Reds! Official Fanfiction Thread (Part Two)

I'm sorry but I really feel the need to comment on some of what I feel are rather liberal and idealistic errors in geopolitical analysis.

Why give the Americubans the benefit of formally recognising independence that their own government refuses to claim? There is literally no benefit to recognising a government that insists that its your rightful ruler when you intend to destroy it sooner or later by revolution or invasion. When you're planning on ending their existence anyway why bother with being nice to them? Even in periods of detente, they refuse to renounce their claim to the mainland or their belief that the mainland government is illegitimate, and detente is by no means an end or even a pause to the cold war, it's simply an ebb in the flow of it where both sides rest from prior periods of high tensions before the next inevitable crisis. And to reiterate, the Americubans do not want to claim independence or normalise relations. If Americuba wants the dignity of being considered its own country by the actual America, it needs to stop pretending to be America.

And security? The entirety of the AFS combined would not be able to successfully invade and conquer the UASR alone. The American navy and air force are the most powerful conventional military branches of their sort in the world and they have superpower juggernauts such as the Soviet Union and Chinese as their allies who have their own mighty armies, air forces, and navies. The AFS has been slowly shrinking and consolidating for decades and the old enemy is increasingly under the control of its former colonies. It is quite clear that the TCI is winning and the AFS is losing and it is the AFS, not the TCI that is scrambling to find solutions and point fingers to their current issues and try to swing the tide.

Some journalist is not even remotely in the same category as Ford who helped build a war machine intended to conquer the Earth or Koch who helped finance and empower Mussolini. It's not even in the same category as Ayn Rand's sour grapes driven rants contained in the pages of her self insert story tier drivel because it's not even an ideological progenitor of the various forms of reactionary market liberalism.

Fair point.

I know Hearst would be regarded as nothing by the UASR, but I figured it would be more about the principal of the thing, you know, that matters.
Remember how people who were honestly just trying to warn Americans about danger in the government were treated. Now imagine those people don't even have the excuse of trying to be helpful.

Like I said, I was more upset with the conviction in absentia part. I think that the OTL analogues of TTL's Patty Hearst (so far, because I expect we're in for a big surprise) would be Dean Reed taking up his abode in GDR and Jane Fonda making a trip to NV - especially Jane Fonda who gave moral support to a country at shooting war with the U.S. Both have become objects of hate campaign at home, but it didn't translate into judicial actions, let alone convictions.
The New Order: Last Days of Europe (By DanielXie)
The New Order: Last Days of Europe is a Hearts of Iron IV mod dealing with the ramifications of an Axis Victory in the Second World War. The mod was created as an anti-fascist and anti-nazi response to the far right apologia and outright neo-nazism present in FBU politics, as well as the growth of Trump's America Forever movement in Americuban politics[1]. This is evident in how the mod portrays the utter depravity of the Nazi system, as well as it's inherent economic inefficiencies that would guarantee collapse.

The Point of Divergence is Stalin being more resistant to the USAR's growing strength and influence in the Comintern, as well as the ascension of the British Union of Fascists into power in Britain, leading to a Anglo-German alliance against the Comitern. The Great anticommunist crusade[2] is launched against a disjointed Comitern and lead to the fall of Moscow during Operation Teutonic, the Nazi seizure of everything to the west of the Urals, and the collapse of what remains of the Soviet Union into warlord states. France is then invaded, with the British taking Normandy, Brittany declaring Independence, and Alase-Lorriane being reintergrated back into Germany. Much of French land was also forcibly carved into the SS State of Burgundy. The USAR manages to defeat Canada and the Intergralist regime in Brazil, and was planning to invade Americuba, whom have taken the opportunity to ally with the Axis as a means of retaking America, only to be nuked and forced to sue for peace. In Asia, Japan establishes their co-prosperity Sphere.

The anti-Communist alliance quickly dissolves in the wake of the Second World War, with Nazi efforts to exert complete control over their allies and satellite states meeting with resistance and their economic mismanagement leading to a crash in the early 1950s that leads to the dissolution of the Axis alliance[3], with Britain, Italy, Spain and Turkey forming the Mediterranean Pact[4] to contain the Nazi influence. Nazi political instability leads to a temporary halt in their extermination policies, with slave labor being used to keep the Reich afloat until economic stability is fully achieved, at which point extermination policies will resume. Seeing this as a betrayal of Nazi racial ideology, Himmler and the SS attempt to mount a coup; said coup being defeated and leading to the execution of Himmler, the SS falling into the control of Reinhard Heydrich, whom was able to distance himself from the more fanatical Himmlerites so he could have the SS all to himself. During the years following the failed Himmler putsch, Heydrich developed an even more extreme form of Nazism--Ultranational Socialism---which called for the creation of a totalitarian spartan-esque caste system, the immediate resumption of the extermination policies, the immediate resumption of Generalplan Ost, and the total dominance of the SS in German society[5]. He has spent the last few years building up Burgundy to be the center of SS power, developing his own nuclear program, and waiting for the moment to not only strike, but to engineer a global thermonuclear war to "cleanse" the world of non-Aryans and ensure dominance by "the master race" for all of time.[6]

Japan itself, being relatively isolated from European affairs has managed to maintain a degree of internal stability. Such stability however, is not to last. The USAR has been working against the Japanese government in revenge for the lost treaty ports. They've been funneling leftist revolts against Chiang's unpopular collaborationist government and in Japan's colonial holdings. Some militaristic elements of the USAR want to launch a world revolutionary war against Germany and Japan, as of yet this internationalist faction does not control the government, but could as events unfold[7].

As the 1960s being, in Germany, while the economy has struggled forward, the nation has fallen behind. The military is in shambles, the slaves increasingly restless, and a generation of Germans has grown up relying entirely on this caste, never having had to work or serve in the military. Influenced by a black market of British, Italian and even Comitern media, as well as large amounts of imported literature banned by the state, they have taken to the streets to vent their frustration against the regime. By 1962, the nation has been locked in almost 6 months of constant protests and riots.

As 1962 begins, Germany soon announced the first good news for the nation seemingly in decades. Its space race with America and Japan, at least according to German authorities, has come to an end. German Raumsonauts have landed on the moon. Despite this, Japan and America both have claimed the space race is not yet over, and have pushed the boundaries, claiming they will achieve things such as the first space station, Lunar colony, and satellite around Mars.

