The Greatest Books Never Written


Marching Through Georgia-by Winfield Scott. The story of General Scott's Georgia campaign culminating in the Battle of Savannah on July 19, 1859.
Under the Yoke. Life in the Post-Bellum south and how a group of young men become involved in the assasination of the Military Governor of Alabama after they join the Southern Liberation Army.
The Stone Dogs. The final days of the Union occupation of the South, set in the cold winter of 1915. It also describes the end of the Great War and the coming of the war with Japan and China.

The Crash of '79-by Paul Erdman. A Historical drama set in the early days of 1979, when America intervened in the Iranian civil war that ended up compromising the oil fields of the Persian gulf.
The Last Days of America. The last days of the cold war and the Western Bloc, as NATO disintegrates and the USSR begins to sign Non-Agression treaties with all of America's former allies.
The Panic of '89. The last crisis between the USSR and the USA, involving corrupt european generals, panicking Russian politicians and vindictive Americans trying to undermine the Soviet Union by destroying the Oil fields at Baku and the Caucasus.
Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler: first of a series a children's book detailing the adventures of a Young German immigrants first American summer camp, the children who have grown up reading this are ironically called the Hitler youth.

The no spin zone by historian William O'RLY: an historic novel of Napoleon's perspective from the eye of the giant whirlwind that raged at Waterloo and how he used it to win the battle.

Worldwar in the balance by Harry turtelcrow: (a citation from the back of the book) war seethed across the planet. Hostilities spread in ever-widening circles of destruction:the Weimar Republic, Russia, the Angelo-Dutch empire,Nazi France, Greater Mexico, The Roman empire,The Communistic African alliance - the fate of the world kinda sorta hung in the balance.

Then the real enemy arrived. and they didn't wore Anny pants.
Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil-- By Anne Rice and Laurell K. Hamilton: A Dark/Urban Fantasy novel about the battles between two groups of supernatural criminals in an alternate version of New Orleans where magic and supernatural are out in the open.
Das Kapital by Karl Marx
A ground breaking multifacted history that was forerunner of the Annales School of history. Das Kapital examined the history of London by also looking at the guild system, vanished rivers, land tenure, geology, fishing, clothmaking, and many other varied topics that affected the economic history of London as a port and market centre and capital.
Maybe we should put a sticky on the "book" and "tv" version of the movie thread cause people keep making new one instead of bumping the old one :D
Silent Spring--Rachel Carson's Pulitzer-winning chronicle of a typical semester at a California boarding school for the hearing-impaired.