Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

Part 152, Chapter 2763
Chapter Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Three

21st February 1979

Duisburg, Westphalia

“At least no one got hurt Sir” Erich said to the Prosecutor who was in charge of the operation, earning himself several angry glairs in the process. That wasn’t quite true. There were a whole lot of hurt feelings and bruised egos in the room as they tried to reconstruct what exactly had gone wrong. It had been a multiagency operation, so there was a whole lot of blame to go around.

They had been expecting to raid a warehouse there in Duisburg less than a kilometer from the Naval base where supposedly a large amount of cocaine was being shipped through. Instead, there had been crates containing thousands of posters depicting a kitten hanging off a tree branch with the words “Hang in there baby!” spelled out across it in English. For Erich it wasn’t that bad, his part had gone well enough even if he had not known it at the time. He and his men were ordered to remain on the road outside the warehouse to stop anyone coming in or going out. Before the operation, they had all been given “Sealion” shoulder patches to sew on even if that wasn’t really who they were. The idea was that once they were in uniform, wearing the balaclavas that were required to be worn by Special Forces when they knew there was a good chance that they would be seen by the Press, no one needed to know anything else about them. Erich had no idea what was actually happening inside the warehouse until a Reporter recognized that he was an Oberleutnant and asked him his opinion about the unfolding debacle.

In the end, Erich had not seen anyone come out of the warehouse when everyone else had come in the other side. Hours later, a tunnel to another warehouse was found and things got really embarrassing. On the roof of the other warehouse the smuggling ring that they had been there to bust had set up lawn chairs and popcorn as they kicked back and watched the police and various other officials trip over their own dicks. In addition to the posters, the only other thing of note was the eye and dagger sigil of the GS, the Society of Silence, that someone had painted on a wall, meaning that the smugglers they had been trying to catch were not the expected crooks they normally dealt with. It seemed that the Navy wasn’t the only ones who wanted the world to know exactly who was involved. And whoever was in charge of this particular crew had a twisted sense of humor.

24th February 1979

Rome, Italy

“Do you understand the implications of your brother’s gift to you?” Amedio said happily.

“Other than how I will be crucified if anyone unfriendly ever finds out” Nan replied, “Friedrich says that I shouldn’t worry about that because it is something that people won’t care about because the story he had spun up is something that they will want to believe.”

Over the last week the people of Brandenberg had discovered that they not only had a Margravine, but they had sort of had her for years as the Press had breathlessly reported that the young ward of Louis Ferdinand von Preussen was exactly that. All that Freddy had done was make it official according to the story that he had spun, while it was complete load of manure, there were several key elements of the story that were true. Nan, her tragic past, and how she had been taken in by distant cousins. He had been absolutely right about how people would just eat it up.

“Every Royal House in Europe employs teams of people who have no other job than to manage their public image” Amedio said, “To help sweep all the unseemly little details under the rug. Who has a number of bastards scattered about because they cannot keep it in their pants, or who’s father isn’t actually their father, stuff like that. Your brother’s proclamation about your paternity would barely tip the scale when it comes to the sort of wild things I’ve heard about. Besides, do you really know you are not a descendant of the last Margrave? For all you know you could be.”

Freddy had told her that she still had a whole lot to learn. Over the last week, Nan had learned far more than she had ever imagined. But just what had she imagined her life would be like? Flying was the only thing she felt she had ever been good at. Then there was Amedio. Just where had she had thought that was going? He was wonderful even if he was more than a decade older than her.

“This will be particularly good for us” Amedio said, “It sidesteps most of the questions that people would have. There is already speculation about that, your comings, and goings in and out of Rome have not gone unnoticed.”

“Us?” Nan asked.

“Of course, us” Amedio replied, “My mother really wants to meet you and as I said, this sidesteps so many questions.”

“Oh” Nan said. Suddenly this was a lot more serious than she had figured it would ever be. She had been flying over the Alps to visit because it had been fun. Amedio had been making plans and considering how happy he was, it was going to be hard to pound her misgivings into his head.
Erich you are getting correct footwear without even asking you are either going up in military value, going on a operation.