As the celebrations at this victory began in Germania, however, and Germany seemed to face a brief lull in its woes, an assassin struck at Hitler. While the Führer has survived, it seems that the Reich may be facing its greatest challenge yet.....for few months after the assassination, Hitler dies and the Reich dissolves into civil war.......

The mod has various flashpoints that could escalate into World War III or very much change the political balance of power:
* The German civil war itself, between Speer, a reformer that seeks to "reform" Nazism for the 20th century, doing away with much of the corruption and creating an effective fascist state, but facing significant resistance; in most playthroughs he either remains a nazi, but guiding Germany under his interpretation of Nazism, or he reforms Germany into Italian style Fascism. It is possible for him to either strengthen the Unity-Pakt or rebuild the Axis alliance by reconciling with Italy, Spain and Britain as a bulwark against the USAR and Japan[8]. Bormann, whom believes that nothing is going wrong for Germany and would put the reich on a fast track to collapse in most playthroughs, Goering, who wants war to restore German dominance over Europe and could start nuclear war if he suceedes, and Goebbels, whom has adapted Ultranazism and seeks to restore the extermination policies(his route will essentially end up turning Germany into one big death camp and a spartan-esque society) and restore the position of the SS in German society. Little does anyone know, he is nothing more than a puppet for Heydrich to drive the world towards nuclear war[9]. The USAR manipulates events to cause the collapse of all four factions and to use this opportunity to spread leftist ideas amoung disenchanted Speerians.
** If the war drags on too long, then the German Anarchy occurs, Goebbels is killed by Heydrich for outliving his usefulness, and Heydrich takes all the territory of the Goebbels faction. USAR efforts bear fruit with the appearance of the German Socialist Republic led by disenchanted Speerians that have been swayed by leftist beliefs. If the German Socialist Republic wins, it will be very hard for them to maintain power. Most of the students have had little education in Marxist ideology except for the limited material supplied to them either by the USAR or via the black market. The GSR either manages to pull through and create a socialist Germany, abeit one marred by the atrocities of old and no longer able to project any power, or they get too purge happy and isolate themselves internationally, or they fall victim to a Nazi countercoup, leading to the total collapse of the German nation, or even from Strasserite and Nazbol-esque elements within the GSR that actually agree with elements of Nazi racial and social policies, becoming effectively the monster that they overthrew[10].
** Burgundy itself could be destroyed. It either collapses on it's own with the 1982 death of Heydrich or could be invaded via focuses and event chains, through there is a danger of starting a nuclear war with the latter. Upon collapse, France will try to retake the lands Burgundy has taken from them in WW2 and later on in the German civil war, and Germany will try to reintegrate the rest of Burgundy if still alive.
* The collapse of the Mediterranean Pact. With a weakened Germany, the Mediterrean pact starts to drift apart and succumb to pent up disputes over land. Assuming the Mediterrean pact collapses(very likely) Italy could liberalize following the series of reforms ushered in by Italo Balbo, fall to a Communist revolution, or somehow maintain fascism; the worst case scenario being either a Germanphile government that effectively becomes a puppet of the Reich or even worse, an Evolian coup that sees "The Roman State" align with Burgundy and help Heydrich with his goals[11]; the descriptions various policies undertaken by "Supreme Caesar" Evola in events and focus trees being seen as some of the most disturbing ingame. The Iberian Union, which is facing problems that are to rear their heads once Sanjuro dies, could see the restoration of the monarchy, stabilization under Sanjuro's sucessor or total collapse....which BOTH the USAR and the Nazis(at least under Bormann, Goebbels and Goering) are willing to exploit. The sucessor states of the Iberian Union range from a restored Red Catalonia, to fascist and theocratic breakaways, and even an ultranazi breakaway led by the Green Devil, whom somehow made his way to Iberia. Britain could reform the commonwealth into a military power or rebuild ties with Germany dependent on who is the leader.
* Russia itself fragmented into many warring nations, which could reunify Russia under not only a communist banner, but also a democratic, neo-tsarist, fascist, or even nazi and ultranazi banner.
* Japan is dealing with an insurgency in the Reorganized Government of China against the unpopular government of Chiang-Kai-Shek. The resistance is made up of Communists, KMT remnants, and various other parties. Players could play as the resistance or the collaborationist government. The collaborationist government could seek to quell the resistance themselves or call in the Japanese army. This would only further delegitimitize Chiang's legitimacy down the line and lead to further political problems. The resistance has to unify various groups and prepare for the confrontation with the collaborationists. For foreign aid, they could appeal to their old allies in the USAR or other sources such as Britain and even Germany. A deal with the devil may also be made for seemingly no consequence, or at least that's what Heydrich wants the resistance to believe.........[12]
* British control of the Raj is falling apart, with Japan and the USAR pouring efforts to support anti-colonial Indian Rebels against British Rule.
* South African Union, made up of Rhodesia and the Domination is dominated by a fascist pro-British party, and have implemented apartheid policies. The pro-German ultranationalist elements however would like nothing short of total genocide as well as accommodation with the Unity-Pakt. This could lead to a three way civil war between the pro-British government, the pro-German Boer Republic(backed via RK Afrika), and the USAR backed ANC.[13]
* Americuba is led by Charles Coughlin[14], and sees the growth of a more outright Nazi movement influenced by the ideas of William Dudley Pelley and Virgil Effinger[15] that is led by George Lincoln Rockwell and William Luther Pierce(ultranazi) that could take power. They seek to create a purely white and Americanized Cuba and possibly retake the united states.....regardless of the consequences.

