Blood Rights:
(The Son Of The Eagle)

(Post 62 flag)
Originally a semi American colony Liberia would slowly become a home for free slaves under the back to Africa movement after ww2 and the start of the Cold War and decolonization Liberia would become a counter to Soviet aligned nations and would become a key ally and would get both economic most importantly military aid which would serve it well in the ten day war.

Photo of Liberian Soldier 1955.


A gift from the USA to Liberia seen in 1960.

Although it has been criticized about its treatment of its non Afro American citizens only giving them some voting rights in the late 50’s. Although it’s treatment of vampires (mostly because of their military use and because the USA told them too) is pretty good compared to other in the region.

joint Greater Liberian and USA Soldier during a joint trading size 2012.

An Attack by the Liberian Air Force during the ten day war.

The country is one of a few African countries to have nuclear power program (the other being Libya, Ethiopia, and South Africa) and while officially unknown most agree they may happen nuclear weapons.

current President Allen JT Davis Jr.​
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No More Nowheres: BRONX.

The Bronx would be among the many boroughs of New York that would be severely damaged by the 1979 nuclear incident. Despite the city not being directly hit, the shockwave and heat blast would cause multiple fires throughout the boroughs. Once again The Bronx would burn. And it would be the street gangs who would save it.


Following the nuclear incident, The Bronx would focus primarily on surviving, as well as rebuilding the city and restoring order, with multiple gangs putting the law into their own hands whilst others would wage war with one and other.


The Savage Nomads, among the many gangs of The Bronx. The Savage Nomads and the Savage Skulls would eventually merge into one gang "The Savages"


Seen above are multiple gang leaders during what would be dubbed "Hatchet Day", on that day, the gangs of The Bronx, along with other local leaders, including priests, policemen, firefighters and small community leaders would officially bury the hatchet, agreeing to put aside their differences and come together to protect The Bronx.



Over time The Bronx would follow a path similar to the New Vermont Republic, becoming highly socialistic in nature. Their elections would frequently feature larger than life personalities and populist, ranging from policemen, gang leaders to even rappers.


Afrika Bambaataa of the Zulu Nation Party, whom would lead The Bronx during Manhattan and Brooklyn's war with Queens.​
Fire in the North VI


A Mark II Gatling Gun made by the Västerås Royal Armaments Cooperative c. 1730. While hand-cranked Gatling weapons were still in use by ground-based forces, the Mark II was designed for use in airships and the rotation of its barrels was powered by the airships’ own engines. While it was a highly-advanced weapon - and was indeed referred to as ‘The Gun That Broke the Cossacks’ for its use on the Second Russian War of 1735-1737 - it was highly prone to breakdowns and jams, and had to be manually cranked should power become interrupted.

Interesting it looks like somethings never change even with the aid of uptime engineering. I wonder if anyone came up with a clone of the Gardner gun, either intentionally or as a case of convergent evolution. Now if they wanted some serious heavy firepower I'd suggest the Hotchkiss gun for either artillery or airships, as a complement to the Gatling gun.


The future Charles XIII, by the Grace of God King of Sweden, the Goths and the Vends, High King of the Union of Kalmar, Grand Prince of Finland,Duke of Estonia and Karelia, Lord of Ingria, Duke of Bremen, Verden and Pomerania, Prince of Rügen and Lord of Wismar, and also Count Palatine by the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, Count of Zweibrücken--Kleeburg, as well as Duke of Jülich, Cleve and Berg, Count of Veldenz, Spanheim and Ravensberg and Lord of Ravenstein (1766-1776), titles substituted for Emperor of the Northern Commonwealth (1776 until his death in 1788). This photograph was taken during the Second Russian War, during his command of the airship Vasa.

Born in 1704 to Charles XII and Queen Linda, Charles was an active and popular young man, pursuing a career in the Royal Aeronavy as soon as he was able. He would serve with distinction, ultimately gaining his first command during the Second Russian War and leading a number of daring aeroraids against Russian military targets. He would also work closely with his mother the Queen in championing and organising a number of major social projects. This, coupled with his leadership of the defence of Pomerania during the Three Years’ War, would mean that he was widely-approved when he took the throne. He would see Sweden solidified as a constitutional monarchy, something in which he passionately believed thanks to his up-time mother and educator, and would oversee the Union and Empire coming firmly together in the federal Northern Commonwealth.
He seems like a solid leader though I wonder how his successor compared after taking the throne.

