Just an Idea my Grandfather gave me: What if, at the end of World War Two, the allies opted to combine their military power with that of defeated Germany, and attack Russia. According to my Grandfather, Russia had no Nuclear Weapons, and this Idea was put forwards seriously by many military figures.

Just testing the Water,

The allies face numerous strikes and desertions for causing another unprovoked war against an ally they've just been glorifying whilst allying with enemy. Allied Governments are removed by their populace pretty soon.

You're thinking of Operation Unthinkable, it was never seriously considered, only a contingency.
I am sure one can manufacture a soviet agression easily enought.

In 1945, the USRR and the Communists were allies and not ennemies of the western countries.

The high level of american politics and military had real misconceptions about the Communists, just look at the diplomatic mission of General Marshall in China where he found that the CCP are only "agrarian reformers" and he preferred negociate and shared views with Zhou Enlai than Chang Kai-Chek.