Revenge of the North : A contrarian Confederate victory TL

What is this?
Because I'm tired of every Confederate victory tl being the same I decided to make my own
So it's a lost cause thread?
Do you support any of the politics featured here?
What is the POD?
A more aggressive United States. I'm just skipping the boring stuff. I'll just say that before this the United States was much larger. They controlled much of Northern Mexico, Central America, and Cuba. The Confederacy gets all of this too
Why are you skipping the war?
This is a contrarian timeline. The South won because the North let them go.
Why did the south secede?
The Southern culture movement was more successful in this timeline?
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The previous years
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Long ago in 1776 a great nation was born. Nearly a century later it was severed. The union was untenable. So a compromise was made.
Everything below the Mason-Dixon line would become the Confederate States of America. A sovereign federation that consisted of republics whose economy relied on slavery.
in the north the United States of America would still maintain control.

It has been believed the deal might have saved thousands of American lives.
The first president of this new Confederacy would be Breckinridge.

This new president would promote collaboration between the United States and the Confederacy. They still had a common bank, currency, freedom of movement, and a common culture and religion.
Maybe in the future a reunion could be possible. But not now.
What reason is there for secession, when the southern states still dominate here? With all the extra electoral power they probably dominate federally at all levels.
What reason is there for secession, when the southern states still dominate here? With all the extra electoral power they probably dominate federally at all levels.
Because it's fun to write.
There was actually a movement that thought that southern and northern culture were too different.
Let's just say that movement won out 😉.
The beginning of the Klan era

The hero of America
A confederate college textbook

The Confederacy had been independent for just over 20 years. Many things have changed however.
For one it turns our having an agrarian slave economy in the late 1800s is terrible for a country.
Relations between the North and South have deteriated considerably.
Northern corporations have been bleeding the south dry for years.
Seeing this a great man named Nathan Bedford Forrest took action and overthrew the Yankee puppet Andrew Johnson.
General Forrest marched down Richmond with his private army and seized the Presidential palace.
In his speech he declared the end of Yankee domination of the Southern man. He executed the president later that day.
within weeks the various republics submitted one by one.
Next month the North recognized the General as president.
The modernization of the Confederacy

Forrest realized something about his country.
It was weak.
It couldn't wage a total war because it had no industry. Troops couldn't move around fast enough to defend the country from insurrections. It was too decentralized.
So President Forrest took action.
Because of the national emergency the president could whatever he wanted and the constitution was suspended temporarily.
He nationalized all foreign industry.
He built railroads connecting the south. The President's goal was for every state capital to be connected to it's surrounding villages.
Because of the large cotton plantations he encouraged textiles.
He built arms manufacturers.
He instituted a program modeled on the British that would abolish slavery within 30 years. He did this not for any racial issues but because it was inefficient.
He instituted conscription for 5 years. It was even made so that in order to vote you had to serve your country first.
But the General was not yet finished.
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Decline of the North

President Cameron's administration was filled with strife.
Anarchist terror bombings, tribal raids, political scandals, and everything in between.
He is generally considered the worst president in American history, second only to Ulysses S. Grant.
He came to power after President Grant was killed in a tribal raid (which also killed most of his cabinet).
He was later impeached and indicted.
He was replaced by Alexander Caldwell.
Caldwell's administration was hit with the largest stock market crash in American History, Black Friday.
Story of the secession

The President before the treaty of Montgomery was signed was William Walker.
Famous for his conquests of Central America he was welcomed home as a hero and elected president. He continued the policy of aggressive expansion and eventually conquered much of Mexico.
However, tragedy struck when he was assassinated by a Mexican sniper during his parade through Mexico City.
He was succeeded by his Vice President Polk.
President Polk realizing that the union was untenable so he signed the Montgomery agreement which saved thousands of American lives.
The death of President Grant

At the time of his death President Grant was visiting an Indian reservation with his cabinet.
Because he was drunk at the time he insulted their religious practices which angered them*.
In anger the tribe brutally attacked the president and his wife.
The only cabinet member who survived the massacre was the secretary of war, Simon Cameron, who was meeting with future Confederate president Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was the Confederate Secretary of War at the time.
This event was dubbed the Massacre of the Bottle.
The American public was horrified and demanded harsh retribution.

*Modern historians dispute the infamous story and say this never happened. However, they still do not know the cause of the provocation.
After this event alcohol bans were passed in many major cities.
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Just for any readers to know this TL isn't in chronological order.
These are just stories from the TL.
In the future I do plan to organize it however.
The Cameron Genocide
The American people were outraged against the brutal murder of the president.
When the secretary of War returned to the United States he promised absolute revenge.
He appointed the new Secretary of War, William Sherman to solve the Indian question.
Mr Sherman went around exterminating every tribe he encountered. No man, woman, or child was left to survive.
The Buffalo were hunted to extinction.
Their land was stolen by settlers.
Mass rapes occurred by soldiers who destroyed entire reservations in outrage.
This period has been called the Cameron Genocide for the atrocities committed during this period.
Indian refugees fled to the south who promised asylum. This angered the north and almost led to war until the south paid reparations for holding refugees.
The genocide officially ended with the impeachment of President Cameron over corruption charges.
Sherman would go on to defeat Alexander Caldwell in the election.