The Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime


Gone Fishin'
Here in the UK, he billboards have removed all traces of the Swastika (I don't know what they are like elsewhere) and replaced them with what I assume must be the Balkenkreuz. However, whoever did the switch forgot the outline, so now the posters kinda look like Fascist Switzerland has invaded instead.
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Upon further thought, the Heisenberg device may be atomic weaponry. We never hear that Japan develops nukes, so perhaps only Germany developed them and the Japanese are still in the dark about nuclear tech.
I'm confused here. Why was the resistance trying to smuggle these ATL films to Hitler, the Man in the High Castle?

I think the Germans are secretly feeding the anti-Japanese resistance information on the Japanese. This both weakens Japan's hold on the Pacific States and allows the Germans to recover films from Japanese-occupied territory.
Idk if this was discussed here, but who exactly governs the neutral zone? Is it some rump US government that is completely demilitarized?
Idk if this was discussed here, but who exactly governs the neutral zone? Is it some rump US government that is completely demilitarized?

There seems to be a local (American) government, but only potent enough to keep order and provide minimal services - certainly nothing that could resist Axis attack.


7 down, last three to go.
Loving it so far
Intriguing to see someone from an ATL show up (Juliana's sister)

I couldn't figure out if that had happened or if it was everyone going insane; it was sort of dropped as a plot point.
I couldn't figure out if that had happened or if it was everyone going insane; it was sort of dropped as a plot point.

I just figured that with the comment from the mother that it meant Trudy from an ATL had suddenly arrived. maybe it will be picked up in the next season. After all if films can travel between TLs no reason people cant.
I just figured that with the comment from the mother that it meant Trudy from an ATL had suddenly arrived. maybe it will be picked up in the next season. After all if films can travel between TLs no reason people cant.

But if films and (maybe) people could be transported, what about soldiers? It wouldn't take much for the Germans or the Japanese to try and stich together at least a cabal of spies to go into the ATL if they can figure out where its coming from. Or vice versa; God help that universe if the portal is in Soviet lands, for example, though ATrutyL doesn't seem too be a Soviet.
...Anyway, finished the first two episodes, and am wondering if I should finish the season. I am completely hooked, but I'm starting to get more corny vibes from it, though the Breakfast scene really shocked me. Good job, Amazon, good job.
There are still many unanswered questions in this film. We never got to see how Obergruppenfurher john smith's son handle the disease. I believe it is implied that should his son's ailment be caught, it would lead to him getting euthanized, so this would almost certainly test John's loyalty to the Reich. Also, even though Heydrich seems to have been subdued, Hitler won't last that much longer due to old age and it seems other Nazis like Himmler and Goebbels want to start WW3 against Japan as well. So war maybe delayed in the short term but is far from averted in the long term. Hopefully, they'll release season 2 and not leave us hanging like this.
Just finished the whole thing. Fantastic filming, creative development, and overall very well done. It was intriguing and it had some provocative moments.

However, I'm completely PO'ed about Berlin in the last episode. They got it so wrong…I was cringing. What makes this all ridiculous is that there are hundreds of images and even fantastic virtual recreations of what post-war Nazi Berlin would have looked like, yet the only thing they created was the Volkshalle and they even got that wrong. I think I'm going to make a thread detailing what Post-War Nazi Berlin would have really looked like.

Literally, everything is great, except for the fact they didn't get Berlin right…even halfway right. The film Fatherland still holds the award of most faithful recreation of a Nazi victory Berlin. Here I was hoping for more HQ images of that Berlin.
Just finsihed the final 3 episodes.
Absolutely loved it.
So many unanswered questions, which is good. More chance that they are planning another season
Finally finished binge watching all ten episodes. And whatever minor nitpicks I might have, they really are minor: It's not only compelling and well framed drama, but it really does succeed in creating an alternate timeline that feels real and lived in. I can't think of a single alt-history adaptation that has succeeded like this one has. Yes, we all know an Axis victory is damned unlikely, even with an early P.O.D.; one with Nazis and Japanese(!) occupying most of North America is even more remote. But that's the source material, and on its own terms, it's coherent and plausible.

And what an ending (for Season 1). Season 2 has a tough act to follow.

For the monent, just two minor historical nitpicks (spoilers):

1) It is odd that Berlin, Volkshalle aside, does have a different look than what we'd expect, given that a) there are loads of images of Speer's models and drawings so readily available, and b) Spotnik's team went to such tremendous lengths to get so many little things right. But it's not implausible that Hitler could have altered plans after the war was over, or that Speer might not have survived it. Even for all that, the monorail design looked a little too avant-garde for Hitler's taste.

2) The Hitler of this timeline looks too healthy and self-possessed. Even with a war that ends early with a great victory, Hitler was already on a steady health slide that would have left him in poor shape by 1962, if he lived that long. Perhaps he never gets addicted to drugs in this timeline?
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Just finished the whole thing. Fantastic filming, creative development, and overall very well done. It was intriguing and it had some provocative moments.

However, I'm completely PO'ed about Berlin in the last episode. They got it so wrong…I was cringing. What makes this all ridiculous is that there are hundreds of images and even fantastic virtual recreations of what post-war Nazi Berlin would have looked like, yet the only thing they created was the Volkshalle and they even got that wrong. I think I'm going to make a thread detailing what Post-War Nazi Berlin would have really looked like.

Literally, everything is great, except for the fact they didn't get Berlin right…even halfway right. The film Fatherland still holds the award of most faithful recreation of a Nazi victory Berlin. Here I was hoping for more HQ images of that Berlin.

Perhaps this was an intentional toning down, both in-universe and out. The Nazis' plans were impractical, so they decided on a different design, eventually.

2) The Hitler of this timeline looks too healthy and self-possessed. Even with a war that ends early with a great victory, Hitler was already on a steady health slide that would have left him in poor shape by 1962, if he lived that long. Perhaps he never gets addicted to drugs in this timeline?

Ed mentions in the first episode that Hitler is sick and dying, and so does Heydrich when he has Smith at gunpoint in the cabin. My guess is that Hitler isn't really sick, and is pretending to root out traitorous elements. But the reason he never becomes addicted to drugs, knows about potential traitors, and wins WWII because he's been watching the films since the 1930s. He's seen himself defeated by the Allies, fall victim to a coup, die of syphilis or a drug overdose (perhaps the film was from the book High Castle, which is why this adaptation is different), etc. And maybe Hitler even has some sort of quantum McGuffin like Tagomi, and can move between timelines.