The American battle of Nations and Events afterwards

New York City, July 13, 1804

The city was in uproar. Local politicians Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr had dueled, and Hamilton had been injured. Rumors had circulated for the past 2 days, that Hamilton was dead, or unconscious, or had struck Burr in response. But in the morning, the New York Evening Post had a very important message:

"Esteemed Citizens of New York, I would like to dispell the rumors floating around our city. Reports of my death are incorrect, and untrustworthy, for I have survived my confrontation with Vice President of these United States Aaron Burr. The bullet went through my side, but didn't strike any major blood vessels or organs. Just a few inches to Burr's right, and my liver would have been hit, and I wouldn't have been able to write this letter. .... Although weakened, I have survived. .... Please do not seek revenge against The Vice President. I have forgiven him in writing.... Signed, Alexander Hamilton".

The letter stopped the rumors at last. The city calmed, and Hamilton recovered. He continued to write, but little did he know, his survival would lead to great consequences, for a war in the future...
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