Remake Videodrome to fit 2003 +

Up dating Videodrome to the 21st Century & internet makes it sound even scarier. Any thoughts on its validity? for our era? I'd think with a decent director and script, pl=us current marketing it could have some serious impact on perception of the internet as a psychological manipulation tool
There isn't much to modify beyond making the Videodrome channel itself a streaming service rather than a television broadcast. A 'snuff Netflix' if you will.
I was specifically thinking off the movie. But, see your point about the 'channel' and agree there. When I first watched the movie a few years ago I was sitting there reflecting on the greater efficiency with the internet as a manipulation tool.
It would probably have to be hosted on the dark web,

Might already be something similar or close on the DW. Which is a disturbing thought.

As for the movie remake, it could be a typical Hollowwood remake. Weak, lacking focus, and otherwise forgettable. But, with the right script and director it could be really attention grabbing and generate some serious media, social, and cultural/political heat.