The Nations of Indonesia

Was there ever a point where the Dutch East Indies could have gained independence as more than one nation? I know West Papua wasn't originally part of Indonesia but at the time of Indonesian independence, there wasn't really anything anyone could do to stop it from coming under Indonesian rule.

When and how did Indonesian nationalism come about, and could there ever sufficient be desire by the Dutch or others to contravene that? I realize the POD is probably pre-1900 even if the primary effects are 20th century.
A PoD where the Dutch and British put up a better fight in SEAsia, and/or the Indies are fought for before the Philippines might do it.

The Javanese based independence movement had hpped into bed with the Japanese early on. OTL, they, like the Burmese and the Thais managed to switch sides fast enough not to be paraiahs.

If they had actively fought on the Japanese side against the allies, thered be a lot more incentive for the Dutch and the US to find alternate movements. Which, iirc , existed but got steam rollered by the 'nationalist' movement.

The Celebes, west papua and Borneo all spring to mind. IIRC again, none of those places was very happy with the imposition of the Javanese regime.