Plausibility Check: Bonapartist restoration in CP victory scenario?

Is a bonapartist restoration possible in a CP victory scenario? Either under Napoleon V (Victor) or Napoleon VI (Louis)?
Not happening. Bonapartism as a monarchist ideology was dead, alongside reactionary legitimism. The only powerful branch of monarchism in french politics after 1890 was Orleanism and Orlean-Legitimism (the belief that due to the pledge of 1713, the heir to Henri, Comte de Chambord was Philippe de Orleans). The House of Orleans is the only branch with enough political support behind it for a restoration
I doubt that. It seems that Orleanist monarchist was most powerful faction among French monarchists. And not sure if Germany would allow return of their old enemy to the throne. Probably sees Bonapartes being too dangerous.
Strangely, I was just contemplating a scenario that would achieve this in a round about way. Basically, France falls to a military dictatorship after the war that brings the Orleanists back to the throne. An uprising against the regime in the 1930s triggers a civil war, which ends with a negotiated peace that is heavily influenced by the other great powers.

The final outcome is that the military surrenders power to a moderate democratic government. On one hand, the Orleanists are too associated with the old regime to continue, but on the other, Great Britain, Germany, and a still monarchist Russia are worried about the ramifications of fanning anti-royal sentiment by creating a republic, so a Bonaparte is brought in as a compromise.

I honestly don't know how plausible that chain of events would be though.
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A 1913 article:

Would it Restore the French Monarchy?​
Suppose that there were a general upheaval in Europe-one of war. Would the' French Republic go; and the Monarchy be restored ? Paul de Cassagnac writes:​
In France everything may happen. For all Gaul is divided into three parts-patriotism, industry and love. of change, It. is on this last. attribute that the politicians’ playing now-those who seek to overthrow the republic. The Bonaparte’s -those who believe in the everlasting supremacy of the Napoleonic regime-and the royalists-those who hold toe divine right of the Orleans family-are equally busy at the moment, plotting, undermining ; the one party for Prince Victor Napoleon, the other for the Duke of Orleans. Both these men are "kings in exile" in their own belief ; both-have located themselves conveniently near Paris to await the people's call. Prince Victor dwells in Brussels ; the .Duke of Orleans, the left-handed golfer, is in Lucerne, dealing vicious strokes at the 'ball, us if it were the head of Prince Victor or oí President Fallieres. Imperalists are the more active and the more hopeful. Already they foresee in-stalled, in the palace of the Elysée Prince Victor Napoleon. President at first, yes, one does not arrive on a throne at a single leap and an election approaches.​
