Sweden Joins the War

The Czar was being urged to seek a peace agreement with the Central powers. Things were getting worse with the German invasion of Finland and the Baltic coast. Now that the Ottomans were causing problems in the Caucasus region it was necessary to deal with the needs there also. Word arrived that the Italians had declared war on France. The French now faced having to maintain forces in the south and in North Africa. Italian forces were on the move and were expected to strike at the French colony near Ethiopia.
France now faced a threat in the south from the Italians but also in North Africa. The Royal and Imperial Austro-Hungarian Navy now was likely to venture south into the Med and tipping the balance against the French Navy. It was now clear that France would have to join Russia in seeking British mediation. Further it would have to do everything possible to keep the Italians in check. The clock was now ticking as the British applied Political pressure to end the war. The Czar let the people know that the government was now seeking to end the war and that the Central Powers needed to be kept in check from making more gains.
In the Caucasus region the Armenians vowed to fight and pledged loyalty to the Czar.
Britain held talks with Russia and France's Foreign Minister with regards to ending the war. A British Envoy had secretly met with Archduke Karl and the Austro-Hungarian Emperor. A senior German Delegation arrived in London. The British knew that this was a touchy thing to do but they viewed ending the war as soon as possible as the best way to assure stability in the world. Rumor had it that the Japanese were considering entering the war but on whose side was the question. President Woodrow Wilson was supporting ending the war and offered to help but he was not liked by the Czar or the Kaiser.
Both sides had positions which seemed to make peace a very difficult possibility. The Russians wanted a cease fire in place but the Central Powers said no but after some further talks expressed a willingness to give a little. The Germans were attempting to push the Russians out of Finland. Germany wanted an independent Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.Poland would be an independent buffer state.. Russia wanted more of Finland in Russian hands and a return of Estonia and White Russia. The British were able to get both sides to give a little. Then came news that Crown Prince Wilhelm had been seriously injured in a train crash and that the Kaiser had suffered a heart attack. The Kaiser's younger brother had returned to Berlin from his duties with the Imperial Navy to help his sisterin law
Rommel Had been dispatched to the North of Finland. In addition to his Mountain Regiment he had a Machine gun Company, artillery battalion, 2 Battalions of Finnish Jagers. Troop of Cavalry and a Battalion of Swedish Volunters. He was to capture the Nichol Mines and push the Russians out of Northern Finland. Nore reinforcements would be sent should he run into trouble.
Talks continued between the Central Powers and the allied Powers in London. On the Military front the Germans had finally cleared Finland of Russian Forces but the German Army in Finland was totally worn out. Without additional forces and equipment it was incapable of mounting an offensive to push into Russia. The Finnish Jager Battalions were split up and new recruits were being added on to them. That would give the Germans 4 Battalions and plans were to double that to 8 battalions and then double it again to 16 battalions. On the French Front there had only been small clashes as the French were now busy defending the southern Alps and there was fighting in East Africa and Tunisia. In the Caucasus region the Russians were holding the Turks in place.
France was now fighting a defensive war on its European Front. There was only a remote possibility that Italy could break through the Alp line. In North Africa the French Foreign Legion and Colonial units had stopped an Italian invasion of Tunisia. However in East Africa the Italians had superior manpower and had made some progress. In the Cameroons the German Colonial Forces had been fighting a defensive war.
German Intelligence had begun to receive serious intelligence that the Empire of Japan might be about to enter the war. Germany had greatly strengthen its base in China and had moved its warships out of the port. The Germans decided to warn the Italians that their Merchant ships might not be safe in the region. It was suggested that the Italians might move to the German base and add what military forces they had to the German and Austrians there.
The Germans spoke with the British regarding the real possibility of the war expanding into the Pacific and Asia while Britain was making an all out effort to end the war. The British Ambassador to Japan made an appointment to speak with the Japanese Foreign Minister and at the same time the British Foreign Minister David Lloyd George was speaking to the Japanese Ambassador. He made it very clear that Britain was against Japan entering the war and it might well result in an ending of the alliance between Britain and Japan.
The Germans , Austrians and Italians had now banded together to defend the German port. The Germans had been training Chinese troops to aid them in the defense.
The Kaiser's brother seemed to be supporting the effort to bring the war to a conclusion . Germany had remained on the defensive on its western front. The Italian-Austrian Navy now was able to challenge the French for control of the Med. In East Africa the Italians were applying the maximum Pressure on French and were beginning
Far East-Pacific-1938 a.PNG
to feel that they might take the French Colony but in Tunisia the French had beaten back an Italian thrust.
In Asia the Central powers were nervous that the War was about to expand.
In Asia the Central powers were nervous that the War was about to expand.
Japan would easily won all German East Asian possesion...specially one pretty close to australia...wonder if this will make a panic button in both side of pacific and atlantic too.
Australia and New Zealand have both informed the Imperial Government that any attempt by Japan to seize Germany's colonies close to them would require a response by them German Imperial Warships are in the region but are not regarded as capable of withstanding the Imperial Japanese Navy.Foreign Minister David Lloyd George has called in the Japanese Ambassador an issued a warning not to attack German territory. The Admiralty has ordered two Battle cruisers to the Pacific and several other warships to Indian Waters.
President Wilson has ordered the Navy to reinforce the Pacific fleet.
Germany had two armored Cruiser (SMS Scharnhorst and SMS Gneisenau) and 4 Light cruisers in the Far East at the start of the war in Europe. They had conducted some raids on the French territory but had done nothing to any power that they were not at war with
The German Imperial Navy set sail two of its Battle cruisers the SMS Moltke and SMS Goeben with a full load of coal. They raced through the English Channel with the full knowledge of the British government. They raced to Spain where they were refueled and then sailed across the Atlantic. They were met in Venezuela by charted coal carriers and proceeded to fill their bunkers again. They headed through the Panama Canal and proceeded westward toward the German Colonies meeting more charted coal ships.
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June 10, 1915 Romania declares war on Russia joining the Central Powers. With the threat of war with Japan the German Empire signed an agreement with Australia transferring control of German New Guinea to that country and it sold the Northern Marianas islands to the United States in a secret agreement.
On June 11,1915 Japan declared war on Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. On June 17 it landed troops in China and the Northern Marianas Islands. The United States Informed the Japanese Government that the Islands were US territory and to remove its forces from the islands. On June 18 the Republic of China demanded the removal of Japanese troops from its territory and when the Japanese refused it declared war on Japan on June 19,1915.
On June 18,1915 the government of Great Britain informed the Japanese Empire that the alliance between the two nations was now terminated.
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June 21,1915 Britain had achieved progress in its effort to get a peace agreement. A deadlock in North Africa had finally lead to an agreement for a cease fire in Africa and it appeared that with the Central Powers pushing deeper into Russia that a cease fire agreement was also close at hand.
Secretly Australia sold Coal to Germany for its warships. Germany proceeded to sink any Japanese Merchant ship that they came across.
As a neutral Australia can sell coal to anyone they want, if they want to observe the 24 hr rule for neutral harbors they can load a collier and transfer load at an opbscure bay