RIP Vice President Elect Richard Cheney

I may have mentioned this before, but Dick Cheney either had a heart attack or came very close to having one in November 2000. I hate to be morbid, but let's say he has a fatal heart attack at that point. I think Bush still emerges as President. But removing Cheney will have a pretty large influence on Bush's Presidency. As I usually ask, what happens next? Vice President Rumsfeld? If so, who's Defense Secretary?
Bush goes out of the box with a VP choice, or settles on one of the possibilities he considered in 2000 other than the (in this timeline) late Cheney. He probably makes a public offer though to Powell which is ploitely turned down. I suspect that McCain could be a possibility, honestly.
I doubt Bush would seek McCain, there's simply too much bad blood there from the primaries. Also, Bush does not want any sort of competition in the White House. He's going to want someone who isn't going to seek the Presidency later on. I agree on Bush offering the position to Powell, and I think you are probably correct that Powell would be inclined to decline. Which is too bad, because Powell would actually be a very good pick for Bush, kind of an elder statesman of sorts unlikely to ever seek the Presidency in his own right, although a Vice President Powell may not defer to President Bush as much as George W. Bush would like. Perhaps Elizabeth Dole?
Bush goes out of the box with a VP choice, or settles on one of the possibilities he considered in 2000 other than the (in this timeline) late Cheney. He probably makes a public offer though to Powell which is ploitely turned down. I suspect that McCain could be a possibility, honestly.

Powell's views on abortion eliminate him as a possibility.
Did you know Teddy Roosevelt was made Vice President in 1900 cause they wanted to sto

well,you make a good point. I had not considered that perspective. I don't have any faith in mccain and his history with deregulation/keating 5 scandal- not sure -he would really do this-or he's just blowing smoke up voters @$$es.
Neocons always hated Mccain-but they love Palin
How about Condoleeza Rice? She is female and black... maybe he could get some popularity from such an appointment...

In 2000 she's never had an elected position (and indeed still hasn't as of 2011), I doubt the public/House would stomach the President's campaign adviser on foreign policy being appointed to the Veepship.
In 2000 she's never had an elected position (and indeed still hasn't as of 2011), I doubt the public/House would stomach the President's campaign adviser on foreign policy being appointed to the Veepship.

If i remember correctly neither Henry Wallace had an elected position before he became VP.
I don't think Rumsfeld is that likely, and "bad blood" between McCain and Bush didn't prevent the latter from signing into law the former's campaign finance legislation into law.
I seem to remember Tom Ridge being in the conversation for VP. His subsequent appointment as Director of Homeland security shows Bush's faith in him.
If i remember correctly neither Henry Wallace had an elected position before he became VP.

But he, at least, was one half of a national ticket that was elected by the people. Condi would have become VP (and possibly President) without ever facing an election. Gerald Ford was fine as he'd been a long-serving Representative of the people, but I don't think the US would be able to stomach the risk of someone who'd never been elected to anything in her life being a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.
I like the Liddy Dole possibility: she has cabinet-level experience, which never hurts. The gender angle can't hurt either.
More likely someone who was passed over IOTL, like Engler or Keating.

This makes sense, given that several people had been considered as possible running mates before he settled on Cheney. That said, Engler seems unlikely as he failed to deliver Michigan.