A non Kat possibility for the widening of the Trans-Atlantic Rift: There's LOTS of military equipment floating around in Europe and beyond. Some of it might find its way to the USA, and into the hands of "Colored people," as I believe they were still called. Some might even be Americans that served with the German army and know how to use the gear, and train locals. If a KKK meeting is obliterated with grenades and machine guns, this could get even messier.
Are fertilizer bombs like were used in OTL's Oklahoma City bombing known well enough that the bombings can escalate?
If harsh measures are being used in the south, without any concern about innocence or guilt, and there's questioning elsewhere if the harsh measures are necessary, Hoover or someone might even make sure that the terrorists have German equipment. After all, nothing unites a nation like a foreign enemy.

"Fertilizer" bomb, feh... You can literally buy a ton of dynamite at the local hardware store and they won't care, and this after a couple of decades of "Anarchist" throwing bombs at public figures and places, and we can assume gangster gun battles in the streets still. Nothing short of a clearly marked German bomber will get rural America stirred up enough to 'blame' the Germans if Americans kill Americans.

To unite against a 'foreign' enemy you have to literally PROVE they are both foreign and the enemy which Germany is not going to allow.

What the shit? This is literally how you wind up


Well Schultz is right of course but if needs, must and all that. Truman is literally screwing the pooch as this "incident" no matter the outcome nationally is going to give Schultz a 'handle' on him and I would be surprised if JEH isn't given a full account for the same use. On the other hand he feels he needs to send a no-nonsense message "straight" to the "proper authorities" and he's properly 'sussed' out the right channel. Of course Schultz is now useless as even a manager in the US as he's quite obviously gotten to high profile. I'm pretty sure he's going to be retiring soon.

The Germans will want Truman as the next President, you don't get handed many golden tickets like this after all. To be honest this version of Truman scares the heck out of me. This Truman will rule by Imperial decree as he sees fit in the "best" interests of America as he sees it and anyone who disagrees will find themselves conveniently dead.

Schultz "played" the blunt instrument, Harry IS one.

Well Schultz is right of course but if needs, must and all that. Truman is literally screwing the pooch as this "incident" no matter the outcome nationally is going to give Schultz a 'handle' on him and I would be surprised if JEH isn't given a full account for the same use. On the other hand he feels he needs to send a no-nonsense message "straight" to the "proper authorities" and he's properly 'sussed' out the right channel. Of course Schultz is now useless as even a manager in the US as he's quite obviously gotten to high profile. I'm pretty sure he's going to be retiring soon.
He just manhandeled a diplomatic staff member!

One with immunity, I suspect.
He just manhandeled a diplomatic staff member!

One with immunity, I suspect.

Very much so but he got what he needed and is going to make a 'deal' with Schulz to get the right message across to the right people. Like I said, scary. I take it back, Schulz is going to pass on the information about Dewey and then suggest every resource be put into ensuring THIS maniac does not sit in the White House because he IS a clear and present, (and future) danger to the world let alone Germany.

Gianna is screwing up by the numbers but I'm not sure she's at 'fault' here. I don't think anyone has suggested she see Peter but she damn well NEEDS to and badly. She is literally being forced to be what she sees as two VERY different people and she literally can NOT get away from that pressure. The "Princess" deliberately tossed out a shot that the "Cousin" KNEW was wrong on so many levels directly at Kat to GET Kat to leave. She's not a split personality, yet, but she's damn close and it would not surprise me to find out she's had blackouts and lost time episodes at this point. Gianna wants VERY badly to BE Gianna but she and everyone around her KNOW that is exactly who she can NOT be under the current circumstances. The "Princess" on the other hand may in some ways WANT to be 'forced' into becoming what Gianna does not and frankly this all makes sense with that understanding.

Lets really hope Kat mentions this latest to Peter and he takes the hint.

(I said I was going to go along but THIS! This is why I keep reading! :) )
“I will have you know that this is an international incident” Johann Schultz said indignantly.

