Senate session, 14th of April, 1926.

"My Lord Prince." the one who spoke was a smart young officer in a well-tailored tan uniform, easily distinguishable among the mostly black suites on the floor outside the Senate Chambers. The Senate was in session, but had taken a break for refreshments when the young officer found his superior.

"Sergei! Back already? I did not expect you until next week at the earliest." the older man, also dressed in a tan uniform and with several medals studding his chest, took a cigar out of his mouth and lowered his glass of excellent French cognac. His beard was greying, but the eyes held a sharpness to them still.

"Our friends in Paris were most receptive. I was able to catch the Ville the Toloun on her return trip to the city." the younger man replied with a hint of a smile.

"Hah, you take after our hosts so quickly, Sergei. You also call it 'the city' now? And what of our agreement?"

"Well, we must remain ever vigilant not to offend our hosts, His Royal Highness and the Admiral are in agreement there, and you state it often yourself, my Lord Prince."

"Hah, upstood by a mere Lieutenant! No, no Sergei, I mean no offence, all in good humour. You are of course right. And the papers, are they signed?"

"Yes, my Lord Prince. As agreed over telegram, the Paris community acknowledges His Royal Highness' Claim to the throne and the Admiral as our interim Chancellor..." the Lieutenant trailed off as the face of the older man in front of him visually soured.

"Interim? Bah!" he snarled.

"It was what they could agree to. They do not agree to his claim, but will postpone any opposition to his position until after the enemy has been driven from the Motherland."

"Very well. It will have to suffice for now. What is most important at this time is that they submit to us, I mean His Royal Highness. We will need their financial resources and contacts with the French banks and government."

"Yes, my Lord Prince."

"And what about the General?"

"Their exact words were 'we do not wish to question his Imperial Majesty's decision on supreme commander of all our forces in exile.', my Lord Prince." the Lieutenant smiled. "Where is he, by the way?"

"Excellent, my dear Sergei, most excellent. He's off with the cavalry chasing bandits across on the other side again. Sometimes I think that he'd never be happy unless he's in the saddle."

"Yes, my Lord Prince. I heard three of the communities in China have approved of His Royal Highness' claim."

"Yes, indeed. They are not that important, but the Admiral cares, for some reason. Perhaps they can get some of the warlords to support our cause. Now, Sergei, we're being called into session again. Accompany me if you will, it is your first time in the Senate, no?"

"Yes, My Lord Prince."

"Very well, I shall have to explain a few things to you then. The Senate holds 301 Senators, and we control 12 of those. The Liberals under Mister Toarias is the largest party, but not large enough for a majority..."