Rise of The Prophet: A Jewish Muhammad

The Rise of The Prophet: Jewish Muhammad
This is a thought experiment:

Muhammad, the founder of the third Abrahamic Religion, still goes to the cave Hira on Mount Jabal al-Nour, near Mecca, but instead of the angel Gabriel speaking to him about proclaiming God's message sparking the creation of Islam, what if, in an alternate world, the phrase Gabriel said to Muhammed in their first meeting was changed from,

"Taught man what he knew not." A1


"Taught man what he knew he forgot." B1

Leading Muhammad to not create Islam, but instead bring God's message back to the Jewish people, creating a mixed Abrahamic Religion, that combined many elements of Judaism, with a touch of the Islamic beliefs, creating Sadaqaian.

Sadaqaian: "The compassion and benevolence to others, in the name of God." B2

The mixing of new thoughts provided by Muhammad, would change the world as we knew it, making every event afterwards as time went on, far different than our own timeline.

(This has no relation to any other threads, and any connection is a coincidence, as people can find the same events or time period and create different stories from it. This is pointed out as other threads have discussed no Islam before and some are currently, and before any claims are posted, all this work and alternate history is of my own creation, and any outside sources will be credited to the proper people. Official quotes will be first listed, then unofficial creative sources of my own shall be below them, see the bottom as an example. A for real sources, B for fictional sources.

Also note: posts will be limited as I am going to college and working, so do not expect many posts until the next summer or possible breaks like winter break, though in the meantime, I do encourage involvement. Speak on what you know and what your thoughts about the project are; feedback is appreciated. This is Abraham, from Changing Rivers of History, signing off.)

~Abraham V.

A1: “Islam: Empire of Faith - Profiles - Muhammad.” PBS, https://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/profilesmuhammed.html. Accessed 9 August 2022.
B1: "Sadaqaian: The World Dominating Empire of Abrahamic Faith - Profiles - Muhammad." PBS, stp://www.pbs.org/world/empire/sadaqaian/profilesmuhammed.sml. Accessed 9 August 2022.
B2: "Sadaqaian Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, stp://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sadaqaian. Accessed 9 August 2022
The Rise of The Prophet: Jewish Muhammad

The monumental task of recording all of human history has been a dream long wished ever since the formulation of the idea around the 19th century with author Piklo LaVagrene. However, no one has yet to achieve this task, but the last few decades' works have shown how renowned author Alexio Denhart has taken the job and turned it from a dream into a reality. The Rise of The Prophet Muhammad is a decades collection of art, journal entries, accounts, tales, and archeological monuments that shed light on one of the world's most extraordinary men, who made the world into his own. The collection is inspiring, heroic, and yet saddening to see the rise and fall of the greatest empire since Rome and how this one man could have altered the world in any way he saw fit. It makes Muhammad not a mythical figure but a man who was almost conquered by his inner demons and showed the definitive truth of how Muhammad and his followers changed our world.

As Denhart has written in his work:

"Muhammad was the most definitive man in history. If he had been born only a few decades earlier, he would have been among the greats of Khosrow I and Justinian I. However, with either luck or the will of God, Muhammad came and was unopposed, solidifying him among the great conquerors like Alexander the Great."

This written work will go down in history in its own right. Centuries from now, students, scholars, and leaders alike will read its pages and know the story of Muhammad the Great. Even with the division of religion, all sides can agree that humanity should never forget Muhammad and his story.

~ Johnathan Debus
President of the Collective Stories of the Middle East and critically acclaimed author of Modern Arabia: Story of Prosperity and Conflict
July 17th, 2022
The Rise of The Prophet: Jewish Muhammad

The novel is a collection of all known historical facts, myths, and legends about Muhammad the Great, all compiled into one source, a small part of the more significant anthology known as Humanity: A Global History. I started this project in the 80s, and since then, thousands of young and old scholars and students have come and added their pieces to this ever-growing puzzle. With me writing this, others are gathering the information for the following projects: Justinian: The Purple Emperor, Khosrow: The Immortal Soul, and, The Early 600s: Byzantine and Sasanian Empires Final Wars. The rest of these will be released within the next decade, and other scholars and I will take up the other projects soon.

Although this focuses on Muhammad's legacy to religion, the book will cover topics that happened before and after, showing the magnitude of his impact. Though knowledge of the period certainly will help in understanding this ten-year project, anyone, including students, will be able to comprehend the themes and messages of the book and learn the facts from fiction. In addition, there will be proposed "what if's" as an added treat to speculate the changes that would come if they did not happen as they did in our world.

The main point of this book is not to support a side in the ever-growing conflict of religion but to show the world a man who changed the world. While others may have had more significance, Muhammad was the most definitive man in history regarding religion. If he had been born only a few decades earlier, he would have been among the greats of Khosrow I and Justinian I. However, with either luck or the will of God, Muhammad came and was unopposed, solidifying him among the great conquerors like Alexander the Great. However, like Alexander, his death would bring only conflict to the region.