There are several ways this game could end:
* In the worst case , Heydrich succeeds in his plans and brings about a nuclear war that causes the total devestation of human civilization.
* In the extremely rare case that a Bormann-led or Goering led Germany turns on Burgundy AND wins the Cold War or manages to fight a conventional WW3 without nuclear armageddon[16], another horrendous outcome is presented. Nazism stands trimpuhant once again, but the consequences of that trimpuh is a long, torturous, suffering existence for the human race culminating in its extinction as a result of perpertual war, genocide, eugenics, and general barbarity and depravity and suffering.[17]
* If Japan somehow "wins" the Cold War, it leads a enlarged co-Prosperty sphere possibily expanding into Russia and the Middle East while the rest of the world collapses around them. The ending event implies that Japan's collapse as a result of their totalitarian policies is yet to come however and they've only starved off the inevitable......
* The Cold War dosen't end but continues beyond the scope of the game, either between the USAR and either a Mediterrean Bloc that has worked out it's problems or a resurgent British commonwealth, or between the USAR and a surviving Japan. In some extremely rare cases it is possible for ultranazi Eurasianist Russia to come to blows with the USAR[18]. This is the most common ending, alongside nuclear apocalypse.
* World communism is achieved, while it is the easiest for USAR to win the Cold War, to get this ending(the usual USAR wins ending is the world facing an uncertain future even as the USAR remains the sole superpower) a lot of factors have to occur, such as the Viet Cong liberating Indochina, the Japanese Empire collapsing, the more left wing elements of the ANC in power in South Africa, the Resistance either under Communist or KMT leadership triumphing in China, the German Anarchy happening WITH the GSR victorious and it not becoming a totalitarian hermit state of the purge happy or nazbol varieties. This ending is the hardest to obtain by normal means.[19]

[1]: Whoever created this mod, if not someone from the USAR, would probably be part of the more left leaning elements of the Party of Progress in Cuba, or some social democrat party in the FBU.
[2]: Essentially what the Axis here call their WWII
[3]: Atlantatropa dosen't exist here through
[4]: The TTL equivalent of OTL!TNO's Triumvirate. Except a major power, making this effectively a four way cold war.
[5]: While Himmler is the main villain of OTL's version of the mod, it was Red_Star_Rising's suggestion to have Heydrich instead in the discord channel. Essentially I created a way for him to replace Himmler as the villain of the mod.
[6]: This is also the goal of Himmler in the OTL mod.
[7]: There is essentially no NPP equivalent here, I can't think of any way this could happen. So it's moreso a more unified Worker's Party vs militants and outright Posadists(minus the part about Aliens and dolphins)
[8]: Yeah, no UN stand in route where Speer's reforms leads to every nation coming together to defeat Burgundy and fix the world, I doubt USAR would want detente with Nazi Germany, the closest is an restored Axis powers that can be formed by Speer's diplomatic manuverings.
[9]: With Heydrich in control of Burgundy here, he takes the role Heydrich does in the GCW. Should be noted Goebbels was killed during the Russian insurgency in the real TNO mod.
[10]: This version of the DSR actually has a chance to not be a total disaster for everyone, but it should be noted the "good" ending where they stabilize but at the cost of any international power projection is very hard to achieve and usually they collapse, become nazbol/strasserite, become too purge happy, or nazi countercoup followed by final collapse of Germany.
[11]: He never amounted to anything in the actual TNO, either being dead or politically irrevelent.
[12]: This is our equivalent of the Britain storyline in TNO.
[13]: Equivalent to the South African War
[14]: Going off Caeser_33's posts which may or may not be canon
[15]: Going off Bookmark's posts, and at least the part about the murderous American nazi collaborators have been confirmed canon
[16]: Most likely only possible in multiplayer games where the players decide not to use nukes or expoliting the system
[17]: This is essentially the ending that happens in Godspeed(another upcoming mod I would recommend to be followed) if their "Nazis"-led by Evola-win the world war. Also Goebbels route can't get bad ending #2 as that route automatically leads to nuclear apocalpyse as Heydrich expolits Goebbels commitment to implementing fanatical ultranational socialism to his purporses.
[18]: They don't have the power to actually win the Cold War, at most deal a crippling blow to Germany that sees it's collapse and the reunification of Russia.
[19]: Hardest that can be attained without unsupported tricks such as exploiting loopholes or having a conventional ww3 in multiplayer. Especially considering that the player can't wantonly start wars for the sake of it and there are several triggers for this ending.
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Other Hearts of Iron Mods(By DanielXie)
Other Hearts of Iron Mods

I've covered TNO and Kaiserreich in earlier posts that can be found here and here
The Fallen Eagle[1]: A what-if that asks the question "what if the revolution never happened"? In this alternate timeline, set around an alternate 1970s-1980s, the whites somehow win the "War of Socialist Aggression" in the 30s, leading to Macarthur ruling as dictator until his death, until which a power struggle occurs that completely shatters the nation. The Nazis never seize power in Europe, instead the Weimar Republic manages to remain stable. Europe is caught in a Cold War between a authoritarian Soviet Union that emerged victorious in a war with Japan and the "League of Free Nations", whom have developed far right movements themselves. The divided North America is a playground for the two blocs. This mod is controversial for it's constant use of memes as the basis for focus trees, as well as the portrayal of a noteworthy socialist politician in the USAR as having adapted an ideology merging Communism with ultranationalism into a borderline Strasserist ideology in The Fallen Eagle, and a normal Conservative-leaning politician as a full on Nazi seeking to turn their country into a racially pure ethnostate and acquire their own lebensraum.[2]
Fuhrerreich: Inspired by an event from Kaiserreich, Fuhrerreich is a double-blind what if showcasing a world where the Entente wins World War I---from the prespective of Kaiserreich. US never falls into the Debian revolt it did in Kaiserreich, but the Soviet Union manages to form, abeit significantly less authoritarian than it was under Stalin. In Germany, Alfred Rosenburg and the Thule Society takes over Germany under the ideology of Valkism--which combines racial supremacy already present in Nazism with a greater emphasis on Neopaganism and the occult, and they seek to plunge the world into a new war......[3].
Spartakus: Envisions a world where the German and Hungarian Revolutions of 1919 were successful, but this caused a massive Red Scare that decimated the socialist movement in the US. The mod builds up to a war between a Comitern led by Red Germany and a Britain, France and US veering evermore towards Fascism......[4]
Godspeed--A Flame for Winter: A mod not yet available that is currently in development with a point of divergence going back to the 5th century BCE and including things such as a rump Byzantine Empire in the east divided between the Empire and a Trojan state governed by Fascism. Other PoDs include the French annexing Britain into a new Angevin Empire due to a worse bubonic plague devastating Britain enough for it to be defeated in the Hundred Year's War, and a slaveholding Virginian Confederacy dealing with a socialist slave revolt. While this mod has a rather implausiable point of divergence, the creators, inspired by the New Order, seek to focus more on the storyline, and how the player's choices impact the world as a whole. [5]
Revolution & Reaction: A mod that purports to expand the Hearts of Iron timeline back to 1858, with a goal of spanning history from that time to modern times. Currently the mod covers history, as well as possible divergences, up to the 1890s for many countries. [6]
In the Name of the Tsar: Germany manages a successful victory in the Western Front during WWI, but suffers major defeats in the Eastern Front. The war ends with Russia victorious and enforcing a forced partition of Germany. The USAR revolution still occurs and spreads across the Americas, and a Bavarian commune appears in the ruins of Germany. The main conflict is set to be between the USAR vs. a reactionary Russian Empire, with various powers seeking to reunify Germany or maintain their newfound independence and Britain and France veering towards Fascism.....[7].
Emperor of the World: The first major mod by the creator of The Fallen Eagle, deals with a conflict between an Napoleonic France that has dominated Europe into the 20th century vs. the De Leonist Danubian Worker's Union. While the creator has moved on to other projects such as Fallen Eagle, Emperor of the World is being kept alive by a loyal fanbase constantly improving upon and adding in new features and focus trees.[8]
Kalterkrieg: A unofficial sequel to Kaiserreich based on a Cold War between the Internationale and Mittleuropa, whom have put aside their differences to defeat Savinkov's Eurasian Alliance, which included before it's defeat the Greater Russian State, Japan, Intergralist Brazil, and an Entente that degenerated into National Populism. The ideological spectrum remains the same as normal Kaiserreich with the exception of National Populism, which has been replaced by the catch-all ideology of ultranationalism with it's discrediting in the second Weltkrieg.[9]

