The New Order: Last Days of Europe - An Axis Victory Cold War Mod for HoIIV

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I wonder if Vasilevsky's faction might be remembered if only because of their war with Mengjiang and the possibility that their generals (including everyone's favorite medal boy) end up in the service of Rurik II later on?
But yeah, you could see Russian unifiers having an option to sentence him to death (an option the fascists, monarchists, and the anarchists would take) or leaving him alone to live the rest of the days in quiet obscurity (the non-ideological juntas (Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Batov!Sverdlovsk) and the democracies (Tomsk, Yeltsin!Sverdlovsk, and LibDem Komi))?
No. He has clearly hidden himself well enough that none of the factions can actually find him.

Deleted member 141906

I'd love for a TNO Komi EG.

If there was one, I'd make a monarchist character that is saner then the monarchist in Komi in TNO and wants Boris Skossyref because he's a personal friend of the character and because he would be obscure and he's in the game.
Here's a general outline of the character

Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko.jpg

Name: Alexander Nevtov
Age: August 22nd, 1920 (42) in Moscow, Soviet Union
Party: Passionariyy Organization "True" Monarchists)
Ideology: Despotism
Biography: A friend of the rightful Tsar, Tsar Boris, Alexander Nevtov's life went fast, his parents dead by 15, he joined the Red Army and sided with Vlasov and fought with him, until he joined "Tsar" Vladimir and went to Vytaka, living a boring life until he met the True Tsar, Tsar Boris. Following his meeting, he was kicked out of Vytaka and went to Komi, where he started the "True" Monarchist faction of the Passionariyy Organization, the one which is sane not the Monarchists who want a dead man as Tsar.
Invading a foreign nation is very different than leading an obscure cult in the middle of nowhere

Perm is one of the most important soviet industrial centers, it's a administrative center and it was the thirteen most populous city in Russia with 800 thousand people. According to wikipedia:
"In the 1930s, Perm grew as a major industrial city with aviation, shipbuilding, and chemical factories built during that period. During the Great Patriotic War (World War II), Perm was a vital center of artillery production in the Soviet Union. "

Furthermore, Mongolia is not a important nation in 1921, it had been under chinese control for centuries, it had just broken away, it was not recognized.
Perm is one of the most important soviet industrial centers
OTL it was one of the most important industrial centers in the Soviet Union, in TNO we have no evidence of that being the case, furthermore the bombings would have destroyed a great percentage of whatever industry it may had.
OTL it was one of the most important industrial centers in the Soviet Union, in TNO we have no evidence of that being the case, furthermore the bombings would have destroyed a great percentage of whatever industry it may had.

While we don't have the developers saying that specifically, we can imagint it is like this, I mean, you could argue that it was not if they said it was not.

Also, yes, the city starts ruined, it's on the AB description, but it works like a massive industrial concentration camp as the events describe, and still holds a population similar to OTL. Also every single city between RK muscovy and Omsk are bombed, not only perm.
I'd love for a TNO Komi EG.

If there was one, I'd make a monarchist character that is saner then the monarchist in Komi in TNO and wants Boris Skossyref because he's a personal friend of the character and because he would be obscure and he's in the game.
Here's a general outline of the character

Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko.jpg

Name: Alexander Nevtov
Age: August 22nd, 1920 (42) in Moscow, Soviet Union
Party: Passionariyy Organization "True" Monarchists)
Ideology: Despotism
Biography: A friend of the rightful Tsar, Tsar Boris, Alexander Nevtov's life went fast, his parents dead by 15, he joined the Red Army and sided with Vlasov and fought with him, until he joined "Tsar" Vladimir and went to Vytaka, living a boring life until he met the True Tsar, Tsar Boris. Following his meeting, he was kicked out of Vytaka and went to Komi, where he started the "True" Monarchist faction of the Passionariyy Organization, the one which is sane not the Monarchists who want a dead man as Tsar.

Who is this Tsar Boris people talk about?
I was just reading the Buryatia/Sablin 'Lets Play' over at Sufficient Velocity, and suddenly, a fridge horror/sadness realisation same to mind...

In OTL, we only knew about Sablin's mutiny on board the Storozhevoy in 1975 because as he attempted to sail the ship from Riga to Leningrad, the ship sailed near international waters, alerting the Swedish navy, which witness the entire thing (With the Soviets trying to later unconvincingly cover it all up as a 'training exercise' which they forgot to inform everyone else about). And even then, everyone at the time thought that Sablin was trying to defect to the West (With the idea inspiring Tom Clancy's novel and later movie, "The Hunt for Red October"). It wasn't until after the end of the Cold War when records were declassified, that we learn about the fact that Sablin was not trying to defect to the West, but instead, he was trying to spark a second October Revolution against the Soviet government whom he saw as being corrupted and detached from the people. With many of the exact details of the mutiny coming from Boris Gindin, a member of the crew who took part in the mutiny and later immgrated to the United States to tell Sablin's side of the story in a book that he authored in 2009....

In the TNO TL, with the rest of the world having very little knowledge of what exactly is going on in the mess that is the Russian anarchy, if anyone else besides Buryatia unites the Russian Far East, it is almost certain that Sablin and his band of idealistic revolutionaries hanging out at their opera house HQ will simply be utterly forgotten within a few years at most, with no one to morn or remember what they fought for.

