Solidarity Forever!: The World of a Communist America

From “On the Rise of Socialism in America” by Professor Larry Smith, DeLeon University

In the aftermath of the old United States’ civil war, the Republican Party that rose to prominence under Lincoln came to dominate American politics. However, the party became increasingly entrenched into America’s capitalist hierarchy, and became dominated by monopolies and business interests. The period of Republican dominance following the Civil War and the end of Reconstruction would become known as the Gilded Age, for it was indeed gilded; gold on the outside, but not on the inside. The power of the monopolies was fully consolidated under President William McKinley(1897-1904)[1] and continued under his successor, William Howard Taft(1905-1912).

During the Gilded Age, numerous political parties existed. The Republican Party dominated American politics, winning every election except for Grover Cleveland’s two non-consecutive terms. The Republicans were the party of bourgeois interests, and cooperated with monopolies to maintain power. The Democratic Party was America’s second largest political party, however, their support for the feudal slaveholding secessionists during the Civil War left them mostly a regional party in the South. The Democrats were similar to the Republicans, but more avowedly racist and reactionary. The Socialist Party was founded by Eugene V. Debs of Indiana. In 1907, Daniel DeLeon’s Communist Party split from the Socialists over numerous disputes. The Communists would rise to prominence during the First Great War.

In 1914, President Charles Evans Hughes(1911-1920) entered the United States into the First Great War alongside the British Empire, the French Third Republic, and Tsarist Russia(the Entente) against Imperial Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire(the Central Powers). It should be noted that, unlike the Second Great War, the First Great War was an inherently imperialist conflict, and neither side deserves your sympathy. An innumerable amount of innocent soldiers were sent to die in the trenches. This seemingly endless slaughter disillusioned many Americans from the lies fed to them by their ruling class. However, it was not in America where the first communist state was formed. That award goes to the Soviet Union, where Vladimir Lenin’s Bolsheviks rose up against the Tsarist regime. The slaughter of the trenches, combined with Lenin’s success in Russia, convinced many Americans about the merits of socialism. On November 11, 1918, the Central Powers surrendered to the Entente, ending the First Great War.

Even with the war over, things did not improve for American workers. Hughes’ successor, Warren G. Harding(1921-1923), died three years into his presidency, and was succeeded by his Vice President, Calvin Coolidge(1923-1929), both capitalist Republicans. During the 1928, the Republicans nominated Herbert Hoover, who won the election and needs no introduction. By this point, American politics had radically changed. The Republicans’ corruption still kept them in power, but the Democrats were now a decrepit shad of their former selves. The Socialist and Communist Parties were both rising in popularity, particularly in the South and Midwest. The, on September 4, 1928, the stock market crashed and the world entered the Great Depression. Hoover’s failure to combat the crisis led to the Communists rising in popularity, completely replacing both the Democrats and Socialists on the national scale. The old United Statesp would soon come to an end, its time and place having gone from the world. In its place, the UASS[2] would be born.

For a while now I’ve had this idea that I would come back to every so often; what if a communist regime rose to power in the United States? The ultimate irony, where the heartland of capitalism fell to the reds. When this scenario is imagined, their are usually two scenarios that are imagined; either a complete recreation of Stalinism in America, or some sort of socialist utopia. I will not be going with either of those. If you came here for a dystopian recreation of the USSR in America, I’m afraid that the differences between Russia and the United States at the time of their respective revolutions would make any sort of American communists very different from their Russian counterparts. On the other hand, if you came here for a socialist utopia where everyone has free healthcare, well, let’s just say that I’m not a communist or a socialist by any definition of the word, and the American communists will be very much oppressive authoritarians. Without further adieu, welcome to the world of a communist America.

[1]The POD. McKinley is never assassinated, and as a result Roosevelt never becomes President and the trusts and monopolies remain more powerful.

[2]Union of American Socialist States
Honestly it's hard to swallow that an USA that partecipate at the great war from the beginning mean that the war will end as OTL and Lenin will have success as OTL, the butterfly is pretty godzilla sized and i mean the monsters from the last movie
Honestly it's hard to swallow that an USA that partecipate at the great war from the beginning mean that the war will end as OTL and Lenin will have success as OTL, the butterfly is pretty godzilla sized and i mean the monsters from the last movie

Calbear's explanation of the unpreparedness of the US:
Alternate battle of Verdun with the allied attack:

Even if not that, you could always use von Essen to enlarge World War I to Sweden. And with the aborted era of progressives, you could have a similar scenario to Reds, where the first years were plagued with strikes and demonstrations.
Calbear's explanation of the unpreparedness of the US:
Alternate battle of Verdun with the allied attack:

Even if not that, you could always use von Essen to enlarge World War I to Sweden. And with the aborted era of progressives, you could have a similar scenario to Reds, where the first years were plagued with strikes and demonstrations.

The war lasted 5 years so there is plenty of time for the US armed forces to catch the slack, there is also the question of the debt the rest of the entente got in OTL towards the americans and that was an enoumous factor in the economic downturn postwar and naturally the enourmous industrial potential of the USA that alone can butterfly away the Shell crisis of 1915. You can add Sweden and make Italy neutral both thing that will give the CP a lot of breathe...and create their own butterfly wave.

