Possible Long VP’s

In a scenario in which Huey Long is the democratic nominee in 1932, and FDR is not an option, what would be some possible Vice Presidential options?
It would be a northerner, or possible a westerner, to balance the ticket, and likely someone relatively moderate/conservative. FDR would be ideal if he were an option. Newton B. Baker, Woodrow Wilson's pacifist Secretary of War, might be an option, since he was mentioned as a compromise candidate for the presidential nomination. Apparently Williams Gibbs McAdoo wanted to be FDR's running mate, so he could just as easily serve in the role for Long.
Perhaps someone like Homer S Cummings, who was a prominent lawyer, and a northeasterner who favoured long’s aggressive legislative style (as seen in his work as attorney general)
Or maybe Smedley Butler, fresh off his (maybe extended) work in Philadelphia and the Bonus Army?
I really find it very hard to see Long getting nominated--he was much too radical for most of the party. And the two-thirds rule was still in place...