Red Dawn remake finally coming out?

the review seems to be a bit gushy in it's praise... but still, I wonder if we'll ever get to see this 'unedited' version... hopefully MGM won't destroy it...
The unedited version was being tossed around to various distributors, according to the Los Angeles Times, but they wouldn't touch it due to the fear of being unable to get into the PRC market. Before the edits, the article suggested that a direct-to-DVD release was likely.


I don't care what anyone says: I'm still psyched.

Earlier in the thread, someone said he was "losing faith in American cinema." And that's the problem: IF YOU THINK THIS IS GOING TO BE SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, THEN LOWER YOUR FUCKING STANDARDS.

It's good guys shooting bad guys. It's an action movie.

Apparently that's not good enough for some people. Every fucking script has to be Oscar-material, like screenwriters just shit gold or something.
I don't care what anyone says: I'm still psyched.

Earlier in the thread, someone said he was "losing faith in American cinema." And that's the problem: IF YOU THINK THIS IS GOING TO BE SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, THEN LOWER YOUR FUCKING STANDARDS.

It's good guys shooting bad guys. It's an action movie.

Apparently that's not good enough for some people. Every fucking script has to be Oscar-material, like screenwriters just shit gold or something.

Which is what some snobby reviewers said about Battle: Los Angeles. Mainly because the movie came out the week after Oscar night.
I don't care what anyone says: I'm still psyched.

Earlier in the thread, someone said he was "losing faith in American cinema." And that's the problem: IF YOU THINK THIS IS GOING TO BE SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, THEN LOWER YOUR FUCKING STANDARDS.

It's good guys shooting bad guys. It's an action movie.

Apparently that's not good enough for some people. Every fucking script has to be Oscar-material, like screenwriters just shit gold or something.

Don't get me started on Saving Private Ryan. Tell me Mac, how hard is it being left-handed, to fire a Mauser quickly without reloading? :p
North Korea?:eek::eek: Seriously, and what exactly happens to the USAA, USN, USAF, and the Marines? What is this a movie made for 'Homefront' the game?
They're just following in the grand tradition laid down by the original, equally implausible, film. If I recall correctly, that had an invasion force sneaking into the US disquised as ... commercial airline flights? And conquering all that territory before anyone could launch a nuke from the silos.
I wonder if that will be a direct-to-video remake instead of to the theaters. Netflix already has it listed in their catalogue, and I added it to the que, and I will be notified when the title eventually becomes available for them to loan out. Based on that, it appears to me that the Red Dawn remake is going to be a straight-to-video release.
They're just following in the grand tradition laid down by the original, equally implausible, film. If I recall correctly, that had an invasion force sneaking into the US disquised as ... commercial airline flights? And conquering all that territory before anyone could launch a nuke from the silos.

You misremember the plot, in a major way. The paratroopers were only a small part of the invasion (which was primarily a ground offensive, via Mexico and Alaska). Unlikely? Sure, but a lot of butterflies were involved from the PoD to the start of the film.
Did anyone notice the irony that in the last decade, every damn day God sent on Earth was Stars and Stripes Dawn for Iraqis and Pashtuns?
Did anyone notice the irony that in the last decade, every damn day God sent on Earth was Stars and Stripes Dawn for Iraqis and Pashtuns?

I would hardly compare a Red Dawn style scenario to the War on Terror. While Iraq can be debated for it's validity, there is no deneying Afganistan brought it on themselves, and the NATO occupation has been more than human and fair.
And in any case, the Americans left Iraq without successfully completing their objectives (aside from killing Saddam) and basically having antagonized the populace-

Oh wait :D
You misremember the plot, in a major way. The paratroopers were only a small part of the invasion (which was primarily a ground offensive, via Mexico and Alaska). Unlikely? Sure, but a lot of butterflies were involved from the PoD to the start of the film.

Butterflies? Those aren't butterflies, they're Mothra on steroids. I did forget about the ground offensive that took the Midwest by way of Alaska (My God, I can't even type that without laughing), but I guess that sort of thing will happen when one's eyes are rolling around in one's head while trying to focus on this movie.

Ok, I'll stop now. I suppose I'm expecting too much for what was no more than an action ride in the first place.
This movie should only last five minutes because the Werewolves would be wiped out by an airstrike in their first attack.
Eh, I suppose if/when I see it for rental I might see it just for giggles, I'm not going into it expecting anything great, so at least if it does turn out to be a crummy movie I can't be dissapointed :)