Photos from Alternate Worlds

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Wouldn't it be Grand?

NRA Spokesman, Michael Moore, blasts Hollywood

Infamous filmmaker, and renowned NRA spokesman, Michael Moore spoke out against Hollywood's percieved bias against the NRA, and gunowners in general today.

"It's just ridiculous, not to mention SICKENING, how they try to portray those who support the Second Amendment! It just shows how far Hollywood has degenerated in the last few decades!" he said in a fiery lecture at a college graduation in Michigan.

(Weird huh? ;))

alternate reality fatass.PNG


An iconic photo taken just before the Constitution Hill Massacre of 1989. The British military, which had seized power in a coup and deposed the monarchy, ruthlessly strafed and bombed the crowd of civilian protestors rallying around Buckingham Palace.

An iconic photo taken just before the Constitution Hill Massacre of 1989. The British military, which had seized power in a coup and deposed the monarchy, ruthlessly strafed and bombed the crowd of civilian protestors rallying around Buckingham Palace.

Thande, not to nitpick, but that is a C-17 Globemaster (cargo aircraft only). So if the pilot plans on killing all those people with large pallets, it won't be very devistating.
Imagine how many miniguns and cannons you could jam into the hold, Spectre gunship-style :)

And y'know, it's funny how small they make aircraft roundels these days. I had to squint to make out those little saucers. I suppose in these days of electronic assymetrical warfare, it makes sense to let IFF do the job. And after all, It's unlikely the taliban has anything that size in the air anyway...
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