Star Wars scripts just found

Lets, for the moment, pretend we live in a world where George Lucas never any backing for his grand SciFi epic. Lets further assume that he went on to play around with his baby, and wrote the scripts for the original trilogy, and a rough outline of the prequel trilogy. This would have Episode IV almost the same as in our history, and Episodes V and VI very close, while leaving the prequels open to more re-invention.

Distraught over the failure of his life's work, Lucas dies of whatever in the 80s or 90s. Around 2000, some studio dusts off the scripts and decides to give it a go, just episode 4 for now.

Ignoring all the butterfly effects (without star wars, there's likely no Alien, no Indiana Jones, etc. etc.), who gets cast for the movie? Who directs it? I know Lucas stayed mostly with no-names, but that'd be a cop out for this exercise, so pick people who have some small level of fame at least in our history. Assume that we can have whoever we want for the movie (anyone that would be too pricey just so happens to fall in love with the script).


With that, I vote Natalie Portman for Princess Leia. Yeah, its cheap. But, I was browsing through some drawings of other actresses in the Leia bikini (nobody ever does the cinnamon buns :( ), and I really liked how Portman looked (well, I liked how they all looked, but she looked closest to how we think of Leia, for obvious reasons). And she's definitely hotter than Fischer (I always found the character of Leia hotter than Fischer herself).
Anyway, here's Natalie Portman as Princess Leia (the same guy also did a good one of Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima).

Hmm, who would get to play Han? I doubt anyone could make him as great a character as Ford did in OTL (incidentally, Ford will probably never break into acting)... and who's old and distinguished enough to play Obi-Wan?

Hell, who would the director be? If the studio thinks it'll be a big hit maybe they'll get a big name... a Scorcese Star Wars, for example, might be interesting, though we might get DiCaprio as Luke.

Of course, all of that's avoiding the major butterflies no SW would have on such a world anyway- would a different movie series just take its place? And does Lucas still do some of the other things he did in OTL, like his partnership with Spielberg?
Michael Caine would be a fantastic Obi-wan, esspecially if you make him look like he did in Children of Men.
Michael Caine would be a fantastic Obi-wan, esspecially if you make him look like he did in Children of Men.

Hmm can Caine really read Obi Wan's lines with sincerity on his face and not a sarcastic smirk?? Obi Wan is wise as well as world weary. Roy Dotrice might be capable and would cost less $$$.

Matthew McConaughey is a likely Hans Solo.

Scarlett Johannson might make a interesting Leia. Portman comes across as little too fey.

Luke is a hard role to cast.
Scarlett Johannson wouldn't make a very good Leia

Hayden Christiensen would be good as Luke, or Tom Welling
If it was made now then i think Di Caprio could get the role of Luke, mainly unknowns for the other roles and a more well known to play Luke
I think Michael J. Fox could play either Luke or Han (asuming that he isn't to sick)
Bruce Willis as Darth Vader?

and since this is and nobody mentioned it before, there is this actress with the initials K K ... if she could play Elizabeth Bennet, she could also play Leia
I think Michael J. Fox could play either Luke or Han (asuming that he isn't to sick)
Bruce Willis as Darth Vader?

Michael J Fox might make a good Luke. I don't think he's cynical enough to play Han

And no to Bruce Willis as Vader. Julian McMahon could make a good Vader though. He plays Dr.Doom in the Fantastic Four movies. His intial appearences in Rise of the Silver Surfer are very reminiscent of Darth Sidious in Star Wars. He could make a great Sith Lord.
Good call for on Richard Dean Anderson for Han, but how about John C McGinley from Scrubs? Might not have the necessary cool though. Or for something totally different, Samuel L Jackson:cool:

How about Ian McKellern for Obi Wan? Or Ben Kingsley (possibly the best actor around full stop)

Can still see Ewan Mcgregor being involved, maybe as Luke? Although someone might want to be true to Lucas and cast an unknown in the title role

Kate Winslet as Leia? or go in a different direction with Cameron Diaz?

Will Smith as Lando Calrissian?:D

Here's the really difficult one though - who could possibly give Darth Vader
1. The manace in the voice that James Earl Jones gave him
2. The sheer physical presence of David Prouse (it's a really under-rated piece of purely physical acting from him, absolutely sensational)
Well, James Earl Jones could still do Darth Vader's voice.

Some of the suggestions people are giving - DiCaprio as Luke, Richard Dean Anderson as Han - aren't thinking of those actors in terms of their ages today (or in the year 2000). Remember, Luke has to be about 20 years old and Han about 30 years old. And Michael J Fox couldn't play Luke, both because he was about 40 years old at that point and because of his Parkinson's Disease.
Maybe Caine could be Grand Moff Tarkin? I don't know how Caine is at being the villain, but I could see it, maybe. Although, Christopher Lee could make an amazing Tarkin.

Hayden as Luke doesn't do it for me. I haven't seen him act well, but then, I've only seen him in Star Wars. DiCaprio probably could do it well, but, at least to me, I've never seen him play a role as a naive nobody. He's always pretty worldly and clever.

I really like having Richard Dean Anderson as Han Solo.
And Will Smith could make a good Calrissian.

But that brings up a good point, we don't necessarily have to cast someone that looks like the OTL character. After all, Solo was originally going to be a lizard. Will Smith could pull off a god Han Solo, too (but he might be a better Calrissian, so that would force us to find someone else). Personally, I think the ability to act like the character's personality is more important than how they look (other than things such as age).
if lucas died and star wars was never green lighted, thered be no scripts to find.

this site:

shatters the idea that lucas had any of this, aside from a vauge and very incomplete outline, planned out in advance.. if star wars is never given the green light, then lucas would never have assembled the group which helped him put star wars together.
Well, James Earl Jones could still do Darth Vader's voice.

Some of the suggestions people are giving - DiCaprio as Luke, Richard Dean Anderson as Han - aren't thinking of those actors in terms of their ages today (or in the year 2000). Remember, Luke has to be about 20 years old and Han about 30 years old. And Michael J Fox couldn't play Luke, both because he was about 40 years old at that point and because of his Parkinson's Disease.

For some reason I thought he died a few years ago, but having checked now I was wrong.
Well, without Lukas we might not have so much computer generated characters,

so, if it ever goes as far as Episode I,

what about Weird Al as Jar Jar Bings?


Jar Jar wasn't in the original plot sketch at all.... he wasn't even in when lucas first thought of the prequels. (which was after the first three films....)

He was horrible comic relief, although I guess the nostalgia of C-3P0 and R2-D2 won't be there to counter him.....