[1]: The closest thing the modding community has to the Hearts of Iron IV mod "Red World" TTL.
[2]: All of this happened in the actual Red World, you get over the top stuff like the ability to crown Rajiv Gandhi as Indian Emperor, the ability to recreate the Roman Empire, the ability to crown Bashar Al-Assad as the king of a new Assyrian Empire, and the stuff about one politician going Nazbol and another going full Nazi is also true regarding the actual mod; Red World portrays Bernie Sanders as having gone national bolshevik due to a personal tragedy, and Teresa May as a full on Nazi, leading a wing of the Conservative Party that has degenerated into full on Neo-Nazism and is seeking to reclaim Ulster and Normandy. Mike Pence is also portrayed in the actual mod as the equivalent of Pelley and Cordreanu, leading a neo-nazi Christian Fascist terrorist group similar to the Iron Guards. For this mod, I have omitted the names of possible figures that could appear as it might impede on undetermined Cold War canon, leaving you all the freedom to guess possible figures that could exist here filling these over the top roles.
[3]: Yeah, none of that social progressive notzi stuff we see in OTL's Fuhrerreich Valkism appears, and as a result it's essentially nazism with a even more nuttier emphasis on the occult and paganism. I think with more exposure to Nazi atrocities TTL, no one will try to pull that perception off and even if it is made by an apologetic/denialist far right crowd as seen in the FBU I doubt we would get "Valkism" as socially progressive. I also used Rosenburg rather than say, Himmler as the leader of the Valkists because it is possible that Himmler is also a chicken tycoon with little interest in politics in TTL's Kaiserreich.
[4]: Same mod in development as OTL
[5]: Again, same mod in development as OTL
[6]: End of A New Beginning in OTL. The actual mod only goes up to the 1870s at this point with regards to content.
[7]: Same premise as OTL, but a wholly different setting.
[8]: Same that used to exist as OTL, except this time it was never deleted in a fit of rage by the creator over people submitting focus trees that wanked their favorite nations to death.
[9]: Not the same mod in development, the actual Kalterkrieg mod is a Entente-vs-Mittleuropa cold war after the defeat of an internationale that has succumbed to totalism, through National Populism may become a major threat with Pelley in a position to take over the AUS and Savinkov already in power in Russia. It does however contain some uncomfortable almost hard right themes to say the least.
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Freedom Fighter (1996)

Freedom Fighter is a five hour EBC television film based on Conscious of a Freedom Fighter and My Journey by Barry Goldwater. The film stars Colin Firth in the role of Barry Goldwater

The film starts with small businessman Barry Goldwater being stood on trial for “financial support” he had given the White Army as a reasonable measure against Communist seizure of his family store (his selling arms to the Whites is never mentioned). Tried for “crimes against the people”, he is sent to the notorious prison the Alcatraz Citadel. It is made clear that he has little chance of escape, due to its isolation and heightened security.

There, he finds himself in a strictly controlled environment, among a company of distasteful figures, many of whom are implied to have done worse crimes than what Goldwater had been accused of. He runs afoul of noted criminal Robert Stroud, who tries to start a fight with him, but Goldwater subdues him thanks to his boxing skills.

He quickly finds himself following a group of White war criminals, led by George van Horn Moseley and Gerald LK Smith. Though, they mistrust him on account of his Jewish heritage. The young Goldwater is used as messenger for the White’s semi-conflict with the Mafia gang led by Bugsy Siegel. All the while, Goldwater is singled out by the guards, who want him to act as an informant, which Goldwater refuses.

Goldwater begins to write down some of his experiences and views, in the hopes of someone discovering it, and beginning to fight to restore capitalism and democracy. This gradually evolves into essays discussing his support of the Old Constitution, capitalism, and his experiences with other prisoners

He learns that there are gaps in the Citadel, when Alvin Karpis and two associates successfully escape and disappear. He strikes up a conversation with Lenny, a New Jersey mobster and one of Siegel’s entourage. Lenny says that he is able to smuggle goods into and out of Alcatraz thanks to several corrupt guards he bribes. Seeing the opportunity he had wanted, he gets into contact with some of these guards, and has them smuggle the essays off the island, and up to Canada. There, one of his old Republican friends from Arizona passes the manuscript to a London publisher. Conscious of a Freedom Fighter becomes a bestseller before the wartime alliance with America forces them to cease publication.

In the meantime, during the war, Goldwater befriends some of the imprisoned True Democrats. As the war is winding down, he hears rumors that they are planning amnesty for some of those accused of lesser crimes, in exchange for a transfer to Cuba.

Sure enough, he is summoned to the Warden’s office, where he is given the option of a transfer to Cuba, which Goldwater accepts. The film ends with him arriving in Havana, and a brief overview of the highlights of the rest of his life.

