The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread

can someone give me a large scale map of all of the americas with internal borders from 1863-5, including rivers if possible

That's really not what this thread is for, nor do I think we even have any QBAMs like that.
And here's a patch for Argentina including some of the numerous lakes and reservoirs that need to be added;

-Added Lake General Carrera/Buenos Aires
-Added Lake Musters and Lake Colhue Huapi (not 100% on the latter)
-Added the Amarga lakes (SE La Pampa prvnc.)
-Added Lake Pellegrini
-Added the Cerros Colorados Complex
-Minor fixes to some of the provincial borders near-by.
-Minor fix to the Argentine coast.

Patagonia Patch.png
Hope you guys wouldn't mind a request but.... do we already have a Q-Bam map depicting the internal division of Xinjiang Autonomous Province ?

Of course, since Xinjiang is all I want, I'll be happy with just a crop of Xinjiang :)
Hope you guys wouldn't mind a request but.... do we already have a Q-Bam map depicting the internal division of Xinjiang Autonomous Province ?

Of course, since Xinjiang is all I want, I'll be happy with just a crop of Xinjiang :)

You mean one showing China's Provinces, including Xinjiang, or do you mean one showing the internal divisions of Xinjiang itself?

In the case of the first, just click the link in xt828s signature, however in the second case, no, we don't, we really don't have the second-level divisions for but a handful of places.
You mean one showing China's Provinces, including Xinjiang, or do you mean one showing the internal divisions of Xinjiang itself?

In the case of the first, just click the link in xt828s signature, however in the second case, no, we don't, we really don't have the second-level divisions for but a handful of places.

I think he means the second one and I'm sure we do. I remember one being done by Q himself. Now to find it.

EDIT: Found it.
Their is that yeah, I was just figuring he meant one using the Q-BAM.

Well it could be transferred to the Q-BAM format easily enough I would think. And since he only wants Xinjiang then the map itself should be pretty suitable.
How would we feel about changing the blue use for oceans to RGB 153/204/205 Web #99CCFF from its current RGB 182/220/244 Web #B6DCF4? I find the current colour extremely difficult to distinguish from the base grey when it is used for maritime boundaries, such as in the Pacific, and it would also make the traditional CS colour for Denmark much more visible.
How would we feel about changing the blue use for oceans to RGB 153/204/205 Web #99CCFF from its current RGB 182/220/244 Web #B6DCF4? I find the current colour extremely difficult to distinguish from the base grey when it is used for maritime boundaries, such as in the Pacific, and it would also make the traditional CS colour for Denmark much more visible.

Fine by me.
I'd oppose it, but then people can use whatever version they want in the end.

Also, as I've said several times, the maritime boundaries in the Ocean are the way they are so that you can both determine the borders while also not being overtly visible to prevent it looking cluttered.
How would we feel about changing the blue use for oceans to RGB 153/204/205 Web #99CCFF from its current RGB 182/220/244 Web #B6DCF4? I find the current colour extremely difficult to distinguish from the base grey when it is used for maritime boundaries, such as in the Pacific, and it would also make the traditional CS colour for Denmark much more visible.

I always change Denmark to be darker in my maps anyway; this would make it easier.
I did notice, after I changed the blue, that there's a single line of border in the east Pacific that ends in the middle of nowhere - I assume that this is left over from before all the Pacific fixes, but what was it meant to join up?
I did notice, after I changed the blue, that there's a single line of border in the east Pacific that ends in the middle of nowhere - I assume that this is left over from before all the Pacific fixes, but what was it meant to join up?

I got rid of that on mine along time ago, but I think it was supposed to be for Niue.
I got rid of that on mine along time ago, but I think it was supposed to be for Niue.

Well, fixed belatedly then, and your South American changes integrated, as well as the sea colour change.

Link in sig updated.