I was wondering about this idea for a long time now:

What if nomads of central asia (turks and mongols) kept their traditional faith and never converted to islam and buddhism? Your challenge is to make this happen. And if you manage to do this, how do you think this will affect the history of the area and rest of the world? How would it look like in 2023? How would other people and societies (especially russians, as they would conquer them later) interact with a pagan central asia? Will the world be better? I wish to hear your opinions.

The exceptions to this tengri area are azeris and turks (the ones that are out of the area). The POD is 300 AD. Have fun.
Not really, since Nestorian Christianity, Buddhism, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, and all sorts of local Iranian religions were popular.
Buddhism is not really exclusionary of traditional Tengriism, Mongolia is an example of that and the prevalence of Christianity and Manicheanism is a hot-issue among scholars on the subject, as we know they existed, but how much is a complete unknown, as well as their interactions with the Turks tradional beliefs.
Zoroastrianism as we know was the religion of the Iranian people on the region and its relationship with the Turks seemed to more of syncretism than dominance.