Anne II, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland 1774-1802 and Queen-Consort of Prussia 1742-1802 onwards. Only daughter of Queen Mary II (who nearly died in childbirth and was left unable to have more) and Thomas Lau, her marriage was arranged to King Frederick II of Prussia (who had thus far remained childless, and whose first wife had died in 1738), to secure the Anglo-Prussian alliance aimed at curbing Swedish influence in the Germanies. While initially the then-Princess had been less than happy at the prospect, owing to a discreet preference for the company of her own gender, she was reconciled to the idea when her mother informed her that the King of Prussia had a similar preference for other men, and thus both could make discreet arrangements as long as they had children. Indeed, the two would become close friends and would work well together, with the Queen-Consort becoming a major asset and reformer in the rule of Prussia. Her up-time father and education would prove to be a great boon in Prussia’s continuing drive to modernise.

Despite her Stuart ancestry, Queen Anne would face a protracted Jacobite uprising in both Scotland and Ireland for the first two years of her reign, though her government would see these put down sharply. At home, her reign would be largely peaceful, and would see continued work to better grow the North American colonies and Britain’s new territories in Florida and Cuba...helped by immigration from Prussia as well as Britain itself, with many parts of British North America gaining a distinctly German character...

On the death of Queen Anne, her eldest grandson Wilhelm would take the thrones of both Prussia and Britain, uniting both realms.
Wonder if Wilhelm while a more than competent leader may have ended up being a more conservative or reactionary monarch than his grandparents, being more of an enlightened despot...

I'm guessing that the North American continent was mapped out faster than OTL thanks to a combination of uptime maps and airships traveling over the interior. At the very least I can see Spain being very eager to colonize California, partially because of the gold but also to both boost their economy and to make up for the loss of Cuba and Florida.

Curious to see if Dutch North America survived or not.


Helsingør Castle, also known as Kronborg Castle, was the former springtime residence of the Danish royal family and well known for its notable hauntings, and for the terrible events that happened at the castle in 1940. It was built by King Eric VII of Pomerania in the 1420s as a fortress, and only became a castle in the 1580s under King Frederick II of Denmark. A fire destroyed the castle in 1629, was besieged and captured by the Swedes in 1658, became a prison in 1739, and was owned by the Army until 1922, when it became a royal castle again.

King Henrik I of Denmark and Iceland, who ruled from 1928-1939. He ascended to the throne after his father, Klaus, died at 81 of a stroke during a visit to Oslo in 1928. He died at the age of 56 in 1939 due to a snakebite at Helsingør Castle. There is lengthy discussion on whether his death was either a snakebite or cyanide poisoning at the hands of his brother, who was then Prince Claude, which has only been fueled by the fact that an exhumation in 1990 was inconclusive. His ghost is rumored to have been seen at Helsingør Castle, and a sighting is what apparently started the violent murders that happened at the castle in 1940.


King Claude of Denmark and Iceland ruled from 1939-1940. He is rumored to have killed his brother, Henrik I, married his wife, Queen Consort Gertrude, and usurped the throne. He is well known for his actions towards his nephew, Prince Henrik, after he and one of his friends allegedly spread rumors that Claude had killed his brother a year after his death. These included, according to documents declassified in 1996, was deporting Henrik and sending him under an alias to Germany, and ultimately staging a fencing match between the two, which was what lead to Claude's downfall. His methods also led to the death of his wife, Gertrude, when she accidentally drank from a poisoned wine glass at said match.


King Henrik II was Henrik I's son and heir, who reigned for a period of approximately 15 minutes on April 9, 1940, the shortest serving ruler in world history, before dying from both stab wounds during a fencing match with Thorsten Fredrikssen and cyanide poisoning from drinking from a glass poisoned with wine during said duel (it is unknown which killed him first) at age of 28. He is also a mass murderer, responsible for the shooting and/or poisoning deaths of at least 3-5 people in the span of a week in April of 1940.

His murders were apparently done out of revenge for the death of his father, despite the fact that his father was presumably killed via a snakebite (there is conflicting evidence, as explained above). He also claimed, according to one of his friends at Oxford, that the ghost of his father told him to commit the murders as well. They were in order of death,


Peder Fredriksson, an Icelandic-Danish national, a close friend of King Claude, father of Henrik's fiancée and one of his advisers. He was born in Reykjavik in 1868 to a family of Danish nobles who already had close ties with the royal family. He moved to Denmark in 1892 and became close friends with King Klaus, and worked with his descendants and ultimately became an adviser to the King under the reign of King Henrik I.