And to answer Calbear question, yes the Big Red One used in place like the Sinai Front or the Balkans or even the italian front mean a lot of difference.

Not considering the fact that the Great Depression still happen in schedule...this is not a butterfly net is a butterfly force field
naturally the enourmous industrial potential of the USA that alone can butterfly away the Shell crisis of 1915

That's why I told you about the Swedish entrance into the war. Sweden on the CP side could cause Germans to be more confident during the 1914 war, meaning that they won't shift forces from the Western Front to the Eastern Front (5 divisions from the battle of Namur). Or Lanzerac's 5th Army could be destroyed or at least more damaged than OTL.

With a PoD of 1901, the author can also modify Belgian plans - a more tense Belgian Crisis over Leopold's actions could result in the public outrage, more support for socialists and less support for the development of Belgian defences that OTL held Germans longer than they should (according to German plans). With stronger German advances, trenches shifted more deeply into France, the Entente would have to push more offensives. With American bodies piling up in the trenches, socialist propaganda at home, and Italy probably neutral or German-aligned, things would get more bloody.
That's why I told you about the Swedish entrance into the war. Sweden on the CP side could cause Germans to be more confident during the 1914 war, meaning that they won't shift forces from the Western Front to the Eastern Front (5 divisions from the battle of Namur). Or Lanzerac's 5th Army could be destroyed or at least more damaged than OTL.

With a PoD of 1901, the author can also modify Belgian plans - a more tense Belgian Crisis over Leopold's actions could result in the public outrage, more support for socialists and less support for the development of Belgian defences that OTL held Germans longer than they should (according to German plans). With stronger German advances, trenches shifted more deeply into France, the Entente would have to push more offensives. With American bodies piling up in the trenches, socialist propaganda at home, and Italy probably neutral or German-aligned, things would get more bloody.
Yeah, still there is the fact that having the USA in the entente from the beginning mean a total different economic dinamyc during and after the war for the Anglo-French, a total different Versailles and even a Swedish entrance into the war hardly compensate an american entry due to the fact that well Swedish have a limited military capacity (his army was around 15000 men and extremely inexperienced even if reasonable equipped for the day).
Hell Sweden enter the war can bring Norway into the fray and the Entente can try an invasion through Narwik, a neutral Italy mean no fascist takeover and just that is an enormous butterfly
Basically you can't have the USA entering the war from the beginning and have things happening in the same way down to the same day of OTL
even a Swedish entrance into the war hardly compensate an american entry due to the fact that well Swedish have a limited military capacity (his army was around 15000 men and extremely inexperienced even if reasonable equipped for the day)

In the contrary, it would weaken Russia even more as it would be forced to garrison some forces in Finland. Any soldier less for the fight against Germans means greater advances for the Central Powers. With the US since the beginning, the Russian government could get overconfident in 1914 and 1915, leading to the more serious failures than OTL.
This TL sound suspiciously similar to "Reds!" by Aelita, including the POD and America being radicalised by an early entrance to WW1...

If your going to a commie USA TL that still has Europe looking similar (more or less ) to OTL in an alt USA joining earlier, I reckon that you have the USA enter around 1915 or 1916. The USA in 1914 cannot have any convince reason to convince congress to declare war on Germany and pals (even with a pro-war president), if a more war-hawkish president takes advantage of the anti-German sentiment following the sinking of the Lusitania, then the USA could join around 1915. That in of itself might greatly alter the course of the war in favor on an early Entente victory (heck even with a surviving non-Red Russia). I would recommend that the USA joins around 1916, making the war more or less like OTL though still bringing in more suffering for American soldiers, amping up pro-Red attitudes in the USA, additionally bolstered by the Red Scare.

Now, as I picture a Red USA, I do not expect it to be a socialist utopia as some ought to make it out to be. Though, I also acknowledge that a Red USA would not be as shitty compared to the Red regimes in the USSR and PRC. Expect no crash-industrialization like in OTL PRC and USSR though i'm wondering how the USA would handle collectivization of farmland and property, us Americans are quite fiercely pro-private property and Stalin-like policies might be the only way to crush dissent. Perhaps something on the likes of Lenin's NEP is established? Multiparty democracy will be cleansed of 'Bourgeoisie' parties (i.e. Democrats, Republicans), at its best, the Red USA might allow for bonus leftist parties to join in elections (i.e. anarchists, socialists, etc...) but expect elections to be completely dominated by the Communists.

Will a Second American Revolution be unleashed with the communist takeover of Washington? A second American civil war ought to change the Interwar Era drastically and if something on the likes of OTL's WW2 occurs, it'll be an interesting scenario.
This TL sound suspiciously similar to "Reds!" by Aelita, including the POD and America being radicalised by an early entrance to WW1...

It's certainly similar but there's enough difference in the details that It's not a copy paste job so no apparent plagiarism. They will need to vary things up to ensure it stands out though.