Muhammad was a man of faith, strength, courage, and persistence throughout his life. We chose to focus on him at this point for a couple major reasons: the myths that have begun to plague the world and the dissonance of Christians against the Arabian Jews, especially with the Genocide of Jerusalem only being in recent memory. In my lifetime, many children have not been taught why this happened and the other perspective of the suffering.

Today that changes.

~ Alexio Denhart
Teacher at the University of Lutetia and Author of Famous Works including: The Days of Troy, Rising Stars of Rome, The Sinking Ship of Carthage, Constantine: Rome's Greek Days Begin, The Collapse of Western Rome, Sino-Roman Relations Between 750 BC to 49 BC, A Decaying Corpse: The Han Dynasty, Jesus: Then to Now, and Year Zero: The Missing Year of Humanity.
July 16th, 2022
The Rise of The Prophet: Jewish Muhammad
Epigraph: "If you love God follow me and God will love you and forgive you your sins, for God is most forgiving, most merciful" (Quran 3:31, Oxford World's Classics edition).

Table of Contents:

1. Before Muhammad
A. Before the Byzantine and Sasanian War of 602-628
B. The Years of The "Final" War
C. Jewish revolt against Heraclius
D. The Creation of a (sort of) Independent Jewish State
E. The New Status Quo

2. Muhammad and Medina
A. Muhammad's Early Life
B. The Visit of Gabriel
C. Muhammad and the Jewish People
D. The Creation of the Sadaqaian
E. The Arabic Tribes United

3. Muhammad, the Jewish Conqueror of the Middle East
A. Muhammad Running A New State
B. The Incorporation of the Jewish State
C. The Other Side of the Coin
D. Byzantine's and Sasanian's Invade
E. The Prophet's Cost

4. The Aftermath of Muhammad's Death
A. Who Shall Lead?
B. Conquering Continued
C. Empire Rises
D. Into Europe
E. The Great Divide

5. His Legacy and the World Today
A. The Empire After The Split
B. The Way The Empire Helped Create Change
C. Timeline Centuries Ahead
D. Legacy and Mythos of Muhammad
E. "What If's?"

6. Conclusion
A. Why Do We Care?
B. The Future of The Sadaqaian
C. A Note From the Author: Researching and Writing Historical Books
The Rise of The Prophet: Jewish Muhammad
Before the Byzantine and Sasanian War of 602-628:

"History is often built on the backs of those who either hold a book or a sword." ~ Reanayi Manlo - Writer of: Casque Qulo Arabia. A piece of writing that pictures General Casque Qulo taking over after overthrowing Justinian II, saving the Empire from the Twenty Year's Anarchy of our own timeline.

byzantines and sassanids.jpg

To know Muhammad and how he affected the world, one must first understand how the world was before him. The team had to dig through thousands of documents, artwork, tales, and more, but we decided to include all we could to show the political, economic, and societal status quo and changes. This first Chapter will be broken into three main sections, the Byzantines, the Sassanid Empire, and the Tribes of Arabia. All of which will be subdivided into three main lineages of people. The first shall be the legend of Rome, Constantine the Great.

~ Alexio Denhart
So it looks like the PoD was before Mohammad’s conversion?
To put it shortly, kind of. However, that is the point. To historians, these were expected small changes that mattered but were not significant compared to the rise of Muhammad, plus that is the focus of the collection, with all of this stuff beforehand being context to understand the situation of the time. There is no set change. There are just a few little changes. I always see in writings of alternate history that one specific event or person changes which lead to a million other changes, but that always seemed weird to me, so what if there were minor changes in our world? However, the main plot stayed the same. It was just that the journey to get there was slightly different. I was thinking, what if there was a "major change" Muhammad converting to Judaism? However, there were also minor changes like Constantinople being named different, slightly different rulers and borders that seem minor but add to the worldbuilding and history.

To put it simply, much of alternate history is a flashlight. Although one starting point expands to infinite possibilities, this project of mine is more like an hourglass, that small changes converge into one significant change that then repeats the cycle by creating more changes.
Leading Muhammad to not create Islam, but instead bring God's message back to the Jewish people, creating a mixed Abrahamic Religion, that combined many elements of Judaism, with a touch of the Islamic beliefs, creating Sadaqaian.
this reminds me of the short lived, The Horde of the Lord: A History of Asiatic Judaism, where Genghis Khan converted to Judaism
this reminds me of the short lived, The Horde of the Lord: A History of Asiatic Judaism, where Genghis Khan converted to Judaism
Interesting, might have to check it out. Though I do plan to continue this project for a while, perhaps even making an actual novel of it one day, but for now, this is what I have.
Amazing! One of my main questions in alternate history is what could've happened if
the jewish culture could actually become an empire!
I hope you continue the history ;)
Amazing! One of my main questions in alternate history is what could've happened if
the jewish culture could actually become an empire!
I hope you continue the history ;)
I sure will, and I have wondered that question as well. I am Jewish myself and have always wondered how my people would have been like if we were not persecuted all the time and how that would shape the world and its scapegoating of my people and other culture groups.