He was shot and killed by Prince Henrik on April 2, 1940, in a case of mistaken identity. Peder, with the aid of King Claude, was spying on Prince Henrik when he had a conversation with his mother, Queen Consort Gertrude. After Henrik brandished a gun in front of Gertrude, Peter tried to call for help, and in a panicked response, he opened fire on Peder, killing him. He was 72.

This caused many shockwaves among the royal family, first of all his murder was swept under the rug, and only the true cause of death was released to the public 5 years later. Before then, his cause of death was listed as a heart attack. Questions of Henrik's sanity were on everyone's lips, and the death caused the depression and eventual suicide of his daughter and Henrik's fiancee, Ofelia via drowning, and a feud between the Danish royal family and the Fredrikssons to develop.


And finally, Thorsten Fredriksson was the son of Peter, and brother to Henrik's fiancée. He was born in 1915 to only medium fanfare. As he grew up, he tried to stay away from the spotlight as much as possible, and normally traveled to foreign countries, especially visiting Paris, where he was in 1939 and 1940 during the events described above. He only stayed in Denmark during the coronation of King Claude, and after the death of his father and suicide of his sister.

This led to a conflict and rivalry between Henrik and Thorsten over the coming days, culminating in a fencing match arranged by King Claude. Whilst they were promised that they would use regular fencing swords, Claude gave Thorsten a regular sword instead. During the match, Thorsten mortally wounded Henrik, but not before being mortally wounded by Henrik. Thorsten died first. He was 25.


Robert and George Grant were 2 brothers who were also close friends of Prince Henrik from his studying days at Oxford University. Both were born to oil tycoon Thomas Grant in 1913 and 1914, respectively, in their mansion in Devon. They both enjoyed the splendor of aristocracy, before being sent to Oxford in 1932 where they met and became friends with Prince Henrik. The 3 maintained correspondence in the times they were away, before being invited by King Claude to Helsingør in 1940 for the purposes of spying on Prince Henrik.

They failed at their job, as Prince Henrik found out about the plot. Shortly thereafter, the two left for Germany. They disappeared shortly thereafter and was declared dead in 1947 after records showed up of the two's deaths. They were 27 and 26. (It should be noted that whether Henrik was involved or not was disputed)


Commander Franz Edelstein was a German military leader, responsible for commanding the 120th Infantry Division during the Nazi invasion of Denmark in April of 1940. His division was responsible for the invasion and capture of Helsingør Castle and was one of the first witnesses to the bloodbath that had happened approximately an hour prior to his arrival. One of his main motivations behind commanding troops, especially in Denmark, was because of the fact that his grandfather was among the dead in the Second Schleswig War in 1864. Very little is known about his life before World War II, except for the fact that he was born to extremely poor parents in the heart of Hamburg.​
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Lily James as Doctor Olivia Octavius in Marvel's 'Spiderman' (2014, dir. by Peter Howitt). The film also featured Anton Yelchin as Peter Parker/Spiderman.


Daredevil (played by Joel Edgerton) manhandles Black Widow (played by Sofia Boutella) in the titular "Daredevil: Man Without Fear" (2014, dir. Otto Bathurst)


Harry Lennix as Erik Lehnsherr/'Magneto' for the first film of Marvel's "X-Men" trilogy (2015, dir. Drew Pearce). Prior to the films release, the character received a considerable amount of criticism, as they had supplemented a Jewish character for a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide, but these same critics eventually recanted when the character was not only nuanced and empathetic, but played very well opposite Liam Cunningham's portrayal of Professor Charles Xavier.


Owain Yeoman as Captain Britian, one of the many assemble cast featured in 'Excalibur' (2017, dir. ). It was one of the first Marvel films to tackle the concept of the Multiverse, as Yeoman's Brian Braddock was of another earth where the British Empire never fell. He is pursued by Bardic, his doppleganger from a darker version of his own homeworld, hellbent on destruction of his dimensional counterparts as to widen his Empire. In order to stop Bardic and the destruction of Earth on the whole, Braddock works with his initial captors, the covert security network MI-13, codenamed Excalibur; composed of Agents Peter Wisdom, Dr. Faiza Hussain, Julian Richter, John the Skrull, Maureen Raven and Nathan Garrett.
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American actor Nicolas Cage, as seen in the Tim Burton directed blockbuster Superman Lives (2000). The film also stared Sandra Bullock as Lois Lane, Chris Rock as Jimmy Olsen, Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor and Christopher Walken as Brainiac. Upon release the film would be met with mixed reactions, though relatively positive, and many would praise Cage's acting, as well as Burtons directing. Nicolas Cage would reprise the Superman role on occasion, like on the CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths event.​

King Richard Loins of England who came to power after the “August attack” on Parliament is which left all of, but one members of the Royal family dead. Richard was the great grandson of queen Isabelle youngest grandson David who married actress Merry Ward a cousin of billionaire Ace Ward.


