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Jews were the first victim, the main victim, the greatest enemy, and now they were gone.
There's a certain amount of sadness and tears that did run down my face reading that. My grandmother wouldn't be alive in this timeline, considering she was one of the people to be liberated from that camp. Good work on the first part, and I wish you good luck on the next part.
Nowhere within the Greater Germanic Reich or in Europe did Jews exist, for those who were too stubborn to flee were already taken, and those who still had legs and a working mind realized long ago how hopeless the situation was. Even if the emigration of Jews had been forbidden for almost 20 years, there were ways out of Europe before, but that was closed now. Portugal was the last country in Continental Europe with an existing Jewish community, and after the invasion, the last train to Auschwitz departed across Europe, and so within weeks the Jewish community in Portugal had either fled or died, either way Goebbels, and Nazism, won, Europe was now Judenfrei free of Jews.
Did the Turks hand over the Jews of Istanbul when I wasn’t looking, considering that Turkey is still IIRC independent from Germany and all that.
Did the Turks hand over the Jews of Istanbul when I wasn’t looking, considering that Turkey is still IIRC independent from Germany and all that.
After what happened to Sweden and Switzerland, as well as the regimes of Romania and Hungary, as well as the rise of Saadeh and the surge in anti-semitism in the Islamic world following the creation of Israel, as well as the fact the fall of Iraq and the Suez leave Turkey absolutely isolated, they have opted to comply with the Pakt's demands. Although most Turkish Jews fled to Israel with the writing on the wall.


Gone Fishin'
And what of the old German politicians that are still alive by this point, specifically Hjalmar Schacht and Franz von Papen?

If they haven't left the Reich by now, they'll undoubtedly be among the first to be killed in Goebbels' "Angrif".
And what of the old German politicians that are still alive by this point, specifically Hjalmar Schacht and Franz von Papen?

If they haven't left the Reich by now, they'll undoubtedly be among the first to be killed in Goebbels' "Angrif".
Guess the question is how they'll be oofed in the Angrif/German Cultural Revolution.
Well it seems you went with a combination of “the beginning of the Space Race” and “the final moments of 1959”. Wouldn’t have been my first choices but great chapter nonetheless. Can’t wait for what the first chapter of part 2 will be about.
Well it seems you went with a combination of “the beginning of the Space Race” and “the final moments of 1959”. Wouldn’t have been my first choices but great chapter nonetheless. Can’t wait for what the first chapter of part 2 will be about.
Seems to be a combination of all of them I think
Just look at the concentration camp part by the end
The two talked about America, Huey Long once again rejected the Tsar's request for an official alliance
Long you are a fool and a coward. I may hesitantly call you insane or even a traitor, after the ultimatum, after everything, he still is a moron. Not going to lie this is getting frustrating, it cannot be called a cold war if a side refuses to engage in it. When the sixties arrive I consider ASB if another president like Long is voted into office, not after Hess Ultimatum, not with the ever-expanding grey tide. If it happens thou, then at least have India take America's place, this way at least there will be someone willing to act.
Seems to be a combination of all of them I think
Just look at the concentration camp part by the end
Between that and the brief talk about nukes in the China segment, it seems to be. Granted i'm not sure if anything about pop culture was mentioned in the chapter either besides the Coca Cola mention.
When the sixties arrive I consider ASB if another president like Long is voted into office
Don't say that as if the Populists aren't dominant enough rn that someone with a similar foreign policy as Long can take office once he's done. And re-reading the chapter on the Populists that person will be either Hoffa or his own son.
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When the sixties arrive I consider ASB if another president like Long is voted into office, not after Hess Ultimatum, not with the ever-expanding grey tide.
Don't say that as if the Populists aren't dominant enough rn that someone with a similar foreign policy as Long can take office once he's done. And re-reading the chapter on the Populists that person will be either Hoffa or his own son.
I think both are somewhat correct
A populist definitely will win, but it wont and cant be a carbon copy of Long, his foreign policy was disastrous and whoever takes his place will have to do their homework when it comes to trying to start fixing his mess
Otherwise I see more gunshots and calls for impeachment
Not going to lie this is getting frustrating, it cannot be called a cold war if a side refuses to engage in it.
If it happens thou, then at least have India take America's place
Agreed, I think the "Cold War" part of this TL will be mainly carried by the uneasy relationship between India, China and Russia(perhaps also Brazil? Idk) against the Linz Pact, with America focusing on getting its shit together on the world stage while literally nobody trusts them but welcome their money
Speaking of which, with Part 2 coming up, how do you think would the Angrif kill more Germans than an all-out war with Russia? Extrapolating from the actual Cultural Revolution, I imagine that at one point, Hitler Youth units would be fighting each other and the Waffen-SS and the Heer, for starters.
Jews were the first victim, the main victim, the greatest enemy, and now they were gone.

There's a certain amount of sadness and tears that did run down my face reading that. My grandmother wouldn't be alive in this timeline, considering she was one of the people to be liberated from that camp. Good work on the first part, and I wish you good luck on the next part.
Maybe, just maybe, once they have destroyed everyone and everything in this world for "their cause", at the top of that pile of ash, those who were left will finally starting to ask

"what now?"
But this time he would command the operation, let others see you as weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak as the Chinese said. They would be patient and tactical, await for the right opportunity to reclaim their nation. Perhaps the Empire was a fantasy, a distant dream, but the Sacred Home Islands have been outraged for far too long, and the enemy who occupied his country, the enemy which killed his father and his uncle, which caused so much suffering and misery to his people, that enemy would leave one way or the other. But for now, he would wait, wait and look for the opportunities of this new age.
Congratulations Japan! Your Emperor is going to get you all killed!