The Issues of Thomas and Sherman

To settle this debate which has been going on in both recent Civil War poll threads, I am opening up a new idea.

What if, in late 1863, after Mine Run, Meade's less-than-stellar performance post-Gettysburg demotes him to Vth corps commander (also preventing an inexperienced and over-cautious Warren from taking command) and after consistently good performance in the west, culminating with Chattanooga, Thomas/Sherman is appointed commander of the Army of the Potomac. The reasoning is that Lincoln does not trust the idea of a supreme commander, but gives Grant full reign in the west for the Atlanta drive, and Sherman/Thomas (whichever is not moved) will be the spearhead of this thrust, commanding the Army of the Tennessee/Cumberland.

Come spring 1864, what happens in Virginia? Give answers for both Generals, please.