President Jerry H. Reeves of the United States Of America


Photo of Legion Volunteers propaganda for the Venezuela Conflict. The group was made up of Citizens from Legion and other followers of Legion throughout the world. while not officially under Legion Government it is wildly believed that Legion backed the group and used it as a front for proxy wars. The Legion Volunteers would be labeled a terror group by some AFN nation s most noticeably Brazil and non Legion Egypt .


One of the only pre meta photo of Hannah HellFire who would start out as American bank robbery before joining legion after the “week war” she would become a general in the Legion military.


photo graph of what is believed to be the Reaper and Atlanta urban legend like figure who fight crime.


the mob boss known as “Doll Face” who was once and abused pageant queen who after testing some make up which chemically burned her face became an gangster.


photo of the hero Captain Slaughter while he helps put down the attempt forth of July coup plot.


The meta human terrorist known as Flora.
The Boyd-verse: Part 12
The premise of other studios with animated films is loosely based on the ideas of @NoName. So special thanks to him for inspiring the later ideas.


Pennsylvania Railroad H10 Consolidation #9843 waits with another class member to haul various freights over the newly formed Lake Shore Railroad. A fusion of several Chicago-area interurbans, the line found itself short of motive power for non-electrified and/or rebuilt lines, and used leased PRR consolidations because were among the few engines light enough for the tracks of the rebuilt right-of-ways.


During the Japanese colonial era of the Philippines, the Catholic populations were generally left alone. Tokyo knew that going after them was sure to sour their relations with France and Brazil, their two staunchest allies during that period. As the above picture shows however, the Muslim populations in the south were nowhere near as lucky.


A famous screenshot from the 1983 Disney classic "East of the Sun, West of the Moon", directed by Don Bluth and featuring music composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, with Gail Matthius as the main role. This would be the next to last collaboration between the two, with them part ways after Rapunzel (1987) so Webber could return to his roots on the stage.


President Ronald Reagan declares his plans for how to split Amtrak into a series of privately run companies that would use principles proposed by the Goldwater Amendment. Proposed but rejected in 1938, it had proposed tax breaks and sometimes direct subsidies to companies that provided public services under various conditions.



These two images show the results of two attempts by Andrew Lloyd Webber to adapt the Railway Series into some sort of musical content. The first attempt (above) was sketched by Don Bluth when the two were collaborating on realizing the idea as a Disney film. Though that never got off the ground, Webber did use the proposed songs composed by him and Richard Stilgoe to create the stage play Starlight Express. The second attempt (below) was produced between himself, Britt Allcroft Studios, and MGM Animation as the latter's first completely CGI film, and the first animated film to beat a competing Disney film since Universal's Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn defeated All Dogs Go To Heaven in Summer 1990.


After the success of the above film, MGM Animation contracted a sequel adapting Troublesome Engines and Percy the Small Engine, starring Nigel Pilkington as the latter story's titular character (above). While it had to put up a bit more of a fight than the last film, it was still a resounding success upon its Summer 2013 release.
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Fire in the North

Anne II, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland 1774-1802 and Queen-Consort of Prussia 1742-1802 onwards. Only daughter of Queen Mary II (who nearly died in childbirth and was left unable to have more) and Thomas Lau, her marriage was arranged to King Frederick II of Prussia (who had thus far remained childless, and whose first wife had died in 1738), to secure the Anglo-Prussian alliance aimed at curbing Swedish influence in the Germanies. While initially the then-Princess had been less than happy at the prospect, owing to a discreet preference for the company of her own gender, she was reconciled to the idea when her mother informed her that the King of Prussia had a similar preference for other men, and thus both could make discreet arrangements as long as they had children. Indeed, the two would become close friends and would work well together, with the Queen-Consort becoming a major asset and reformer in the rule of Prussia. Her up-time father and education would prove to be a great boon in Prussia’s continuing drive to modernise.