MUSAFIR (By traveller76)
Completed with assistance from Judaspaladin


Created By: Drishti Shiv Mhasalkar, Dipali Joshi, Diya Kulkarni, Punita Vemulakonda

Harsh Jaswinder as Dr. Shiv Chandan Rao
Kavita Shyama Rao (Season 1-2) Hema Narang (Season 3-5) as Captain Shikha Shanti Narang
Chiranjeevin Narayana as King Parmod Sarvesh Singh (King of Kaladara)
Swapnil Kailash as Prince Deo Geevarghese Singh
Reva Lata Rao as Princess Leela Rajesh Singh
Susheela Chaudhari as Nalini Prabhu Anand (assistant to Leela)
Kasi Kumar as Shreya D'Cruz (herbalist/midwife)
Sri Rameshwar as King Gulshan Vimal Nibhanupudi
Mandeep Choudhary as Karmini Jay Gupta (wife of Gulshan)
Rama Vimal as Prince Mitual (son on Gulshan/Karmini)
Jeetendra Asim as Saral Abhijit Nagarkar (Head Priest of the Keepers of knowledge)
Govinda Parth as Jagadish Om Nagarkar

Country of Origin: Greater Indian Commonwealth

Original Language: English/Hindi

Number of Seasons: 5

Number of Episodes: 100 and 3 Television Films

Musafir is a science-fiction/fantasy television series created by the Commonwealth based STAR television network that ran from 1985 to 1990. It was one of the first programs to combine science-fiction and fantasy elements together into what critics and fans called a Space Opera format. Known for its landscapes, costumes and writing, the series rapidly became a favorite on Indian television within the first two years of production. It later on was exported to various other countries in the Alliance and later to the Comintern. The series would become a staple of various game and science-fiction conventions for its costumes and gear which combined South Asian, Middle Eastern and European styles.

Season 1: Dr. Shiv Chandan Rao and Captain Shikha Shanti Narang are passengers on the cruise vessel Horizon when the vessel is damaged by meteorites. Forced to abandon the ship they land on what is supposed to be a abandoned Mars like planet but instead find a thriving civilization at a 17th/18th level of technology. After being rescued by a group of Cavalrymen Dr. Rao and Captain Narang are taken to the city of Kaladara were they agree to help the Kingdom versus the Kingdom of Rajkot. Captain Narang agrees to help teach new weapons and tactics to the military while Dr. Rao, along with Princess Leela's assistant Nalini decide to teach medical techniques and improve the health of the people. Already there has been several outbreaks of disease caused by the introduction of the outsiders to Paladura. These outbreaks of disease are being blamed on the outsiders by the Head Priest of the Keepers of Knowledge, who is against the outsiders. Dr. Rao manages to develop a form of Penicillin and begins to teach others how to manufacture it. As Dr. Rao and Nalini travel throughout the Kingdom Nalini sends coded letters reporting Dr. Rao's progress. Many villages who were wary of the outsiders soon begin to welcome the visitors. Dr. Rao enlists the aid of Nalini especially to speak to women regarding woman’s health and childcare, which angers some village elders. While visiting one village, the party is attacked by bandits led by Jagadish, who is wounded. Instead of letting him die, Dr. Rao treats him and several other wounded bandits and soldiers. This angers the King who orders them to return to the capital. Once they return the King demands to know why he saved Jagadish. Dr. Rao tells the King and the Ministers that he has taken a vow to help people, no matter what religion, caste or status. Princess Leela defends Rao and many villagers petition for the Doctor for all the good deeds he has done. The King agrees to release him but with Princess Leela and Captain Narang as escorts.

Season 2: While Dr. Rao and his party are assisting the people of Kaladara they receive new orders by courier. Rajkot, a rival Kingdom, has also started to modernize their military and tighten control over their vassals. Believing that Rajkot will attack Kaladara in the future the party is ordered to visit all the vassals and independent cities in order to win their support in a future war. While Dr. Rao does not want to create a new war he feels he must try and help as many people as possible. Captain Narang still believes that Rao is a naive fool but Leela thinks that diplomacy is the best option at this time. The Head Priest decides to meet with his brother, the bandit Jagadish and ask him to kill Dr. Rao, who is encouraging the training of more teachers by the Kingdom and the promotion of literacy and that he can ransom Leela. However, the Head Priest later on hires an assassin to kill Dr. Rao after Jagadish captures him so that he will need his brothers support. The Head Priest also begins to spread a rumor that Dr. Rao seeks to kill the King and install himself as the new king. While near the border with Rajkot, the party is captured by Mitual, the Prince of Rajkot. The King of Kaladara receives a demand from Rajkot to send diplomatic party to the Free City of Lashgar, a neutral city that has been used for trade and negotiation in the past.

In Lashgar, Prince Mitual tries to persuade Leela to marry him to avoid a war between the two states. While Leela does not want a war she cannot marry someone she does not love. Mitual asks if she loves someone else and she admits she does but knows he does not love her. Dr. Rao tries to negotiate the release of Leela but Mitual does not care. Mitual and his party are attacked by Jagadish and the assassin attacks Dr. Rao who defends himself using martial arts and manages to subdue the assassin. Mitual attempts to kill Leela but he is killed by Captain Narang. Jagadish admits he was hired by the Head Priest to kill Dr. Rao but spared him since he helps the common people. While the party heads back to Kaladara the King of Rajkot receives the news of his sons death. While shocked he orders the Army to prepare for war.

Season 3: One Year Later: As the series starts we see Leela writing in her diary and hear her narration. When Dr. Rao, Leela and Captain Narang returned the King of Kaladara orders Captain Narang to assist in the training and the expansion of the Army and that Leela is not to leave the palace without a full guard. Since the attack on Leela and the death of the Prince of Rajkot the city of Lashgar and several other cities have formed a Neutral League and refuse to sell weapons to both sides or allow troops to cross its territories. This has forced both sides to fight for several strategic points in order to attack or defend themselves. While Rajkot has a larger army they are poorer quality and Kaladara has a smaller but better trained and equipped army. Both sides have called for volunteers and requisitioning supplies for the war. Dr. Rao refused to fight for the army despite the threats of imprisonment, facing possible unrest, the King allows Dr. Rao to create a society to provide medical care to civilians and refugees that are coming into the cities.

We see that the first battles and parades are full of flowers and music with proclamations that the war will be short and victorious against Rajkot. Later on there are announcements and newspapers carrying lists of the dead and wounded and the images of funeral processions going through the streets are common. We meet Shreya, a herbalist who arrives in Kaladara with a group of nomads trying to escape the war. Upon seeing her clothing and mannerisms many people avoid her and refuse to give her and food or water. She finally faints from hunger at the hospital run by Dr. Rao. When she awakes she sees Dr. Rao who asks about her condition and why she had no food or water. Shreya tells him that people refused to help her as she is from the nomad caste and therefore excluded. Dr. Rao is surprised and wonders why she came to the city if she knew she would be ignored. She tells Rao she had heard of a physician who helped people no matter what status or wealth they had and that she wanted to learn from him. Rao asks why she wants to help people and maybe the physician is just a story. Shreya dismisses this since as a nomad she heard the same story in multiple villages. Plus she is an herbalist like her mothers and grandmothers before her and believes the physician could use someone like her since he is an outsider. Rao states he will introduce her to the physician tomorrow but to be prepared to be tested.

