Plans for Soviet Zone of Poland If No Nazi-Soviet War

Apologies if this has already been addressed - I've done a search, but couldn't find anything on it. My question is this:

Supposing that no war had broken out between Nazi Germany and the USSR after their occupation of Poland, do we know what were the Soviet plans for for the Polish territory they occupied? Partition between the Ukrainean and Byelorussian SSRs? Annexation as the Polish SSR? A "Rump Poland" satellite state? Some combination of the above?

I'm pre-supposing something extremely unlikely - that for at least a few years that status quo between the two powers as it existed in 1940 continues, and no external factors come into play. One has a rough idea of what the Nazis might have done assuming there was no Beabarossa (and no Soviet invasion of Germany, either), but I've never heard much about what the Soviets might have done.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


OTL they were divided between the Ukrainian, Belarussian and Lithuanian SSR's, in either 1939 or 1940 already. If there is no Nazi-Soviet war, this status remains.