Despite her Stuart ancestry, Queen Anne would face a protracted Jacobite uprising in both Scotland and Ireland for the first two years of her reign, though her government would see these put down sharply. At home, her reign would be largely peaceful, and would see continued work to better grow the North American colonies and Britain’s new territories in Florida and Cuba...helped by immigration from Prussia as well as Britain itself, with many parts of British North America gaining a distinctly German character...

On the death of Queen Anne, her eldest grandson Wilhelm would take the thrones of both Prussia and Britain, uniting both realms.​
For some reason I'm picturing her great grandkids looking like this (minus the anime aesthetic obviously.)

Presenting Princess Victoria and her two younger sister Marie and Cristina, the rising star of the royal navy well known for her anti pirate campaigns, progressive mindset yet strong adherence to tradition and personal beauty. Her hobbies include naval history, fencing, horse riding, baking and skeet shooting... truly an excellent heir to the Anglo-Germanic thrown.:openedeyewink:
Blood Rights
(Famous Werewolves)

Seth Rogen who was born a alpha were wolf some time in the early 1700’s some where in the 13 colonies who had made a name for himself in movies and stand up comedy.

Jay John Teller country singer and movie writer. He became famous shortly after his was bitten by his then high school girlfriend. He would keep it a secret until it would be leaked and he came clean to his fans. Many left due a lot of anti werewolf feelings but he would gain additional fans after coming out and would become icon for werewolves everywhere.

soviet horror and science fiction writer Petersburg Smirnov (1991-2015) known for his works on shows such as “after” and “The Town which everyone left”

Suge Knight who was a music producer before he was arrested for the attempted murder of rapper “2pac” and “Snoop dog”
Interesting it looks like somethings never change even with the aid of uptime engineering. I wonder if anyone came up with a clone of the​
Gardner gun​
, either intentionally or as a case of convergent evolution. Now if they wanted some serious heavy firepower I'd suggest the​
Hotchkiss gun​
for either artillery or airships, as a complement to the Gatling gun.​

Well, initially it was a case of going with designs that (a) were proven to work and (b) would be easier to gear Sweden as a whole up to produce. So the Gatling was the first choice (and proved itself to be entirely effective...). Now, by the time of the war with Russia, machine-guns of other sorts would have been started to be fielded (and a couple of surprises were coming from other nations...).​

He seems like a solid leader though I wonder how his successor compared after taking the throne.

Well, by the time of the next monarch things were a bit more democratic, with an at least semi-constitutional monarchy and the democratic structures and federal structure of the Northern Commonwealth, so even if the monarch turned out badly they wouldn't have the chance to cock things up too badly.

Wonder if Wilhelm while a more than competent leader may have ended up being a more conservative or reactionary monarch than his grandparents, being more of an enlightened despot...

Possibly...the union of the British and Prussian thrones means on the one hand a gaining of strength - Prussia gets Britain's naval might, Britain gets Prussia's huge land presence - but on the other hand, their ways of doing things are somewhat different...

I'm guessing that the North American continent was mapped out faster than OTL thanks to a combination of uptime maps and airships traveling over the interior. At the very least I can see Spain being very eager to colonize California, partially because of the gold but also to both boost their economy and to make up for the loss of Cuba and Florida.

Curious to see if Dutch North America survived or not.

Oh, I'll be getting to North America :D

For some reason I'm picturing her great grandkids looking like this (minus the anime aesthetic obviously.)

Presenting Princess Victoria and her two younger sister Marie and Cristina, the rising star of the royal navy well known for her anti pirate campaigns, progressive mindset yet strong adherence to tradition and personal beauty. Her hobbies include naval history, fencing, horse riding, baking and skeet shooting... truly an excellent heir to the Anglo-Germanic thrown.:openedeyewink:

...I love it and I may have to make this canon :D
(Legion’s technology)


photo of legion Capitol Dominion it is a monument to Legion style of retro futuristic technology. While the tech may look primitive at some point most of the nation’s tech is about equal to most nations if not more advanced when it come to it’s military.

Hodad J7 Pro a PC made in Legion it’s on match with the average PC, but runs on different software. Also Legion has it’s on internet kinda like China has.


Water Froce One part of Legion mega aircraft carrier/submarine class this model has been renovated to house the high council and The High Chancellor.


Legion Space Command Center Deco Bravo (Mars 2050)

Models of the Triumph Diver Coupe

The highest model you can get the Diver excelsior

The Mid Grade mid grade Diver Submariner

The Diver Hydra


Legion main battle tank the MT-44 on part if not better than Abrams although the MT-44 is harder to produce early own in its life which lead to the American being able to make something to match it.