Turns out its both.
There could be a leak in on of the law enforcement agencies that were conducting the raid and the bad guys were tipped off, or there is corruption on a massive scale.
Either way, there are going to be a lot of internal investigations going on with the real good prospects of outside players joining in the investigations.

Ritchie should be crossed-deputized into other agencies like US Marshals, DEA, Border Patrol, Customs, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, US Secret Service among other things.
He is also going to coordinate US activities with those from other countries as both his time as an LAPD Sergeant and a Special Forces member gives him a certain credibility with other countries law enforcement agencies.
I wonder how much this organization is on Kat and her other family and friends radar? If this is a group that is not sanctioned by her or has been trying and step up their actives might just bring some unwanted scrutiny from her and other people in other countries. Given the Christians In Actions past associations and activities, this sounds just like something they might be involved in.
Part 152, Chapter 2764
Chapter Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Four

26th February 1979

Mitte, Berlin

Gabi was seated at her desk while Sophie was laying backwards on Gabi’s bed, her head over the edge and her hair hanging towards the floor. Sophie was listening to the music that Gabi had written with her eyes closed, shutting out everything else.

“What did you think?” Gabi asked as she finished playing the tape of the piece of music that she had been working on for weeks.

“It was different” Sophie replied.

It was a musical trio that Gabi had put together as a study. Electric Bass guitar, piano, and Alto Saxophone. Gabi had been able to play the first two instruments in the recording sessions and had recruited a fellow student at the Stern Conservatory to play Sax. The recordings had gone well enough, but the Sax player had been angling to do far more than just be a Session Musician working with Gabi. So, he was someone who Gabi would not be working with in the future.

Gabi knew that her sister wasn’t exactly the best judge for this sort of thing. While Sophie messed around with the piano when she was in Gabi’s apartment, it was incredibly obvious that Sophie didn’t know one end of the keyboard from the other. The weird part was that Sophie seemed aware of intervals and tended to hit notes in the key of G Major, which was a massive percentage of popular music. Three cords and the truth, all that. That was perfectly fitting with how Sophie tended to listen to whatever just happened to be on the radio.

The piece of music that Gabi had written was influenced by an American Composer and Jazz musician who had used a Fender J-Bass in a ways that no one had ever thought of. Then ended up in a Pennsylvania State Mental Hospital with a Manic Depression diagnosis. That last part was a bit of a sour note for Gabi. It seemed like Guitar heroes were a dime a dozen, but an actual innovator on Bass, a Soloist, is a certified nut case. Gabi had not mentioned that to Sophie. Knowing her sister’s dark sense of humor, it was all too easy to anticipate what her reaction would be. Sophie would laugh herself silly.

“I think that Angelica would like this” Sophie said.

That surprised Gabi. She had met Angelica de Medici, who was a part of Sophie’s found family a few times, curiously Italian and extremely pretty. Gabi being Sophie’s half sister always resulted in awkward questions whenever she went to Sophie’s home in Tempelhof. She was sure that the questions would go the other way, except it was only Gabi and her mother in the apartment they lived in near the city center.

Los Angeles, California

It was raining when the bus dropped Stevie off, and he had stomped in the water running down the street as he walked up the hill until he made it to the front yard of his house. His mother was at work but like most afternoons, his father was already home having left for work in the early morning hours. Stevie was happy about the “A” he had gotten for the one-page double-spaced essay he had written in school. The assignment had been easy enough.

What did he want to do when he grew up?

He had written all about how his Dad and Uncle Mario had traveled all over the world in the Army. He had seen how wherever his Dad went it seemed like everyone knew that he was the toughest guy in the room without him even having to say a word. There was also the green Army Dress uniform that Stevie had seen his father wear to events where the family was required to attend. People there saw the Green Beret and medals, things which Stevie had seen commanded great respect. Stevie had said that he wanted to be like his father.

Things took a turn though when Stevie got home and found his father working in the daylight basement at the typewriter. Dad never said what he was working on when he did that, but the safe bolted to the house’s foundation in the basement closet suggested that it was important. Dad had seemed happy that Stevie had aced the essay but had told him to never mention the essay to Mom. Dad said that they wanted him to aspire to better things, his mother would get extremely upset if Stevie chose enlistment and everything that came with it. In fact, she would probably be happy if Stevie became a ne’er-do-well like Stanley next door simply because it came with far less risk.

