Soviet-American political union

How would the world have coped; if for some reason the USSR, USA, Canada and Mexico united into one nation?

OOC: The reason i'm having Canada and Mexico is so to fill up the land of the North American Union.
This should be in ASB, to be entirely honest...

Aside from that, wowza! You'd have an industrialized nation with almost as many people as China or India! RusCanAmMex will be by far the dominant superpower--make that hyperpower--for a long, long time. The huge military and economic power of this state would probably make every other country on the planet either unite with others out of fear or essentially become vassals of this giant federation.
How would the world have coped; if for some reason the USSR, USA, Canada and Mexico united into one nation?

OOC: The reason i'm having Canada and Mexico is so to fill up the land of the North American Union.

This is completely oddball ASB. What made you think that a "communist" kleptocracy like the USSR would ever unite with the United States?
I believe, Brian Aldiss' book "80-minute hour" had this... monster, but it's "future history". And ASB, of course. You'll need major shift in people's mind to accept this union.
Still if you somehow can avert the Cold War and instead provide some kind of Marshall plan to USSR (which is accepted and that's another major "if") that could, potentially, and with inhumanely wise and understanding leadership on both sides lead to such union. Well, ASB as said...
There's a book called USSA (actually there is more than one book with this title) where it almost happens the other way round. USA conquers USSR after a limited nuclear war in the 1980s (?). It's a long-time since I read it, but I don't think Canada or Mexico are mentioned.

And of course, there's also Jerry Pournelle's future history series, which has the US and USSR joining into a very close alliance, including a combined military and some combined governmental mechanisms (Grand Senate)

(On a similar topic, years ago I remember seeing a book called UK/US or US/UK were the countries merge, but never read that one. There is another book where the UK and US merge called 51st State which I have read and is quite good).
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Yeah, not plausible in the slightest.

My own TL has America and the Soviet Union about as buddy-buddy as they could possibly be, and the eventual ramifications of conflicting interpretations of the same basic ideology plus realpolitik still leads to a Cold War after the honeymoon ends.

For the record, to get to that point I had to turn the world upside down by quashing the Progressive movement in the United States, keep the Socialist's opposition to WWI from destroying them, keep them from splitting into competing revolutionary and reformist factions, and get a successful communist revolution in America in the early 30s.
And of course, there's also Jerry Pournelle's future history series, which has the US and USSR joining into a very close alliance, including a combined military and some combined governmental mechanisms (Grand Senate)


Yeah, that was a fairly good series. Actually it was created as a backdrop for A Mote in God's Eye, a Pournelle/Niven work.

It dealth with the old idea that as the Cold War went on it was inevitable that the both Powers would have to become less ideological and move evolve towards each other.

Very implausable of course, but quite well done. I would recommend it as a good military sci-fi series.

Oh, and the books all take place well after the Condominium was founded.
How would the world have coped; if for some reason the USSR, USA, Canada and Mexico united into one nation?

OOC: The reason i'm having Canada and Mexico is so to fill up the land of the North American Union.

Look up Falkenberg's Legion its a Sci-fi Military story about a mercenary at the break up of the Codominium set in the late 21st or 22nd century. Space is colonized and Earth sis ruled by a, you guessed it, a Codominium between the US and the USSR. Needless to say things got expensive and corrupt and so people agitated for change. I think the author's name is Pournelle.
Years ago I read a magazine article (shortly after the end of the Cold War '97 or '98) that Russia was considering actually selling Siberia. Not just the mineral rights but a big chunk. I think it was mainly academics talking.

Unite North America (maybe not that ASB - dunno) and then sell Siberia to the USoNA (United States of North America). Minus the Caucasus oil there would still be a huge wealth in minerals!
Years ago I read a magazine article (shortly after the end of the Cold War '97 or '98) that Russia was considering actually selling Siberia. Not just the mineral rights but a big chunk.

Sure. The same way Siberian Indipendence happened, or the capital got moved to Novosibirsk/Nizhniy/Mukhosransk, or Russia's republics all declared indipipipiendence, the same way they got Alaska back, and then proceded to wash their boots in the Indian ocean.

This is an odd idea. Makes sense for a space opera, not so much for the immediate future.
Yeah, well, take your idea to the ASB forum where it belongs.

Come on, he put it in Post 1900, Thats a POD of up to one hundred and ten years ago!

Hell, with that scope Jerry Pournelle's Codominum would fit.

Hell, imagine asking CHurchhill how to get the UK and Germany to join in a political union, and within the same timerframe it is happening today! (with the EU).:):eek: