The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread

Hey Stateless Englishman, do you have updated patches for Oman and Tanzania
and the new Darfuri states in Sudan?

Huh, hadn't realised the Darfuri states had come into being.

Here's Sudan:

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Here's a patch showing the proposed Indian State of Telengala; it's sort of old (Qaz himself did it), so may need fixing, but I figure archiving it here is a good idea, and, should it come into being we can always fix it then.

Not at all a problem for me, just letting you know.

Okay, I corrected the border in my earlier post anyway, just in case people patch it themselves (I don't know why they would bother, even I don't apply my own patches, I wait for you to update and then download that :p)

Here's the new regions of Tanzania, I think. I've had great difficulty finding sources, and it strikes me that Biharamulo should be part of Geita, as otherwise it leaves Chato district detached from the rest of Geita, though it seems that Biharamulo is still part of Kagera, and Chato is the only district from Kagera that was merged into Geita. Anyway, here's the map, to the best of my abilities:

Wasn't happy with how the Aleutians looked, so I patched them up a bit:


EDIT: Started correcting a few of the Kuril Islands. Ended up redoing the entire damn island chain just to see what it would like like. It looked like this:


Included that bit of Sakhalin, because I added Moneron Island, which for you aviation buffs is where Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was downed.
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What's that Papua New Guinea? You created two new provinces on 17th May 2012? Well that's very nice, but I don't see how it concerns m- you mean they need adding to the QBAM? Well, I suppose I could....


I may have officially cracked.