The Regicide

Suppose some sect of Patriots during the Revolution gets in their heads to kill King George? In the following scenarios, how would things turn out?

1: Utter failure. The conspirators are caught and hanged immediately in London.
2: Success. The party kills King George and escapes alive into the criminal underbelly of Britain.
3: Massacre- The plan goes deeper and succeeds in destroying Parliament a la Guy Fawkes.

In the first, I wouldn't see too many butterflies. In the second, I suspect that the British public opinion would turn very much towards a more aggressive war against the colonies. Initially in the US loyalist feelings would increase, but as Britain clamped down in anger, I think the relationship would be destroyed forever. Independence in the next 50 years. In the third scenario, I have a harder time imagining anything outside of the second one, but moreso. Perhaps a Civil War erupts in the UK? Does Ireland make a break for it? What does France do to react to the essential takedown of the whole British gov't?
I am going to vote on a successful failure. They may, [perhaps succeed in killing king George, but i somehow doubt if they could exit the British Isles safely. Without a doubt it would rouse the British public to utter hatred of the Americans and would most likely make the war unwinnable for them as the British redoploy massive forces towards the Americas.
They could proberlu succeed in killing the King, but I doubt they could escape unharmed.

And I am sure the British military response "In the colonies" will be massive and brutal, and therefor in the end, the attackt would proberly undermine the US cause.

Grey Wolf

It would certainly make an interesting story - these guys have to get to London first, presumably via France, and probably in disguise for the latter part. Then there is all the logistical side of things - OK if they just want to jump on the king, stab him and get killed its easier than if they want to blow him up. One assumes they aren't suicidal, in this period it was not usual, so they want a plan whereby they can escape.

Maybe they plan to get to the coast and John Paul Jones to pick them up :cool:

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
This is an interesting idea, but I wonder how they'll try and pull if off and how likely they'll succeed. There's a large chance it will won't work.
I know it probably wouldn't work in reality. After all, the time doesn't allow for concealed handguns much. I'm not much for timeline building, unfortunately. My mind wanders to easily. But if someone would like to pick up the POD, I'd say go ahead. I'm more interested in the afteraffects of the British crackdown/pwning of the Revolution. I really do think it would make future revolution unavoidable, and it would definitely prevent future co-operation that we see IOTL.

Then again, the Lobsters did burn down DC IOTL, so anything's possible.
It would certainly make an interesting story - these guys have to get to London first, presumably via France, and probably in disguise for the latter part. Then there is all the logistical side of things - OK if they just want to jump on the king, stab him and get killed its easier than if they want to blow him up.
What about a silent American weapon... A blowgun with curare darts? Frankly, I doubt the physicians had any idea of how to treat curare poisoning.... If anyone objects, other poisons could be used, as well...
I think in case of successful assassination the Americans can forget about any help from France. King of France supporting enemies of Britain, even if they rebelled against their own king? Always. King of France supporting regicides? I do not think so.
I think in case of successful assassination the Americans can forget about any help from France. King of France supporting enemies of Britain, even if they rebelled against their own king? Always. King of France supporting regicides? I do not think so.
In case of
requiring official french help - what may not be the case, anyway - there is no need to tell them the whole plot. Let them think it is a lesser matter -
like stealing the crown jewels - until afterwards.
In case of
requiring official french help - what may not be the case, anyway - there is no need to tell them the whole plot. Let them think it is a lesser matter -
like stealing the crown jewels - until afterwards.

Mauro Motta

At that point to add to regicide you have deceiving them about it. That would piss them off even more. Plus that suggests that the formal rebel leadership was involved, at least to some degree. If, as is likely, that leaks out, then their name is mud!

dident the freanch revoulution come before the american one? (sory if I am wrong, I havint got alot of information on this time peread, though it is facinating)
dident the freanch revoulution come before the american one? (sory if I am wrong, I havint got alot of information on this time peread, though it is facinating)


Wrong way around. US rebellion 1776-83, French rebellion 1789 onwards. The taxes raised to pay for French aid to the US rebels are often given as a reason for the financial crisis that trigger the French one.:)

Just as interesting as the Founding Fathers "Guy Fawking" George III (excuse the pun, please), is the possibility of his adolescent successor ending the war early, or even dragging it out for longer...

George IV isn't known for his... er... fiscal responsibility and war is expensive.
Someone has been watching too much Inglorious Bastards apparently.

My name is Lt. Aldo Raine and I'm puttin' together a special team; and I need me eight soldiers. Eight American soldiers. Now, y'all might've of heard rumors about the armada happening soon. Well, we'll be leaving a little earlier. We're gonna be dropped into France, dressed as civilians. And once we're in enemy territory, as a bushwackin' guerrilla army, we're gonna be doing one thing and one thing only … killing Loyalists.