The Death of Russia - TL

This discussion of who will get Russia's seat on the Security Council of the U.N. assumes that the U.N. will survive this disaster. Consider how she failed to prevent one of the worst if not the worst disaster since World War II. There are going to be many in every member nation who will be wondering if the U.N.'s time has come and gone. Simply put, will the U.N. survive the 90's?
I think it will. All the great powers knew they averted the end only due to their cooperation with each other. That strengthens the idea of the UN.
How would be Brazil then?
Well, apparently Brazil was 99% away from completing an operational military nuclear program in the 1990s but they dismantled it soon after.

TTL instead might see them decide to complete and maintain it, additional costs be damned, just to gain additional security.

Which can end up either being hit first to "save the world from the nuclear threat", or having a nuclear program makes them worthy of earning a seat (since they are firmly in the western camp rather than have a history as allies and trading partners of the USSR like India).
This discussion of who will get Russia's seat on the Security Council of the U.N. assumes that the U.N. will survive this disaster. Consider how she failed to prevent one of the worst if not the worst disaster since World War II. There are going to be many in every member nation who will be wondering if the U.N.'s time has come and gone. Simply put, will the U.N. survive the 90's?

I don't think that this means end for UN. It is not seen such failure as LoN. There might be some reforms but hardly abolishment and replacing by completely new organisation. Furthermore UN has already in 50 years established itself too well to just going away. And actually international cooperation worked well. World didn't end to flames and screaming. Futhermore UN is only organisation which could organise things on Western Russia.

No if UNSC logic is still that only winner powers of WW2 can be accepted to permanent members of UNSC. And China is immediately opposing that.

Member at least should be such which membership is fine for everyone. So clearly Japan is out.
I've been wondering how would historians, historiographers, and academics would view the April 10th Armageddon, considering the use of nuclear weapons which lead to sheer destruction and another wave of worst cultural loss.
This should be pretty obvious, but it got me thinking, with the utter destruction of Russia beyond all recognition, all documentations about what life were about in Russia before the calamity must be much, much more precious ITTL. It reminds me of this one documentary about Russian aviation shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union.

The Fallout series is probably going to be altered in a way where russia is more important to creating the nuclear apocalypse, instead of China.

There also might be a character or two that are russian, probably being dead inside
Do you think that Pushkingrad will ever make a serious attempt to "reclaim" what's left of European Russia (except for the parts that everyone is carving out for themselves) after NATO is done combing over the remains?

Russia in Pushkingrad only continues to exist due to goodwill and the need to have a 'legitimate' successor state. They do not have any means to carry out military actions without massive support from NATO.

But once the dust settles and countries like Finland, Ukraine, the Baltic states, and the newly formed ethnic states are done carving out pieces of Russia for themselves, there's still millions of people living in a nuclear wasteland.
The Fallout series is probably going to be altered in a way where russia is more important to creating the nuclear apocalypse, instead of China.

There also might be a character or two that are russian, probably being dead inside

Fallout series probably is delayed if not even fully abandoned. Not sure if it would be even very popular since people have too much experience about nuclear apocalypse.

Do you think that Pushkingrad will ever make a serious attempt to "reclaim" what's left of European Russia (except for the parts that everyone is carving out for themselves) after NATO is done combing over the remains?

I don't think so. It has not muscles, probably not much of will and speciality neigbors would are extremely paranoid about any unified Russia. Unified Russia is not allowed at least 100 years.

Russia in Pushkingrad only continues to exist due to goodwill and the need to have a 'legitimate' successor state. They do not have any means to carry out military actions without massive support from NATO.

True. And Pushkingrad is not allowed to do much without blessing of NATO.

But once the dust settles and countries like Finland, Ukraine, the Baltic states, and the newly formed ethnic states are done carving out pieces of Russia for themselves, there's still millions of people living in a nuclear wasteland.

True. There is going to be still lot of Russians left. If ethnic republics ever be re-established, these can't take all of Western Russia and probably not even want. I guess that there is massive level hate and loath towards everything what is Russian.

Rest of Russia is probably divided to multiple nations. So perhaps even re-birth of Novgorod Republic.
I don't think that this means end for UN. It is not seen such failure as LoN. There might be some reforms but hardly abolishment and replacing by completely new organisation. Furthermore UN has already in 50 years established itself too well to just going away. And actually international cooperation worked well. World didn't end to flames and screaming. Futhermore UN is only organisation which could organise things on Western Russia.

No if UNSC logic is still that only winner powers of WW2 can be accepted to permanent members of UNSC. And China is immediately opposing that.

