My goals for this challenge is to create an independent native state in North America, this is a more daunting task than it first seems. First off, there are several jumping off points where I can start, arranged from oldest to newest they are:

1628 - The start of the Huron-Iroqouis war. I feel that this would be a good way to create a proxy war between the French and Dutch/English with each of them backing a different side. A stronger Huron showing (with more centralization) here would prevent a diaspora. However, it appears that between all of the colonizing powers, the English was the least of all evils. I could see growing dissatisfaction with the French and an English supported uprising among the Huron.

1812 - The War of 1812 offers a lot of opportunities, it was the start of the Tecumseh plan - A gentleman's agreement between Brock and Tecumseh that in exchange for military participation, the natives would be granted an nation unto their own. Both men died and the plan was largely forgot about. Had they lived longer the plan may have been seen through. A weaker British negotiating position at the treaty of Ghent may also increase the need of having a puppet state as a buffer zone between the two nations. Weakened British interest in the region would give colonies more autonomy also. Giving a puppet nation the naval base in Penetang would also skirt the provisions of the treaty of Ghent that limited naval resources for the British.

1830 - Declining Iroquois power allowed the Ojibwe to migrate south towards Lake Simcoe, instead of inhabiting the western side of the lake where the Huron were previously, the tribe inhabited the East side of the lake in accordance with the Colbourne Plan. In 1837, Yellowhead offered his services to the family compact during the Upper Canada rebellion in hopes that it would better his situation. Had the original rebellion plans were not changed at the last moment and confusion set in, the Rebels would have actually gained a foothold. Yellowhead would have the loyalist military band in the region to take and occupy Holland Landing. Being more instrumental in crushing a stronger rebellion would allow native tribes more negotiation leverage.

After this point, it becomes increasingly difficult to create a native nation. One of the barriers I have ran into was the concept of geography bound nations were not as present on any colonial frontier (Africa, India, North America) as it was in Europe, the concept of borders seemed more fluid. One would need to have the tribes first embrace this idea before the nation could be a real possibility.

The times are indeed against us in creating this nation as are the people. My original borders included St Joseph's Island as part of the new nation. Major William Raines moved up there previously in 1934 to start a colony with his harem of underage orphans wives. It was him who blocked a lot of the serious discussion of a native nation. One idea is to have him create a colony elsewhere or keep him in Sutton. Archeology found that there was no real inhabitant of the island prior to the 16th century. One concession that could be made is that the British kept a 99 year lease on the fort and it's environs. In our timeline the fort fell into disuse, however with continued pressure from America in this timeline, there may be reason to keep that fort occupied.

Politicians from that era and shortly thereafter provide no help either. Sir John A MacDonald's views were very racist, and sadly in line with the era. Advocacy groups have come up with a laundry list of his sins against the natives. MacDonald also had a one tract mind when it came to the railroad. Rather than expropriation and eminent domain, he chose to starve the natives off of the future tract which would be for the railroad. George Brown was no better of a solution, even with the scarce amount of rations being sent to reserves, Brown argued that it was too expensive and should cease altogether.

Perhaps an armed revolution? Just asked Louis Reil how that went. In my current models, I have the nation of Huronia as something always being on the cusp but I do not have the final ingredient that could give the natives their own nation. Would love to make this an ACH or for you to share your thoughts on this.
The idea you're having here is much the same as the one I had when I started writing Donnacona's Dream. I decided to go with a POD way back in the 1540s because I felt that even the 1600s are too late.

Definitely, either of the POD in the 19th century that you suggested would be more likely to result in larger reservations or a nation that is de jure independent but de facto a Canada/US territory more than anything else. Any independent state founded in the 19th century would likely result in LESS rights for Natives within Canada/US as Natives would be seen as foreign nationals rather than subjects and then citizens.

So my recommendation would be to go with the 17th century POD. However, I will warn you that if your goal is to make it to the present day you will likely have to:
(A) ignore butterflies completely and only focus on one small part of the world assuming everything else stays the same
(B) handwave a lot
(C) wait YEARS before you make it to the present day

I've chosen option C. I've currently been writing Donnacona's dream for more than 2 years and have only made it a little more than 100 years past the POD (and i've been more or less ignoring Asia and Africa altogether)
Also, please call it 'Wendake' rather than 'Huronia'. It's just a little disrespectful when writing about Native folk to refuse to use their own words for themselves and their nations ;)
Thanks for your input, I am wondering if there is any PODs in between, anything ARW era, or perhaps even seven years wars. Maybe having someone like Brant having the ambition to create the nation (seems highly unlikely to me) Or something to give the tribes more leverage during the Robinson treaties (such as the expulsion of the fur trading companies giving themselves a monopoly.

Or if we were going even earlier, making Hiawatha's confederation more stable and powerful.

Can I have a TLDR of Donnacona's Dream?
Can I have a TLDR of Donnacona's Dream?

Yes! A different third expedition by jacques carrier results in a colony that lasts years rather than months. By the time cartier realizes there's no gold around, some of the colonists have taken native wives, and they stay when cartier leaves. Their meris descendants inspire the formation of a new state based in hochelaga (otl montreal) which combines Iroquoian and European culture. They expand demographically due to Catholic influence and geographically due to gunpowder weapons and found a state which dominates the great Lakes region and resists colonization.