The Luftwaffe, just a bit better for 1940?


If they want to be in better shape 1941, then no pointless BoB.

Let the British take the offensive and when their bombs kill civilians make them out to be barbarians to the rest of the world undermining US support.
Right, because no one in the USA has heard of Guernica, Rotterdam or Warsaw.

Deleted member 1487

You’re not sure what I mean, then go on to point out the exact failings I was referring to? Ok. But as a guess, I’d say make the training less rigorous, to increase replacement supply in the aftermath of a planned major campaign.
Just saying I wasn't 100% what you meant by 'better training'; that phrase made it sound like you meant more rather than the less/more streamlined program I said. Funny though you only mention less rigorous training AFTER I said it...

The War came earlier than the military was planning for, but not the Nazis. But at least have some kind of proper plan for fighting Britain, rather than the ridiculous notion that the British would just let ol’ Adolf do what he wants.
Ah no. Hitler told the military 1942. So the Nazis, or rather the only one who actually mattered, Hitler, said 1942. Poland was meant to be a limited regional war that he thought Britain and France wouldn't get involved in, which then meant they could get everything they needed for 1942 ready once rearmament was more advanced.

There was some war games in 1938 about how to fight Britain, but those plans got tossed out the window by Hitler and Goering in 1940. Führerprinzip at it's finest. You'd need to correct the flaws in Hitler's leadership style to fix the problem of planning in general. So well outside the scope of OP.

There was some war games in 1938 about how to fight Britain, but those plans got tossed out the window by Hitler and Goering in 1940. Führerprinzip at it's finest. You'd need to correct the flaws in Hitler's leadership style to fix the problem of planning in general. So well outside the scope of OP.

Out of interest which games were these? (the U-boat ones?)
A POD in early 1939 limits what can be done, but there are three things that would make a big difference. First give the BF-109 drop tanks, the Condor Legion used them in the Spanish CW. That would effectively double their operational time over England, making them more effective bomber escorts, and allowing them to engage in more free chase missions. Use the BF-110 as fast fighter bombers, to attack high value targets like radar sites, or aircraft plants. Never issue the order to suspend any project without a completion date of more then 18 months. The order assumed the war would be a short one. Considering Hitler planned on a war with the Soviet Union, and a long term showdown with the United States they should've figured WWII would last at least as long as WWI.


TBF knocking down France was far from guaranteed so thinking about sustained aerial campaigns over Britain would have been a bridge too far.
Not sure that's true. Sealion was a bluff, no one in Germany really thought they could even attempt it.

If that was the case, then it means the whole Battle of Britain was a strategically pointless waste of resources for the Germans even if they won and they went into it knowing it.
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With a pod of March 1939 you're not going to get much technical change by 1940, so the best improvement I can think of is to have Goering overdose and someone competent be put in command of the Luftwaffe. It won't make much difference in 1940 but by 1942 it will really start to pay off as promising aircraft that were cancelled as not needed or because the war would be over before they were ready begin to enter service.
Overdose, not so sure this early. However if he was to lose some weight and get fitter he wouldn't need the drugs, well a lot less anyway. If he can cut down on the boasts saying things that will please Hitler and telling things nearer the truth that could go a long way.

Deleted member 94680

First give the BF-109 drop tanks, the Condor Legion used them in the Spanish CW. That would effectively double their operational time over England, making them more effective bomber escorts, and allowing them to engage in more free chase missions.
I thought the drop tank option had been war gamed out and made no real difference?
If that was the case, then it means the whole Battle of Britain was a strategically pointless waste of resources for the Germans even if they won and they went into it knowing it.

I mean you could probably convince yourself that achieving air superiority would freak the British out enough to believe you actually could succesfully invade and call it quits. Fanciful, but not more so then "nah those division counts our increasing intelligence consistently tells us the Red Army posses sound way too high, its half that and we will destroy them at the border"

Deleted member 1487

So that doesn’t make it a valid change?
Nope, but when you're jumping on me for supposedly saying the same thing as you...

If that was the case, then it means the whole Battle of Britain was a strategically pointless waste of resources for the Germans even if they won and they went into it knowing it.
Not really since they were hoping that through the air campaign they could intimidate Churchill into cutting a deal. IIRC the hope was that by defeating the RAF (based on faulty intel about production rates) that the Brits would take up Hitler's offer in July for a negotiated peace deal rather than risk and invasion, which of course was not what was being discussed by the War Cabinet.

Deleted member 94680

Gives them three of a kind over the pair of Deuces they held in hand.
Not a winning hand, but better than what they had.
If it’s better than what they had, it’s a worthwhile change I would say


If that was the case, then it means the whole Battle of Britain was a strategically pointless waste of resources for the Germans even if they won and they went into it knowing it.
Not if you are thinking in political terms. If the point is to convince the British its make terms or be invaded then it makes sense and honestly there wasn't much else they could do in 1940. The real problem was that by the time the BoB gets into full swing its far too late to apply that kind of political pressure.
IMHO a POD of March 1939 is too late to save the Luftwaffe.
The planes have already been chosen, the production lines have already been set up, etc.
There won't be a change from OTL in the end.
Speaking of gaming it out, I created a mod for Strategic Command: WWII in Europe. The mod simulated BOB from a strategic level. One of the variants I offered was "What If " the Luftwaffe used drop tanks. There was no other changes to the scenario but the addition of extended range for the fighters. It made a huge difference. The chances of the Germans sweeping the skies clean above the British Isles tripled. It went from 25% to 75%. Based on this I suggest that drop tanks would have been a extreme game changer.

If you have the game, HERE is the mod.

BOB Germ 200.JPG

Deleted member 1487

Speaking of gaming it out, I created a mod for Strategic Command: WWII in Europe. The mod simulated BOB from a strategic level. One of the variants I offered was "What If " the Luftwaffe used drop tanks. There was no other changes to the scenario but the addition of extended range for the fighters. It made a huge difference. The chances of the Germans sweeping the skies clean above the British Isles tripled. It went from 25% to 75%. Based on this I suggest that drop tanks would have been a extreme game changer.

If you have the game, HERE is the mod.

View attachment 572654
IIRC the problem that there was a lack of fighters and pilots on the German side, which meant that with drop tanks they fly more per mission and get worn out quicker. Not really fixing all the issues then if they had working drop tanks. Part of the issue with the drop tanks is that the early production models in 1940 were defective for fighters (single use and the Bf109 wasn't set up to use them until August because the Bf110 was supposed to do long range escort flying and it was only found in August that they couldn't really tangle with Spitfires on their own. After all no one thought they'd be flying a strategic bombing campaign against Britain after rapidly defeating France.