Random idea for a TL - the two Galicias united?

OK, this might be a completely random idea, but bear with me on this one.

Now, there are two regions in Europe which, in English, are called Galicia. One is located in modern-day northwestern Spain and was historically an independent medieval kingdom (from which Portugal originated from); the other region called Galicia is located in Eastern Europe in what is now modern-day Poland and Ukraine. Could there have been a way to unite those two disparate regions into one Kingdom of Galicia?
During the War of Polish Succession, Infante Manuel of Portugal was offered the Polish throne by the Hapsburgs... If he accepted, and his family happened to die in the 1755 earthquake...
Haha, I made a map once of the Empire of All Galicias. It'd be easier to have a state that holds both Galicias though.