't like each other.

The USA gains some different emigrants, who turn out to be very influential. Oswiecim is a place to avoid. Those workers just will not act and think as the vanguards want.

So, no change then.