SLAR-17 the main battle rifle legion between

does anyone have any questions about this universe?​
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(Legion’s technology)
View attachment 497972
photo of legion Capitol Dominion it is a monument to Legion style of retro futuristic technology. While the tech may look primitive at some point most of the nation’s tech is about equal to most nations if not more advanced when it come to it’s military.

Hodad J7 Pro a PC made in Legion it’s on match with the average PC, but runs on different software. Also Legion has it’s on internet kinda like China has.


Water Froce One part of Legion mega aircraft carrier/submarine class this model has been renovated to house the high council and The High Chancellor.


Legion Space Command Center Deco Bravo (Mars 2050)

Models of the Triumph Diver Coupe

The highest model you can get the Diver excelsior

The Mid Grade mid grade Diver Submariner

The Diver Hydra


Legion main battle tank the MT-44 on part if not better than Abrams although the MT-44 is harder to produce early own in its life which lead to the American being able to make something to match it.


SLAR-17 the main battle rifle legion between​
I’m thinking about covering some of the Legion and Amercian heroes and villains.

Future President of the Republic of China Soong Mei-Ling, whom was, at the time of the photo, the First Lady of the Republic of China, married to Chiang Kai-shek, who was a key allie to the United States of America during the Cold War.​

Well, initially it was a case of going with designs that (a) were proven to work and (b) would be easier to gear Sweden as a whole up to produce. So the Gatling was the first choice (and proved itself to be entirely effective...). Now, by the time of the war with Russia, machine-guns of other sorts would have been started to be fielded (and a couple of surprises were coming from other nations...).​
Armored steam cars and land dreadnoughts anyone...

I'm definitely interested in seeing what kind of surprises the downtime nations will be coming up with in the near future. Consider all the uptime technology and industrial knowledge will be spreading around across the European nations. We might see some rather stop gaps and leep frogs by the minds of the various continental powers.

Well, by the time of the next monarch things were a bit more democratic, with an at least semi-constitutional monarchy and the democratic structures and federal structure of the Northern Commonwealth, so even if the monarch turned out badly they wouldn't have the chance to cock things up too badly.
On one of I'm glad we won't be see any WMIT level crazy ruler in Sweden but on the other hand they sure are entertaining to look at.

Possibly...the union of the British and Prussian thrones means on the one hand a gaining of strength - Prussia gets Britain's naval might, Britain gets Prussia's huge land presence - but on the other hand, their ways of doing things are somewhat different...
Yeah I'd imagine that it can be a bit... difficult getting the two sides of thrown to agree on common policy. Probably with the two having a large amount of autonation, being allowed to manage their own affairs more or less by themselves. Outside of certain key matters such as the military and colonial policies with the ruling monarch acting officially as a neutral mediator.

Oh, I'll be getting to North America :D
On a hand with the new tech boost I can't help but see the North American getting settled faster than OTL with the settlers having repeaters and airships on their side this time. Though on the other hand the native American's might with a little help from the more progressive elements of European society might find themselves getting their own officially recognized nation instead of what happened in OTL, even if it's as a vassal state of the European power's. Of course you'd end up with the lovely little conundrum of having people from various different cultures, beliefs and linguistic backgrounds trying to form a stable government but still. Plus the slave trade may just find itself getting strangled to death a bit earlier thanks to uptime influence and some new economic incentives, afterall who wants to feed, house and clothe a bunch of potentially rebellious slaves when you can have a horse drawn machine easily do the work of a dozen strong men.

...I love it and I may have to make this canon :D
Sweet!:biggrin::extremelyhappy: You got the smart, motherly big sister (who may or may not have a bit of a ruthless side), the cutely shy and adorable middle daughter and the rambunctious little spunk of the youngest.

Side note: I kinda picture the world being roughly on par with the 1940/50's by their time with a few differences like steam-electric hybrid cars being just as common as gas burners, soldiers being armed like their 21st century counterparts and of course airships.

Poster for Marvel's Spider-Verse (2023).

Also starring:

Millie Bobby Brown as Anna-May Parker/Spiderling
Caleb McLaughlin as Miles Morales/Ultimate Spiderman
Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider aka Spider-Gwen
Shailene Woodley as Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman
Nicholas Cage as Peter Parker/The Spider aka Spiderman-Noir
David Tennant as Cletus Kasady/Carnage