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Can someone be so kind as to bring me up to speed on what the Snakes and Stone Dogs are? Just coming back to this TL after a while.
Snakes is just the nickname for the Drakia. Because nothing worse than a snake that thinks its a dragon.

Stone Dogs is a super bio-weapon, but not on the same levels as regular Draka. Still fucked up much of the world.

A perfectly normal and entirely unremarkable rug. I'm not even sure why I included it here

It came in the form of a rug.
It's a great trope that almost every world-changing global war or event in this TL was started by the mistreatment of a random object in Jerusalem which is symbolic to one or more religion for some reason.
I'm more afraid of the resulting impression of racism on the Seperateverse. It's been so ingrained into TTL's history that there going to be far more neo-Nazi/Drakia movements somewhere in Africa. Who knows, the Honorary Whites may rise up and take control of Drakia and turn it into a Black/Arabian Supremacist State.
I'm more afraid of the resulting impression of racism on the Seperateverse. It's been so ingrained into TTL's history that there going to be far more neo-Nazi/Drakia movements somewhere in Africa. Who knows, the Honorary Whites may rise up and take control of Drakia and turn it into a Black/Arabian Supremacist State.
I don't think so.
The catastrophically criminal nature of Drakian ideology would be too painfully clear to all, and the simple pressing need to cooperate to survive the apocalypse would likely mean that few will have any time for racial superiority silliness that failed so dismally. If anything, a revised, deeply environmentalist Situationism may emerge as the dominant global ideology of the aftermath, aiming at a sustainable version of what IOTL we call the "Original Affluent Society" (which may not be a paradigm ITTL given how little paleontology was known, but I can see Chinese scholars toying with similar ideas).
I just had a thought concerning the Drakensis: there's a good chance they'll end up turning on their own government soon. It sounds like the Honorary Whites and Bonded are about to rise up, and this combined with a new external conflict might be the push they need to attack the more sane members of the government. They'll justify it by saying that they are the only ones capable of making the Hard Decisions (TM) necessary to preserve the Final Society, with this being the straw that finally breaks the Dragon's back.
I just had a thought concerning the Drakensis: there's a good chance they'll end up turning on their own government soon. It sounds like the Honorary Whites and Bonded are about to rise up, and this combined with a new external conflict might be the push they need to attack the more sane members of the government. They'll justify it by saying that they are the only ones capable of making the Hard Decisions (TM) necessary to preserve the Final Society, with this being the straw that finally breaks the Dragon's
I doubt that reading the interlude it seems their too socially retarded and egoistical to work together. You say how unstable a squad of them was over transporting a prisoner and fucking raiding Russia. Imagine them trying to run a coup d'etat
I don't think so.
The catastrophically criminal nature of Drakian ideology would be too painfully clear to all, and the simple pressing need to cooperate to survive the apocalypse would likely mean that few will have any time for racial superiority silliness that failed so dismally. If anything, a revised, deeply environmentalist Situationism may emerge as the dominant global ideology of the aftermath, aiming at a sustainable version of what IOTL we call the "Original Affluent Society" (which may not be a paradigm ITTL given how little paleontology was known, but I can see Chinese scholars toying with similar ideas).
I'm not so sure, it may take a few decades, but once an ideology has been in vogue for a few years, there will be more than a few powers/organizations who will eventually copy significant portions of it or attempt to resurrect it. Look at OTL's neo-nazi movements in the US and Germany as examples, Fascism may be rightly universally discredited as an evil, destructive, almost death cult form of government yet there are still those who yearn for a form of it no matter how evil and vile it may be.
How bad will Jeremy Dart's lynching be? How much pain will he suffer when he's finally executed?
Oh, that's not good enough. He needs to feel the pain.

It would be most fitting for black Bantus to do it, since they were the first enslaved by Drakia
Is it really fair to feel such hatred for Dart? He was literally brainwashed and brutalised during his whole childhood via the Agoge. It's not like he was a normal person who chose to become a deranged supernazi. The situation reminds me of the very thorny ethical/judicial problems that emerge in OTL when people who were kidnapped and brutalised as child soldiers grow up to become war criminals themselves, but eventually surrender or are captured. Just a horribly tragic, tangled ethical quagmire. Especially with the Drakensis, who have it even worse than Dart. Although I doubt such arguments will stay the vengeance of many people in-universe...
Is it really fair to feel such hatred for Dart? He was literally brainwashed and brutalised during his whole childhood via the Agoge. It's not like he was a normal person who chose to become a deranged supernazi. The situation reminds me of the very thorny ethical/judicial problems that emerge in OTL when people who were kidnapped and brutalised as child soldiers grow up to become war criminals themselves, but eventually surrender or are captured. Just a horribly tragic, tangled ethical quagmire. Especially with the Drakensis, who have it even worse than Dart. Although I doubt such arguments will stay the vengeance of many people in-universe...
Yes he is responsible for the death of most of humanity.
I'm not so sure, it may take a few decades, but once an ideology has been in vogue for a few years, there will be more than a few powers/organizations who will eventually copy significant portions of it or attempt to resurrect it. Look at OTL's neo-nazi movements in the US and Germany as examples, Fascism may be rightly universally discredited as an evil, destructive, almost death cult form of government yet there are still those who yearn for a form of it no matter how evil and vile it may be.
Good point, but this world has been traumatised by Societism to a level that would make the Nazis look like amateurish beginners.
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I was hoping the Final War and the whole timeline for that matter would end similarly to Proof Through The Night/Breaking Strain" in which the U.S defeats the Drakia in a short but devastating war. The Drakian Empire collapses leaving Africa and the Middle East in total anarchy and the remnant exile themselves to Madagascar where they are quarantined off from the rest of the world by the AfD. Obviously this didn't happen and I'm a bit disappointed by the way the story went but I'm also intrigued as to where we go from here. The world is in ruins, the US and the AfD have collapsed, the environment is fucked and the Drakia have won. If the Drakia have won what else can possible happen. And yet the Drakia are already suffering from victory fatigue and their allies are turning on them.

Honestly the state of the Separateverse in 1965 would be a great default settling for a Kaiserreich-esc strategy game. Someone should get on that.
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