Meanwhile, the King of Kaladura is becoming impatient, the war is costing the Kingdom a lot of resources and unrest is growing. After replacing the last General, he orders the new General Chandrakant Singh to lead a new army to challenge and defeat Rajkot. Prince Deo requests to go with the Army by blackmailing General Singh over a past indiscretion with Nalini. Captain Narang also travels with the Army since she is responsible for the new training and weapons of the Army. The season ends with the new army marching out of the city from the viewpoints of Dr. Rao, Shreya, Leela and Nalini. Instead of the cheers and music of the beginning of the war we see many people stare and wave a few flags. Many women are wearing white and shield their children from the parade, showing the difference the war has affected the people.

Season 4: One Month Later

As the series starts we see Captain Narang writing in a diary regarding the Battle of the Three Rivers. We see bandages on her face and arms and that she is wearing a new rank on her uniform. Captain Narang narrates that the Kaladuran Army had obtained information from scouts that the Rajkot army would attempt to cross the area where three rivers met in order to bypass the Kaladuran fortifications. General Singh believes that since the rivers have only few places to cross and there are several hills the new army can dig in and force the Rajkots to attack. They arrive at the area of the three rivers and begin to dig in with trench works on three hills overlooking the rivers. During this time Prince Deo and his cavalrymen assist with the construction of the fortifications which impresses Captain Narang and General Singh. Narang also deploys the newest weapon of the army, a series of balloons using steam engines to observe the approaching Rajkots.

The day comes when the Rajkots are visible to the Kaladurans but appear to be hiding some sort of weapon. The next morning everyone is awakened the sound of incoming rockets. The Kaladurans head for the trenches but already there is some panic and wounded men. The Rajkots are using smoke to hide their troops and are starting construction of bridges across the rivers. General Singh orders Prince Deo to use his troops as an emergency reserve and Captain Narang to use the balloons to pinpoint the enemy forces. General Singh orders the troops to fire only when they have a clear shot so they do not waste ammunition. Narang writes later on that the Rajkots make several attempts to cross the rivers but are beaten back. It is when the battle is almost over that a rocket impacts the command tent, wounding Narang, Deo and killing General Singh.

When Narang awakes she is in a hospital and sees Dr. Rao and Shreya in hospital clothing. Dr. Rao tells Narang that she was taken care of by Deo's medical staff until they arrived back in the city. Despite being wounded, Prince Deo rallied the troops and Rajkot retreated. While Narang seems happy at the victory Dr Rao is less encouraging. He remarks that despite the best care of the physicians and healers many soldiers died from disease and wounds and little has been done about them. At that time a messenger from the Palace arrives to invite now Major Narang to the Palace when available. Two days later Major Narang arrives where she receives a Medal of Valor for her assistance in the battle from the King and Prince Deo (who is also visibly wounded). We also see Nalini wearing white and beginning to show the signs of pregnancy. While King Singh is happy to talk about the victory of the Army and celebrate Leela, Deo, Rao, Shreya and Narang visit with each other. Deo appears to have changed from the young man seeking glory to a serious soldier. Both Deo and Leela agree to create a fund for widows and orphans using their own wealth. Rao and Shreya acknowledge the goodness of Deo and Leela but also state that the kingdom needs to do more to avoid unrest. We also begin to see the beginning of a romance between Narang and Deo. Leela says she has an idea.

Season 5: In Rajkot, King Gulshan and Queen Karmini are having dinner alone and discussing the war. The war has been ongoing for two years with little to show for it except making the merchants wealthier. Both sides have used new weapons and tactics but with the Neutral League it has forced both sides to fight on specific battlefields where the better trained Kaladurans have won. Already several of Rajkot's vassals are rebelling or talking to the Neutral League. Gulshan states that a few victories will turn the tide but Karmini tells him that various nobles have already started to plot against him if they continue the war. Karmini advises him that peace now would give the kingdom time to train a better army and reform the system. Gulshan refuses to listen and begins to scream at Karmini when suddenly he starts to cough and then collapses to the floor. Karmini calls for the guards and the physicians.

In Kaladara, Leela and Deo, along with the Ministers meet with the King. All announce that the kingdom has made some gains but the war is far from over and has brought hardship to everyone. People are demonstrating against the government and that many look to Dr. Rao as a leader. While the High Priest calls for Rao to be exiled Leela and Deo say that would provoke a revolution. Instead Leela asks the King to meet with Rao and representatives of the people. Reluctantly the king agrees. The King, Leela, Deo and Ministers expect Rao but instead find themselves meeting with a group of merchants, farmers, laborers and soldiers. When the King asks what they want Rao responses with representation. “Those who have sacrificed should have a say in how the land is governed.” While the King attempts to dismiss this the group announces everyone will stop working until the demands are met. Leela proposes that those who have served in the Army can vote and that a Constitutional Convention be held between all the parties. Rao and his parties agree to this but only if Leela acts as an observer and gives her word. Leela and the King agree. Just then a diplomatic messenger arrives from Rajkot that Queen Karmini wishes to discuss peace terms since King Gulshan has fallen ill.

One Year Later, Narang and Deo are married just as the Constitutional Convention announces its results. Dr. Rao and Shreya are also married and Leela has become a representative to the Neutral League. The King, Rao, Shreya, Narang, Deo and Leela are having dinner together when the King proposes a toast to the new world and peace with Rajkot. Everyone raises their glasses and the series ends.
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Patty Hearst? Kidnapped or Collaborator? Brainwashed or Traitor? The Hearst Scandal Revisited. (Part 3) (By Bookmark1995)
I've been on a long absence as I have had to prepare for graduate school. Now that I am (mostly) settled, let us conclude the Hearst story.

San Francisco Journal

March 10, 2004

Patty Hearst? Kidnapped or Collaborator? Brainwashed or Traitor? The Hearst Scandal Revisited. (Part 3)

Upon her return to US shores in 1976, Patty Hearst had immediately detained by Florida police, and subjected to a wave of condemnation and criticism in the UASR. Some extremist newspapers, chaired by Cuban exile groups, demanded her immediate her execution for treason.

