Post WWII Poland recovered territories: pick two.

Inspired by this thread:

What if, on 29 July 1945, during talks with Stalin, Bolesław Bierut asks for Oder-Niesse line and East Prussia as a "just" compensation for Curzon line borders. Stalin thinks a bit, then draws lines around three areas on the map:

  1. East Prussia
  2. Silesia east of Neisse river (the southern "leg" of Germany)
  3. Pomerania east of Oder river (the nothern "leg" of Germany)

and says, when translating from diplomatic speech, what amounts to "pick two".

What would be the most rational decision of Bierut's government? What would be the most probable decision? It is implied that if Poland does not pick East Prussia, it will be annexed to USSR. It is also not clear if Stettin is within #3. Stalin also expresses his opinion that this is a very generous offer, and the final one, so please make up your mind and thankyoudrivethrough.
At the time, though we may see it as irrational today, many poles (even with East Germany carved out) feared German irredentism and the west German lack of acceptance of the borders, especially in the politburo. Gomulka to throw a name out believed that the USSR was the only thing that could keep a resurgent Germany at bay. With that said, I think that that'll play into the choice, choosing to take territory closer too and more important to Germany. One things for sure however if Silesia is an option they'll jump to take it, by far worth the most of all of these territories. East Prussia /could/ be a choice over Pomerania, if only because it's already decently cleared of Germans, well within their borders and that annexing it could send a strong symbolic message regarding total German defeat in the east (with Poland presented as a true victor).