Stevie didn’t get that. For starters, what was a ne’er-do-well? Stan was always skating and surfing, even showing Stevie a few tricks on the BMX bike he had gotten for Christmas. Stan was cool in a way that few other grownups ever were. With that, Stevie had been told to go do something quiet, but to stay in the basement. His father was working but still needed to keep an eye on the children, meaning Stevie and his little sister Kristie. The trouble with that was that while Kristie was happy enough with her own toys, she wanted to be involved in whatever Stevie was doing. That was why he wasn’t allowed Legos along with a host of other things, his parents said that it was a choaking hazard. From Stevie’s perspective, that was incredibly unfair. He had never asked for a little sister, so couldn’t they take her back to the store and exchange her for something that wasn’t totally useless?

As soon as those words had left his mouth, Stevie knew that he had said something that he would regret for the rest of his life. His parents had found that hilarious, even going so far as calling Grandma Concha and getting him to repeat what he had said to her.
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From Stevie’s perspective, that was incredibly unfair. He had never asked for a little sister, so couldn’t they take her back to the store and exchange her for something that wasn’t totally useless?
I was 4 in 1978 when my brother was born. When asked by my grandmother what I thought about my new baby brother, my reply was that he was ok but I'd have rather had a dog. So it's a thought process of little kids from time immortal I think.
From Stevie’s perspective, that was incredibly unfair. He had never asked for a little sister, so couldn’t they take her back to the store and exchange her for something that wasn’t totally useless?
The older of my two younger sister's said almost the same thing when we first met our little sister. She was totally disgusted because she had really wanted a little brother.
Ritchie and Lucia wants their children to have all the opportunities and options that they didn’t have, so between Ritchie’s pay as a Warrant Officer and Lucia’s salary as Assistant Manager at Ralph’s, they could afford a good Catholic School in the area and with some scholarships latter on a Catholic High School.
Part 152, Chapter 2765
Chapter Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Five

1st March 1979

Rhine River, South of Bonn

Watching the riverbank roll past, Erich was trying to sort his thoughts by writing a letter to Gretchen, he felt that he needed to give her a brief description of the F-Boat. Before he had left Judenbach, his mail had finally caught up with him. There was a stack of letters that had taken him a few days to get through. There were the expected letters from his parents, trying to make him feel guilty about the course that his life was taking. He had thrown those away without a second thought. Far more welcome were the letters from Gretchen. Included among those was a photograph of Gretchen, with Mathilda and Eddi. The three of them looked like they were laughing and having a lot of fun. Gretchen said in her letter that had been at the procession followed by massive street festival in Berlin marking Carnival or Fastelavend depending on whether or not you were Catholic or Protestant. Gretchen said that it would have been better if Erich had been able to make it. Perhaps next year.

Erich had the challenge of telling Gretchen what he had been doing in his letter. Without telling her too much though. She made clear that she wasn’t too thrilled by his silence over the last couple months, though she figured that he had a good reason.

Getting on a squadron of F-Boats headed up the Rhine after what had happened in Duisburg seemed like a good idea. Erich’s mind kept going back to how unimaginative the Navy could be. Type III, meaning that boat was the third version of what was essentially the same thing, 10-Meter, which was the length, and finally, F-Boat, which was short for River Patrol Boat.

Oberdeckoffizer Meyers, who commanded the squadron of boats being used on this little excursion had told Erich all about his boats. Starting that the hull was made of fiberglass. It had a 20mm cannon on a Scarff ring in the bow-section and an MG42/56 that could go on a swivel mount just aft of the cockpit. Meyers said that his crew kept the 20mm under a rubberized canvas cover and the machine gun was kept in the weapons locker. They were less likely to scare people that way. The boats were powered by a pair of the marine diesels made by Junkers of the sort that were found everywhere in the Navy, so much so that Erich had become certain that someone high up in procurement must have stock in that company. Apparently, the boat used a jet propulsion system that Erich was a bit surprised worked. According to Meyers, the whole thing had been shamelessly copied from an American design a couple decades earlier and no one had come up with anything better in the years since.