At what was described as a harsh interrogation, and in her 1983 autobiography, Hearst painted a horrific tale of kidnapping and brainwashing at the hands of corrupt capitalists, which has become the accepted events in the UASR.

In 1973, she claimed that after leaving the stall of her bathroom, she was attacked from behind. Despite putting up a harsh fight against her assailant, Hearst was chloroformed. When she woke up nearly 2 days later, she found herself in a blank prison cell.

"It was dark, and I panicked, briefly thinking I was caught up in some sex-trafficking ring," Hearst wrote. When she came to, two people, a tall, blond woman (called Allison) and a short, fat man (called Roger) in a coat came in.

"They told me," Patricia wrote, "that I was back in Cuba, where I would be return to my proper family."

Hearst screamed and yelled that she did not want to go back to America. Her captors, they said, smiled a condescending smile.

"They treated me like some stupid child who said I didn't know my place," Hearst wrote.

What followed, according to Hearst, was two months of psychological conditioning. Her captors were dedicated into making her into a proper, loyal member of the Cuban upper-class. She would received a mixture of etiquette training and propaganda about life in Cuban.

"The first part of the day, I had to learn how to curtsy and hold my cup like some English snob," Hearst wrote, "the next part of the day, they made me watch these dumb propaganda movies, showing how great life in Cuba is, how native Cubans love being under the control of American exiles, and how dark and twisted the Reds are."

When she rejected her "etiquette lessons," and disregarded the propaganda, she was given severe punishment.

"Sometimes they would beat me on the shins. Other times, they would leave me with no food for two days," Patty said.

A month into her kidnapping, after apparently smashing her television, she was subjected to a particularly harsh punishment: she was dragged by her hair, and forced into solitary confinement [1], and given scant food. The two week long period of isolation and deprivation, more than anything, was what broke her will.

"They got what they wanted from me: an empty shell they could mold," wrote Hearst.

Hearst mentally surrendered to her captors, and more easily accepted the propaganda.

"They trained me to only care about two things: my appearance and clothes," Hearst said.

On February 10, 1974, she woke up, and instead of meeting her captors, she was met by a well dressed man.

"I didn't now what to expect, but suddenly, the man gave me a big hug," Hearst said, "and told me he was happy to meet me!"

The man was William Hearst Jr, her uncle who, unlike her father, had followed most of his family to Cuba. After the elder Hearst's death

"He told me I would no longer suffer Red oppression, and that I would live with my true family," Hearst said. After months of torture, Hearst indeed felt she had been "oppressed".

Hearst Jr and Patty went into a limo, and drove to a palatial mansion. After months of psychological conditioning, she cried tears of joy over the sight.

"I honestly believed that this is what I wanted, that this was the thing that was missing in my life," Hearst wrote.

Hearst's two years in Cuba were described as a period of vapid decadence and sloth:
luxurious breakfasts that could feed up to a family of five, parties that would have made the French monarchs croak in disgust, shopping trips that consumed the budgets of hundreds of families, vacations around the world, jetsetting with numerous celebrities, and luxury cars.

"I was Marie Antoinette," Hearst wrote ,"I lived surrounded by luxury."

In this world of wealth and power, she found very little love, even among supposed siblings and friends.

"In the capitalist world, even so-called personal relations were treated as competitions," Hearst wrote ,"my so-called gal pal Georgina would always try to come out superior in our so-called friendship moments." Hearst often found herself taking morphine and other drugs to cope with the emptiness of her life.

The closest person she felt to in her time in Cuba was her "Uncle Willie", but even then, his outlook was skewed by a somewhat conservative mindset.

"I honestly felt Willie liked me," Hearst wrote, "he would hug me when I was sad, but he still felt that wealth was somehow a cure for loneliness, and that I was better off with a man in my life."

What ultimately prompted Hearst to return home was her Uncle arranging her to marry Rodger Jennings, the son of one of his business associates. Jennings was a true misogynist, who often behaved as if the world owed him everything.

"He would bump into servants because he expected them to get out of his way," Hearst wrote, "but it is important to remember that this attitude exists within all capitalists. Rodger was just this attitude brought to a logical conclusion."

According to Hearst sense of over-entitlement extended to his treatment of woman.

"He would grope the maids when no one thought he was looking, and he was always staring at the chests of other girls," Hearst wrote.

During their third dinner date, Hearst claims that the drunken Jennings tried to tear Hearst's dress off and force himself onto her. It was her military training, which laid dormant in Hearst, that saved her from sexual assault. But it was Uncle Willie's nonchalance at the whole thing that broke the camel's back.

"Uncle Willie just didn't seem to care," Hearst wrote. "He seemed to treat that boar like some inconvenience. Either that, or again, he didn't care what I would go throw. Even if he did like me, I was a tool for greater glory first."

This fact prompted her to flee back to America. Pretending she was going on a trip to the beach with her friends, she managed to sneak her way to a raft with Cuban refugees and row to America.

In an instant, Hearst's story turned her from an object of anger to an object of public sympathy. After a period of debriefing and trial, Hearst was acquitted by the court on May 10, 1976. Hearst, exhausted by her experiences, entered teaching, and wrote a book about her experiences that was published in 1980, and adapted to a TV movie in 1985.
Conflicting Claims

While the British government did push for an investigation into Hearst's claim, the breakdown of inter-bloc relations in the late 1970s forestalled any attempt to corroborate Hearst's claims, or find any involvement of the Havana government in Hearst's kidnapping and supposed torture, but in recent years, a rumor mill has sprung up challenging Hearst's claims.

Members of the Hearst family have denied any role in her kidnapping, asserting that as far as they knew, Hearst wanted to be in Cuba, and have also denied Hearst's claims of their spoiled behavior. Hearst herself believes that some of her more opportunistic members have had a hand in her role, but doubts Uncle Willie may have been the perpetrator.

Several books have popped up, either challenging Hearst's claim, or accusing the Cuban government of kidnapping and brainwashing American girls for the sake of propaganda, or even the Hearst family being the ones who orchestrated the kidnapping. The Cuban government itself has long denied that it orchestrated any kidnapping attempt.