It had taken a dozen men to drag in the German former Wrestler and Paratrooper in, five of them had ended up in the hospital in the process. Apparently, age had not dulled his abilities or ox-like strength. Everything that Truman had seen had suggested that Schultz was the blunt instrument he appeared to be. At the same time, he’d been in the Embassy Staff for years working on promoting cultural exchange in the field of sporting competition, he had been there for several different Ambassadors and was the institutional memory there. If one wanted to get word directly to Ambassador von Trumbauer and the German Government by extension it was said that Schultz was the best one to go through. Truman saw that Schultz was furious with him and he didn’t care.
OK, there is stupid, then there is STUPID, squared and bloody divided by zero.

Seriously I'm still gaping to the sheer unmitigated dumbfuckery of Truman. At least we are going to finally see WHAT Schultz is capable of pull when utterly enraged......
OK, there is stupid, then there is STUPID, squared and bloody divided by zero.

Seriously I'm still gaping to the sheer unmitigated dumbfuckery of Truman. At least we are going to finally see WHAT Schultz is capable of pull when utterly enraged......

I... don't think so. See I re-read the post and if I may:
The Germans might have perfected weapons that made what they had done in Japan look like a pleasant summer picnic. The fear was that if Dewey really stepped in it, the first indication that the nation was at war would be having every city on the Eastern Seaboard go up in flames as Krauts hit them with a sudden knockout blow. {Note nothing in TTL should give the impression that the German's would do such a thing. Frankly without "Pearl Harbor" the US nor anyone else wouldn't think this, but Truman does not strike me as one who would be above doing exactly that so... )The saving grace in all of this was that it seemed to be one sided. Dewey was blustering at the Germans and the German Diplomats were in turn sending queries to the US House and Senate asking how seriously they were supposed to take the President.

This situation brought no joy for Truman. While he was gearing up for a run against Dewey and his people were telling him that getting the nomination would present a greater difficultly than the election itself, politics stopped at the water’s edge. Dewey might be making a jackass of himself, but he was still representing America on the World Stage and to have him become a figure of mockery in the European Press was unacceptable. The question was, who to talk to in order to let them know that and not become the subject of that mockery himself. He figured making the Krauts know he meant business was the best way to go about doing that, by letting them know that he wasn’t snowed by their tomfoolery.

Note the part I put in bold. He's not afraid of the Atomic Bomb. Let that sink in. He also has no issue with the idea that someone could use it preemptively, though that may be just an artifact of the writing. (PM?) But THE important point is he is NOT AFRAID OF THE ATOMIC BOMB. As though he thinks it's 'neat' the Krauts have a toy but now is the time to show them what a 'real' threat is....

There was only ONE nation that was 'friendly' (Neutral at least) to Japan in the recent unpleasantness... And anything one of them "Asian's" can do Yankee ingenuity can do better... The Military might not be ready to fight a war but then again there are 'fights' and there are 'fights'...

I REALLY hope I'm wrong here....

I... don't think so. See I re-read the post and if I may:

Note the part I put in bold. He's not afraid of the Atomic Bomb. Let that sink in. He also has no issue with the idea that someone could use it preemptively, though that may be just an artifact of the writing. (PM?) But THE important point is he is NOT AFRAID OF THE ATOMIC BOMB. As though he thinks it's 'neat' the Krauts have a toy but now is the time to show them what a 'real' threat is....

There was only ONE nation that was 'friendly' (Neutral at least) to Japan in the recent unpleasantness... And anything one of them "Asian's" can do Yankee ingenuity can do better... The Military might not be ready to fight a war but then again there are 'fights' and there are 'fights'...

I REALLY hope I'm wrong here....

Yet he still thinks thinks that Schultz it's a muscle head, someone of rather limited influence, rather than the REAL influence and power of the individual.

That kind of barefaced challenge its only liable to end up with Schultz fucking over sideways Truman's career beyond hope in retaliation, and believe me that the bloody guy it's a virtuous to the hour of ruining someone's reputation.
This may be the time for a German charm offensive on the "Hearts and Minds" on the American people.

The Kaiser and Empress can make a state visit to America to thank the American people for buying war bonds, providing famine relief during the war, supplying the Germans and Allies in the Pacific, providing humanitarian help for Japanese civilians in the regained German Pacific Islands, and of course the care packages sent to the German families.