Member at least should be such which membership is fine for everyone. So clearly Japan is out.
It can go a couple of ways: either the UN is seen as preventing an earlier intervention, and it is replaced by the "Global Alliance" / "Alliance of Democracies" (NATO+US allies in Asia and Latin America, potentially minus Turkey) or the UN is instrumental in organizing the intervention and relief in Russia, in which a reformed UN soldiers on. The easy change is grant the Russian seat to India. To my mind, anybody would require expanding or changing the role of the security council.
Tbf firstly I think the west will mostly rush into what was once European Russia and carve out various informal occupation zones, like Finland stretching to former Petrograd and Karelia is very possible and I think Ukraine will also take a lot of it's historical territories in the north of the Caucasus because it could be construed as theirs. There'd be a northern occupation zone a la Novgorod and a central occupation zone which is where former Moscow is (idk where the new capital is considering everything is nuked into nothingness). And all the ethnic republics. Maybe we see the Circassians getting more land too? Lebed will probably not enjoy this happening at all and we'd see him pivot to China while having good relations with the west (which works as China's de facto occupation zone).

On old Prussian I often see ppl say why they'd learn it, and one thing could be that a significant amount of the population just don't want to be Russian anymore and by switching to a different language like old Prussian it may be achieved. It just needs a good leader to lead the movement. I could see schools in Pushkingrad and it's environs offering both old Prussian and (regional) Russian.

The FEK is prob going to style itself as the fourth Rome considering European Russia got nuked to hell and the aurora would only help things along even if everyone knows it's due to an emp attack on Russia.

Tbf geopolitically speaking I think China is the worse off here. Even tho it basically controls all of central Asia they need do the extraction of resources by themselves and with less support from the west due to Japan and eventually Korea feeling the heat from China. Even though the rest of the world wants Chinese goods I still think there'll be more reservations than otl because of the Asian democracies not going along with it due to Chinese actions in north Korea.
Historical shooters, especially World War Two shooters such as Call of Duty where you fight as a Russian soldier, will probably play up just how harsher in hindsight the Soviet Unions’ victory over the Nazis was, with either an ending text box, narration or cutscene where this once proud veteran now only watches in horror as fascists and communists literally murder the country he once fought so hard to defend.
Tbf firstly I think the west will mostly rush into what was once European Russia and carve out various informal occupation zones, like Finland stretching to former Petrograd and Karelia is very possible and I think Ukraine will also take a lot of it's historical territories in the north of the Caucasus because it could be construed as theirs. There'd be a northern occupation zone a la Novgorod and a central occupation zone which is where former Moscow is (idk where the new capital is considering everything is nuked into nothingness). And all the ethnic republics. Maybe we see the Circassians getting more land too? Lebed will probably not enjoy this happening at all and we'd see him pivot to China while having good relations with the west (which works as China's de facto occupation zone).

On old Prussian I often see ppl say why they'd learn it, and one thing could be that a significant amount of the population just don't want to be Russian anymore and by switching to a different language like old Prussian it may be achieved. It just needs a good leader to lead the movement. I could see schools in Pushkingrad and it's environs offering both old Prussian and (regional) Russian.

The FEK is prob going to style itself as the fourth Rome considering European Russia got nuked to hell and the aurora would only help things along even if everyone knows it's due to an emp attack on Russia.

Tbf geopolitically speaking I think China is the worse off here. Even tho it basically controls all of central Asia they need do the extraction of resources by themselves and with less support from the west due to Japan and eventually Korea feeling the heat from China. Even though the rest of the world wants Chinese goods I still think there'll be more reservations than otl because of the Asian democracies not going along with it due to Chinese actions in north Korea.
Old Prussian was already extinct long ago. Pushkingrad might offer teaching both German and (regional) Russian language as they made an attempt to revive East Prussia.
Old Prussian was already extinct long ago. Pushkingrad might offer teaching both German and (regional) Russian language as they made an attempt to revive East Prussia.
Ik, and countries with willing populations have converted to learn a language that wasn't used before. Like Hebrew nowadays. I think if some dude who's charismatic leads a old Prussian movement well ppl will start learning and using old Prussian.
Ik, and countries with willing populations have converted to learn a language that wasn't used before. Like Hebrew nowadays. I think if some dude who's charismatic leads a old Prussian movement well ppl will start learning and using old Prussian.
Or either German, Polish, or Lithuanian.

Anyways, considering how much Turkic and Siberian influences can a regional dialect of Russian will evolve into Siberian as a language while the FEK will develop a language based on the Old Church Slavonic?

Since Baikonur was destroyed, what places China could launch rockets into the space?