Erich had split his men between the boats, the crews being perfectly happy to have the extra muscle. He was also spared having to listen to Dreher for a few hours. Feldwebel Dreher was a solid man, good in a fight. The trouble was that the rest of the time Dreher was not shy about torturing everyone around him with his opinions and dour perspective.

“You ought to see this in the summertime” Meyers yelled over the sound of the engines. “There are pleasure barges and boats all through here, a real party.”

Of course Timo and Udo, the two youngest members of Erich’s men, who he had made sure remained close were eating Meyers’ stories up. It seemed that Meyers had joined the Navy about thirty odd years earlier as soon as he was old enough to see the world. Instead, he had been sent to the Riverine Navy. Despite the Polish War having been the only time he had ever been in actual combat, Meyers time in the Navy had been eventful. It seemed like every bend in the river or stretch of canal had a story behind it.

Dublin, Ireland

After two months, matters finally boiled over.

Jackie had done her level best with Marie Alexandra; Marie had been fun when she had visited Jackie’s family in prior years. Unfortunately, living with her was a completely different experience.

The last straw had had been what had happened with Colm Berne.

After months of work, Jackie had contrived to get Colm to come over to help her study when she had other things in mind. It had been going swimmingly right up until Marie came home. Colm took one look at her, and Jackie had been completely forgotten. As Marie had been putting away the groceries she had gotten from the list that Fianna had left for them, Colm had gone to help her with that and preparing dinner. Jackie had been left stewing on the couch as she had watched all of this unfold. The worst part had been that as Colm had tried to chat up Marie, she had seemed completely oblivious to it.

For weeks, Jackie had put up with it, but that was just too much. Once Colm had gone home, she had been understandably upset with Marie. Only to get an apathetic response in return, because as it turned out arguing with Marie was like yelling at a wall. In a fit of pique Jackie had called her father and told him that she wanted to move back home, only to be told “No.”

“The plan was that your presence would help Marie not withdraw into herself like she tends to do and in turn she would keep you out of trouble” Jackie’s father said in the tone he used when talking to a recalcitrant client who owed him a considerable amount of money. “It sounds like it is working exactly like we intended Jacqueline.”

“What do you mean by we” Jackie asked in reply. Even as she asked that, she had a feeling that she wasn’t going to like the answer.
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Ok. Is Jackie female JFK Jr in this ATL?

I mean, yeah, full on Irish wife, living in Ireland, different circumstances completely, but is this kinda what it's meant to be?
Ok. Is Jackie female JFK Jr in this ATL?

I mean, yeah, full on Irish wife, living in Ireland, different circumstances completely, but is this kinda what it's meant to be?
Not really. In OTL JFK Jr. was older at this point. It started as joke when JFK's wife in TTL, Bridget O'Luain, was pregnant she said that she was carrying "Jack Junior" and then gave birth to a girl. Jack Junior became Jaqueline as soon as that was noticed.
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Despite the Polish War having been the only time he had ever been in actual combat,
Is this where, in the course of his stories, he mentions a crazy engineer, who persuaded him to take a unit to outflank a Polish army unit or other.

Funny guy, dead spit of the Kaiser too...
Jack and Bridget must be very thankful to whomever came up with the plan for Marie and Jacqueline to live with each other.
Colm Berne sounds like he is a cad and a rake who only wanted one thing from Jackie.
Fortunately for Jackie, Colm didn't have the discipline to keep on target and showed his true colors by trying to chat up Marie.
What Jackie should do to get Marie out of her shell a little bit is to introduce Marie to someone that speaks a language that Marie doesn't knows, that way Marie will almost always try to learn a new language if she gets interested in the person.
At this point he may have been butterflied. Or the US ignored him even more. Cause according to Wikipedia in that link, Bill started with the American design.
That or a case of we can steal from the Americans but won't steal from the Commonwealth/UK because we do have some what good relations with them and just might have to pay them for something.