The Fire Never Dies, Part II: The Red Colossus

Definitely. Of the three, Mikhail is favored by the traditional monarchists who want a strong monarchy. Olga is favored by the moderates who want a constitutional monarchy and also women's rights (many of their proposals would see Russia adopt cognatic succession to make Olga the heir instead of Alexei). Alexei is the long shot, given his health, but he is supported by a few hardliners - and, more ominously, those who want a figurehead for a military dictatorship.
Clearly they need to get a certain Funni Man to be Alexei's regent
So, to clear the waters, there's no mass confiscation of private property after the revolution, right? It's clearly not like the USSR where the state turned into the boss of all workplaces. But now, with the state under the control of the Socialists, it's probably safe to say that there's really no way for the owners to resist workers determinations.

Or are all enterprises simply handled by the Unions?
So, to clear the waters, there's no mass confiscation of private property after the revolution, right? It's clearly not like the USSR where the state turned into the boss of all workplaces. But now, with the state under the control of the Socialists, it's probably safe to say that there's really no way for the owners to resist workers determinations.

Or are all enterprises simply handled by the Unions?
To a degree, there was a mass confiscation of private property. However, it was mostly during the revolution, and thus happened in a rather chaotic fashion, often prioritizing immediate military needs. What didn't happen was the state keeping all of that. If the Red Army or the GDC didn't need it, it got distributed. Most of the embassies in New York were converted from mansions on the Upper East side. All workplaces became worker-owned cooperatives. Some of those owners (particularly those who were of working-class origins themselves) sucked it up and went back to being a worker. If they were a decent boss, they often got elected to management positions anyway.
Ya know when you're playing Kaiserreich as a 3I nation and the Halifax Conference fails you get a message that end with "Ha! they cannot agree, even to save their own skins"? That's the vibe I get reading this chapter.
‘Somebody Should Do Something!’
‘I’m glad we’re on the same page. Now, if you…’
‘Wait, I meant someone else…’
The conservatives do have the advantage that Germany won. We will probably see the SPD in power at some point.
So, the SPD never had their "heated Ebert moment" ITTL then? That must change their dynamics with the German left quite a bit.

Also, one thing is that a large number of the Jewish victims of Nazism in Europe didn't come from Germany, but from Germany's conquests--Poland, France, the occupied parts of the USSR. In essence, places where they don't have an inclination to flee yet and by the time signs show up that they should flee it may well be too late, if the Falangists go on a conquering spree.
So, the SPD never had their "heated Ebert moment" ITTL then? That must change their dynamics with the German left quite a bit.
Honestly, this is one of the areas I still need to do research on.
Also, one thing is that a large number of the Jewish victims of Nazism in Europe didn't come from Germany, but from Germany's conquests--Poland, France, the occupied parts of the USSR. In essence, places where they don't have an inclination to flee yet and by the time signs show up that they should flee it may well be too late, if the Falangists go on a conquering spree.
Thing is, the countries with the highest concentrations of Jews - Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine - are within the German sphere. They will at least have the benefit of the German army between them and the Russian Falangists. For that matter, by the time we get to WW2, I'd expect the German client states, particularly Poland and Ukraine, to be fielding sizable armies of their own.
Thing is, the countries with the highest concentrations of Jews - Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine - are within the German sphere. They will at least have the benefit of the German army between them and the Russian Falangists. For that matter, by the time we get to WW2, I'd expect the German client states, particularly Poland and Ukraine, to be fielding sizable armies of their own.
Right, though unfortunately that does mean that the jews in French and British territories are very much in danger. For the french in particular, i imagine the jews in their north African holdings are probably the easiest for the state to target bc to start with they would only need to change their colonial policies to start treating the jews in the same way they treated the native muslim populations.
Right, though unfortunately that does mean that the jews in French and British territories are very much in danger. For the french in particular, i imagine the jews in their north African holdings are probably the easiest for the state to target bc to start with they would only need to change their colonial policies to start treating the jews in the same way they treated the native muslim populations.
It was mentioned in Wages of Destruction that the Nazi policy was pro Jewish Emigration... But also, anti-Jewish Emigration. Because, you see, Jews that emigrate willingly generally try to take all their stuff with them. So the Nazis really did want the Jews to leave... But also erected significant economic barriers to prevent them doing so.

There's also a significant factor that's present ITTL but not IOTL: The UK and France and Russia are all colonial powers. (Yes, Russia is a Colonial Power; Colonies don't magically stop being Colonies because you took the boats away.)

With that in mind, 'Deportation Solutions' might become the Falangist de rigueur. Remember that it took decades of propaganda, nearly a decade of Nazi rule and the dawning realisation that they were in for a long war to bring us to the Wannsee Conference.

I can't see the British allowing increased Jewish migration to Palestine; as far as I understand it, that was done only reluctantly and in response to the increasing numbers of Jewish Refugees.

But perhaps an involuntary Uganda Plan? Or maybe some combination of nutcases learns about Beta Israel and decides to invade Ethiopia to 'Reunite the European Jewry with their brethern' or something.
Thing is, the countries with the highest concentrations of Jews - Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine - are within the German sphere. They will at least have the benefit of the German army between them and the Russian Falangists. For that matter, by the time we get to WW2, I'd expect the German client states, particularly Poland and Ukraine, to be fielding sizable armies of their own.
And for that matter, the Jews in the area (both native and the ones that caught the trains before being put on the boats) will be eager volunteers.....
It was mentioned in Wages of Destruction that the Nazi policy was pro Jewish Emigration... But also, anti-Jewish Emigration. Because, you see, Jews that emigrate willingly generally try to take all their stuff with them. So the Nazis really did want the Jews to leave... But also erected significant economic barriers to prevent them doing so.

There's also a significant factor that's present ITTL but not IOTL: The UK and France and Russia are all colonial powers. (Yes, Russia is a Colonial Power; Colonies don't magically stop being Colonies because you took the boats away.)

With that in mind, 'Deportation Solutions' might become the Falangist de rigueur. Remember that it took decades of propaganda, nearly a decade of Nazi rule and the dawning realisation that they were in for a long war to bring us to the Wannsee Conference.

I can't see the British allowing increased Jewish migration to Palestine; as far as I understand it, that was done only reluctantly and in response to the increasing numbers of Jewish Refugees.

But perhaps an involuntary Uganda Plan? Or maybe some combination of nutcases learns about Beta Israel and decides to invade Ethiopia to 'Reunite the European Jewry with their brethern' or something.
That is intriguing and reasonable.
And for that matter, the Jews in the area (both native and the ones that caught the trains before being put on the boats) will be eager volunteers.....
Oh, absolutely.