One of the most prominent of these counterclaims was a 1991 book published by Eduardo Perez, a former servant of the Hearst family, who immigrated to the UK. He asserts that Hearst had defected, not to escape an arranged marriage, but because she her Uncle had denied her a shopping trip, and that her return to America was the act of a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. This theory is prominent among right-wing Cubans, who often deny many of Hearst's claims, and accuse her of being a "capricious red girl."

Precluding a greater improvement in relations, and greater openness by the Havana government, any certainty about the Hearst scandal will not be resolved in the near future.
While the British government did push for an investigation into Hearst's claim, the breakdown of inter-bloc relations in the late 1970s forestalled any attempt to corroborate Hearst's claims, or find any involvement of the Havana government in Hearst's kidnapping and supposed torture, but in recent years, a rumor mill has sprung up challenging Hearst's claims.
I find that highly skeptical.
They have accusations of kidnapping, and it's aimed their "ally".

Not even bothering to do a proper investigation risks them deciding to return the favor. Or decide that Americuba has finally become too toxic a option to keep around.

I'm saying they try to, but the breakdown of relations between the two blocs forestalls any investigation.
I'm saying they try to, but the breakdown of relations between the two blocs forestalls any investigation.
True, but that doesn't stop them from doing their own investigation, just because the UASR cuts them out. Send someone down with orders to either find a scapegoat, or "explain" to the Americubans that if this happens again, well..... bad things will occur.
True, but that doesn't stop them from doing their own investigation, just because the UASR cuts them out. Send someone down with orders to either find a scapegoat, or "explain" to the Americubans that if this happens again, well..... bad things will occur.

Aside from that, did you think it was good?
Aside from that, did you think it was good?
Oh yeah, it was really good, I just find the ending..... Jarring. In fact, I suspect a great deal of those claims against her may be funded by the Hearst family in Cuba to muddy the waters so MI6 doesn't have them on a plane to the UASR first chance they find evidence.
True, but that doesn't stop them from doing their own investigation, just because the UASR cuts them out. Send someone down with orders to either find a scapegoat, or "explain" to the Americubans that if this happens again, well..... bad things will occur.

They probably did it and never published it because of geopolitics.
Windsor Syndrome, the Canadian Media and the Failure to Teach Consent (by Bookmark1995)
Inspired by a recent discussion on the Discord, this is another exploration of the social consequences of the Red Turn.


April 10, 2018

Susan Stoyanov

Windsor Syndrome, the Canadian Media and the Failure to Teach Consent

It has been almost four decades since the walls dividing North America between the enslaved and the free [1] have fallen, and the Canadians have been brought under the loving embrace of socialism. But even decades later, cultural barriers still exist between the residents of Canada and the UASR.

Just across the border into Niagara Falls, shreds of bourgeois behavior still linger in the city. Canadians still gush over the size of homes, not the camaraderie among neighbors. Quantity, the amount of goods one possesses, still matters more than quality. And, more seriously, extremely archaic attitudes toward sex and gender still remain, which combined with a liberated environment, can create outrageous acts of violence and assault.

Recently, a resident of the Canadian Niagara Falls, 16 year old Matthew Gordon, made headlines when he basically groped a 20 year old militia captain in public. The kid, after presumably being given slapped into another nationality, was given ten days in jail.

Like many others from the former Dominion, Gordon fell victim to what we call Windsor Syndrome: anti-social behavior that results from a repressed individual thrown into a liberated environment without education or understanding. This social condition came from the city of Windsor, just across from the very socialist city of Detroit. After the Red Turn, many thousands Windsorian teenagers crossed into Detroit, eager to see a city closed off. While most simply wanted to partake in the benefits of socialism, others responded to their newfound with acts of petty crime and, even worse, sexual harassment. During the summer of 1982, there was spike in acts of sexual harassment and sexual violence, often by Windsorians who greatly misunderstood the concept of "free love". Mary Andersen, a Detroit Psychologist, coined the term in a 1982 publication of the Detroit Medical Journal.

But even decades later, despite decades of social education, Windsor Syndrome is still a problem.

At his disciplinary hearing, Gordon admitted that he crossed the border into America, like so many others, in order to get his first lay. But more interestingly, Gordon got the idea of harassment from a Canadian movie called Fun In the Streets.

Fun In the Streets, like many, many movies made about the UASR outside the UASR, pushes many ridiculous stereotypes about Americans, and are often little more than porn with a few brain cells [2]. The basic plot is about some American female traffic cop -played by a very obviously Canadian actress, who apprehends suspects, but most scenes consist of her getting laid with various prisoners.

Now under certain conditions, one can find this movies' stereotype to be somewhat funny, and I will admit, I was very aroused by what I saw. But underneath the unintentional comedy, there is a troubling propagation of toxic myths about social liberation in general. The female cop character embodies severe misconceptions like "exposure equals consent," or "promiscuity equals pansexuality."

Fun In the Streets and movies like it fail to teach young people about exposure being very different from sex, or how even among promiscuous people, there needs to be an emotional connection with people before they engage in intercourse.

The problem is that many Canadian filmmakers also suffer from Windsor Syndrome. Granted, there are plenty of talented filmmakers who use their freedom properly, but there are also many filmmakers who have taken advantage of the dismantlement of bourgeois morality to simply engage in pure smut. And their work still prevents many young Canadians from really understand what social liberation is: the freedom to live healthily, not to treat other women like pieces of ass.

While Canadians have made progress, movies like Fun In The Streets shows that much work still needs to be made to free Canadians from their mental traps.

[1] Note, this is how I think a hardcore red would people living in capitalist countries.

[2] ITTL, Americans will see porn as just the pure, mindless stuff.

Just curious, is Canada going socialist by 1980 your headcanon or there's some consensus about it? I don't remember the UASR-Canada relations being covered either in the main thread or in the fanfiction one, but I might have missed it.
Just curious, is Canada going socialist by 1980 your headcanon or there's some consensus about it? I don't remember the UASR-Canada relations being covered either in the main thread or in the fanfiction one, but I might have missed it.
It's one of the things that Aelita leaked a while ago. There's a crisis in the 70s where Canada flips to the UASR although a lot of the details are under wraps for now.
It's one of the things that Aelita leaked a while ago. There's a crisis in the 70s where Canada flips to the UASR although a lot of the details are under wraps for now.

Yeah. It was like the ITTL version of the Velvet Revolution, or the Fall of the Berlin Wall: a once loyal nation in an ideological colossus broke down in a relatively short amount.

I figure Canadians, like OTL East Germans, struggle to find their place in a new world none of them expected to be created.