If that happens, I would expect that President Dewey will do something stupid during the visit like testing the "Little Boy" bomb.

Is FDR still alive, if so what is he doing now?
Part 43, Chapter 557
Chapter Five Hundred Fifty-Seven

9th August 1946

Washington DC

After today Schultz had absolutely no doubts about who the next President of the United States was going to be as he made his way back to the German Embassy. The Senator from Missouri had the intelligence to root out Schultz and the ruthlessness to carry out what needed to be done once he had him. The worst part was that Truman himself wasn’t the sort who was easily blackmailed, as near as Schultz could tell he lived that straight talk mantra of his. What Schultz needed was to get out of this damned country already. He’d been here for far too long, that much was reflected by how Truman had talked to him. The Senator seemed to have known exactly who he was and had allowed no bullshit or evasion. Schultz had it made clear to him that as far as Truman was concerned talking to him was a direct avenue back to the Government of Berlin.

What the Senator had to say was simple enough. Dewey wasn’t going to be around forever, and the changing of the Administrations was not necessarily going to change the policies. If the Germans made themselves an international nuisance the Americans were not afraid to lead the inevitable response against them. That their existing alliances had been based on convenience. For the British and French, a German dominated Europe was extremely inconvenient before they needed the Germans to fight the Japanese. Now the German Empire was extremely Goddamned inconvenient again. Atomic bombs might mean that Germany was an 800-pound gorilla, but military might was worthless when there was no market for German products and no resources to build them. So, underestimate the United States at your peril.

The message was heard loud and clear by Schultz and he was going to report exactly what happened to his superiors. Besides that, Helga was hoping that with his latest posting was winding down and he’d come home for real. For the various individuals in the US Government that Schultz had compromised it would seem like a dream come true, until they learned who his replacement was. That was going to be a particularly dark day for Hoover in particular. Schultz saw then that this situation could have a bright side after all. Running the operations from the back room of the Model V8 Jazz Club in Berlin with John Elis and Juan Pujol-Garcia was a whole lot more fun anyway.

12th August 1946


“I don’t know what to do about Gia” Kat said, “Everything she’s doing seems to be calculated to anger me, get her exposed or both.”

“My only surprise is that this didn’t happen sooner” Peter replied, “The fear that kept her hidden went away to an extent with the end of the Soviet Union and the executions of the men who had ordered her death.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“You spent years teaching Gia to be strong and independent” Peter said, “Now she’s trying to figure out her own identity while being pulled in several directions and no longer has the specter of the NKVD to maintain her focus.”

“Do you have any idea of the sort of thing she said to me on Friday night?” Kat said.

“Judging by your tone I’d say it pushed the absolute limits of what someone could say to you without actual blood being spilled.”

That gave Kat pause, that had hit the nail right on the head. “What am I going to do about this?” She asked.

“I’d suggest that you not do any more than you are already doing” Peter replied, “You once asked about having Gianna see someone about her issues when she first came here, nothing ever came of that.”

“Things got better” Kat said, “She adjusted, started school and made friends. Life Happened”

“You mean to say that things got papered over and everyone got on with their lives” Peter said, “How well has that worked out in your own personal experience?”

Kat sat there, her jaw clinched. She knew about her own problems and who they had manifested themselves. She knew that Peter was probably correct here and it meant that she might have made a huge mistake when it came to Gia.

“If you want I’ll find time to talk to her” Peter said, “Get an impression regarding what’s going on.”

“Don’t you already have a large number of responsibilities?” Kat asked, “Considering how high up you are.”

“I’m only responsible for the mental health of the entire OKW” Peter said, and was a bit amused at watching the Kat’s astonished look. It took a lot to surprise her these days. “But mostly that involves telling a rather large staff how to direct people who deal with people who have weapons and the training to use them who don’t need or want direction. I prefer to deal with actual patients a few hours each day, so I have some idea about what’s really going on.”

“I’m glad I am worthy of your attention” Kat said.