(1) If they managed to overthrow Yagoda over in Irkutsk first before getting defeated themselves by someone else, they will simply be remembered as a historical footnote, something along the lines of 'Generic post-USSR communist warlord no.5', maybe with a side-note about how their leadership were all unusually young . Perhaps if they managed to get to the regional unification level first and established contact with the outside world (Especially if they try to gain the recognition from OFN), maybe they will become something similar to Che Guevara, with leftist students in the West putting their faces of t-shirts and stuff.​
(2) If their initial mutiny got crushed by Yagoda, onyl for Irkutsk to later get defeated by someone else... Sablin and his buddies will simply be utterly forgotten by history. After all, who would even be interested in what a failed rebellion against a failed warlord fought for? Even those that lived though the event will simply lump it together with the generic chaos and violence of the Russian Anarchy of that period pre-unification.​
(3) If the mutiny got crushed by Yagoda, and for him to later reunite all of Russia as the new USSR... Sablin will get utterly slandered by the NKVD's propaganda machine as nothing but a gang of upstart traitors, perhaps even making-up 'evidence' of them being spies loyal to the facist warlord Rodzaevsky, with them being compared to the likes of the Aryan Brotherhood.​

In other words, Samara's capitulation pop-up message would be very fitting for any senario in which Sablin gets defeated: 'The traitors will never get to tell their side of the story.' If they don't at least reach the regional unification level first before getting defeated, any trace of hopes, dreams, idealism, and positive contribution that Sablin and his brand of would-be revolutionaries fought for will simply be wiped away from the pages of history forever, and they will forever be either forgotten, or remembered as traitors.
Stuff like this is why I view LibSoc Sablin unification as canon and nobody can ever tell me otherwise.
Once it was asked on the KR thread how are their headcannon unifiers of the US civil war. Who are yours from TNO Russia?

Mine are:
Eastern Russia: Vyatka
Western Siberia: Sverdlovsk
Central Siberia: Rurik II
Eastern Siberia: Yagoda

Vyatka anschluss Sverdlovsky, yagoda stomps Rurik, Vyatka defeats Yagoda.
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Once it was asked on the KR thread how are their headcannon unifiers of each country. Who are yours?

Mine are:
Eastern Russia: Vyatka
Western Siberia: Sverdlovsk
Central Siberia: Rurik II
Eastern Siberia: Yagoda

Vyatka anschluss Sverdlovsky, yagoda stomps Rurik, Vyatka defeats Yagoda.
East Russia: Komi (Bukharina)
West Siberia: Omsk
Central Siberia: Siberian Black Army
Far East: Sablin

The Black Army peacefully unites with Sablin once they realize he isn't a tyrant like Yagoda that seeks to dismantle their anarchist society, and Omsk gets crushed by Bukharina. Bukharina and Sablin then peacefully unify.

I know I said in the past that Bukharina-Sablin unification was no longer my headcanon, but after actually playing as her, I realized that she was not as bad as I originally thought she was.
If there was one, I'd make a monarchist character that is saner then the monarchist in Komi in TNO and wants Boris Skossyref because he's a personal friend of the character and because he would be obscure and he's in the game.
Nah, be like Semyonov and champion Paul Ilyinsky's claim to the Russian Throne!
So on another forum where TNO is being discussed - if anyone's familiar with the trope Unfortunate Implications, there's a user claiming that they found an example regarding Bukharin.

Their argument is that the particular PoD regarding Bukharin amounts to Stalinist apologia. With the many mistakes Bukharin makes in the backstory, there's an implication that Stalin would have won the war had he not been purged. The failure of the NEP is also seen as Stalinist apologia in justifying Stalin's command economy. They also claim that Holodomor apologia is present in the mod by extension. Essentially, the backstory surrounding Bukharin is unintentional Stalinist apologia, jarring for a mod that thoroughly denounces Stalinism via Kaganovich and fights against totalitarianism.

Counterarguments include that Bukharin has been shown to have become just as ruthless and purge-happy as Stalin regardless, that the Holodomor isn't mentioned in the mod, and that Bukharin was a focus of one PoD so FDR couldn't be elected. Furthermore, Turkey actually entered the war in TNOTL, which really affected the Soviet war effort.

It's getting pretty nasty over there, could you guys help weigh in?
So on another forum where TNO is being discussed - if anyone's familiar with the trope Unfortunate Implications, there's a user claiming that they found an example regarding Bukharin.

Their argument is that the particular PoD regarding Bukharin amounts to Stalinist apologia. With the many mistakes Bukharin makes in the backstory, there's an implication that Stalin would have won the war had he not been purged. The failure of the NEP is also seen as Stalinist apologia in justifying Stalin's command economy. They also claim that Holodomor apologia is present in the mod by extension. Essentially, the backstory surrounding Bukharin is unintentional Stalinist apologia, jarring for a mod that thoroughly denounces Stalinism via Kaganovich and fights against totalitarianism.

Counterarguments include that Bukharin has been shown to have become just as ruthless and purge-happy as Stalin regardless, that the Holodomor isn't mentioned in the mod, and that Bukharin was a focus of one PoD so FDR couldn't be elected. Furthermore, Turkey actually entered the war in TNOTL, which really affected the Soviet war effort.

It's getting pretty nasty over there, could you guys help weigh in?

Way I see it, Bukharin could've shaped the Union up into a war-winning machine if he had an extra five years or so. This is partly depicted in-game by the Siberia Plan, which absolutely would've beaten the Reich through its sheer industrial output.

We can only really hope Tyumen's portrayal (and AuthSoc!Sablin's somewhat) discourages accusations of Stalinist bias, but eh.
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