Siege of Malta in 1645?

So the Cretan War between the Ottomans and Venice that lead to the eventual Turkish conquest of Crete was born out of an act of Piracy against the Ottomans by the Knights Hospitaller. The Knights attacked an Ottoman convoy heading to Alexandria which was carrying pilgrims to Mecca including the Sultan's chief Eunuch. The Maltese briefly put ashore on nearby Crete to offload some sailors and horses and take on water. This was the casus belli as the Turks believed the Venetians were aiding the Knights. The Venetians protested their innocence and even executed the local garrison commander in Crete for dereliction of duty for not intercepting the Knights but to no avail. So suppose for whatever reason the Knights do not put ashore in Crete and instead manage to sail directly for Malta.

The Sultan was apparently bent on war and there was a concern among the Ambassadors in Constantinople that it could be against any one of them (the Austrians were engaged in attempts to renew their truce and were particularly worried about a new Turkish campaign in Hungary). So without a casus belli for war against Venice what if the Ottoman fleet sailed for Malta rather than Crete in 1645? How would a new siege of Malta proceed? On the one hand Malta is much more heavily fortified than it was in 1565 with the construction of Valetta on the high ground of the Sciberras peninsula. On the other hand the previous siege ended when relief arrived from Sicily. But in 1645 Spain is at a low point, at war with France and short of men and money so no aid is likely coming from that quarter. All of Europe is in fact at war at the time. Savoy and Modena are allied with France and at war with Spanish forces in Lombardy. The War of the Castro between the Papacy and Tuscany and Parma only ended in 1644. Innocent X had only just been elected the new Pope and was in conflict with the family of his Barberini predecessor. The Thirty Years War is still raging in the north tying down all the forces of Austria and the German states. And Venice is not going to get involved as the Serenissima will want to preserve its delicate relations with the Porte.

So without the prospect of aid could Malta hold out? Valetta is an impressive city but the outer Floriana lines are still under construction, though the Knights held out with less 80 years earlier. The Knights would also lack Venice's ability to blockade the Dardanelles but its debatable how effective that was during the Cretan War. On the other hand could a Turkish siege of Valetta be maintained as long as their OTL siege of Candia? Would the prospect of Malta falling to the Turks inspire any of the warring parities in Europe to end their conflicts and come to the Knights aid? The Papacy pushed hard OTL to end the Thirty Years War so Christendom could concentrate on fighting the Turks and defending Crete but it still took years before the War ended. So would Malta inspire any greater efforts here?
Well I think militarily the Ottomans were still fairly strong at this point, maybe not quit at their 16th century levels. They were able to quickly deploy an invasion force to Crete and took most of the island in the initial campaign. They also had the advantage that their borders were secure, all of the their European rivals were at war with each other. The only power that was agitating against the Turks was Wladylsaw of Poland but he was hamstrung by the Sejm's refusal to countenance any war against the Turks. And unlike the Venetians the Knights of Malta won't be able to tempt him with financial subsidies.

Politically the Ottomans may be weaker as IIRC there were a lot of palace intrigues. The Grand Viziers were not great, this being before the rise of the Koprulus. And Sultan Ibrahim was actually deposed and executed because of his erratic behavior and corruption surrounding his rule. So I guess if there isn't an initial success instability at home could end the Turkish expedition.

Still it's just unclear to me whether Malta, which has fewer resources than the Venetian Republic, could survive a prolonged siege the way the Venetians were able to hold out in Candia for so long. On the one hand Valetta is not Candia and is arguably better fortified and is further from Constantinople. On the other the Maltese may not have the naval forces to harass the Ottoman supply lines. And the Venetians had the ability to build ships and resupply Candia from their home territories whereas the Maltese have no other lands or resources to rely upon for support especially with reinforcements from Sicily or the rest of Spanish Italy unlikely to be forthcoming. Maybe the Papacy and Tuscany are able to keep a small lifeline to Valetta, resupplying by sea and forcing the siege to drag on for years like the OTL Siege of Candia? Long enough for the rest of Christendom to finally come to their aid?