Please be upstanding for...

... the National Anthem of the Confederation of British America.

In the realms of the past
Britannia's fair hand
And her valiant deeds
Claimed for us this nation

For freedom and crown
And this land we hold dear
Were traitors struck down
And rebels defeated

Oh America fair
In fraternity
With our imperial friends
We'll defend liberty

And God save our King (or Queen)
Long may the Union Jack fly
With the Jack and Stripes
In America's sky


Diana's Jubiliee 2087

O Diana!
Our Queen grants us this land!
For patriot love, all thy sons command
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
True Monarch strong and free!
Our undying loyalty, O' Diana
Over your hardships and enemy
God keep our land under your see
Oh, Diana, We stand on guard for thee
Oh, Diana, We stand on guard for thee