“You’re a special case” Peter said, “You were sort of grandfathered in and there are very few others in my profession who have the clearance to talk to you.”

“That also applies to Gia?”

“Not really” Peter replied, “Her personal relationships mean that anyone who sees her would need to be cleared and documents assuring confidentiality under Penalty of Law would need to be signed. It would be far easier to just use the fact that she’s still your dependent to have me see her.”

“You’d do that?”

“It would be no problem” Peter said. He probably owed it to Kat considering that she was the subject of several published papers and a couple of ongoing studies. He would need her good will if she ever figured that out.

“How do you convince Gia to come in?” Kat asked, “She’s an adult now.”

“How do I convince you to come in?” Peter replied, “Let me deal with that.”
It had taken a dozen men to drag in the German former Wrestler and Paratrooper in, five of them had ended up in the hospital in the process. Apparently, age had not dulled his abilities or ox-like strength. Everything that Truman had seen had suggested that Schultz was the blunt instrument he appeared to be. At the same time, he’d been in the Embassy Staff for years working on promoting cultural exchange in the field of sporting competition, he had been there for several different Ambassadors and was the institutional memory there. If one wanted to get word directly to Ambassador von Trumbauer and the German Government by extension it was said that Schultz was the best one to go through. Truman saw that Schultz was furious with him and he didn’t care.

Oh yes, this is totally a smart idea.

The message was heard loud and clear by Schultz and he was going to report exactly what happened to his superiors. Besides that, Helga was hoping that with his latest posting was winding down and he’d come home for real. For the various individuals in the US Government that Schultz had compromised it would seem like a dream come true, until they learned who his replacement was. That was going to be a particularly dark day for Hoover in particular. Schultz saw then that this situation could have a bright side after all. Running the operations from the back room of the Model V8 Jazz Club in Berlin with John Elis and Juan Pujol-Garcia was a whole lot more fun anyway.


Damn, this had better be good.
Oh yes, this is totally a smart idea.
Damn, this had better be good.

Apropos of the action focusing on Washington, DC I mostly cribbed the following from John Master's The Glory and the Dream in my 183rd Survey Group:
183rd Survey Group:1920 - 09

In the 1920s and 1930s, Washington, DC was a village that ranked fourteenth in size among American cities, and was a long way down the list of world capitals, all 65 of them. It was an assignment that foreign diplomats loathed due to its wilting heat, dense humidity and dismal provincialism. There were fewer than 2,000 foreign service officers. A significant part of DC was actively being farmed. Trolleycars on the streets mixed with automobiles and horses, with the horses contributing an order of magnitude more to the air pollution.The entire US military was 132,000 men, smaller than those of Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Spain, Romania and Poland. It had 1,000 obsolete tanks and 1,500 obsolete airplanes. Big national problems were decided in New York, where the money and power were.

This is was about the OTL 1920s and 1930s but probably not quite accurate in TTL's 1946. I think that the city is somewhat less of a provincial backwater (but still located in a fetid swamp:cool:) but OTL's aggrandizement of power by the Federal Government has been ameliorated.
"Fertilizer" bomb, feh... You can literally buy a ton of dynamite at the local hardware store and they won't care, and this after a couple of decades of "Anarchist" throwing bombs at public figures and places, and we can assume gangster gun battles in the streets still.

Schultz "played" the blunt instrument, Harry IS one.


I suspect that, in the south, blacks can't buy dynamite at all easily now. Anarchists are not color coded, whereas in the south at this time, threats are are color coded. Even if they can buy it, as soon as something blows up, anyone that bought dynamite is likely to get lynched.

On another note, Truman seems to be oblivious to the fact that he can end up very dead, very tracelessly, if that's needed for Germany's safety.
I got the impression that Shultz has a lot of respect for Truman and is going to report back to Berlin that Truman is someone who will not play games with them and will keep his promises and is someone that they can deal with.
Can Anyone explain what the US currently have against the Germans? Before WW2 they were more or less ok with the empires doing their thing and they were ok with being militarily weak. Having influence in eurasia switch to Germany would Seem of little difference in the Big picture?