Revolution in the 60s

You're gonna need to be a bit more specific on your question and it's generally considered good practice to offer your own two cents on the subject you're asking about.
I presume you mean a revolution stemming from a failed Civil Rights movement? That seems to be the most likely avenue for something like that to happen.

However, in my opinion, at worst you would get a few radical groups sniping at policemen and occasionally bombing cars. Of course, a full-on black insurgency might be in the cards in TTL's 1970s if you start such fun in the 60s.

Other than that there isn't much chance of a revolution; the hippies and their ilk were in the minority in the 60s and weren't especially violent to begin with.


There is the example of France in 1968. Not at all sure how to expand it to fit the definition of a full blown revolution. maybe have the French state react violently to the protestors?
Can you be a bit more specific? there were alot of revolutions of violent and not so violent kinds in the 60s.
I'm assuming you mean revolution in the way that the American New Left/Left wing militants commit and outright overthrow of the government and established order. In which case, ASB; the OTL was the worst case scenario. You can make that worse, but I don't see how you can take it from civil disorder to government overthrow.