Peaceful and Lasting Anschluss's of Alternate History

Just as Germany and Austria in '38, East and West Germany, as well as Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen and Yemen Arab Republic in '90, the United Arab Republic of Syria and Egypt in '58, are there any possible or near-miss peaceful national unions from this century?


Australia and New Zealand in a CP victory TL. Start with a severely weakened Brititsh Empire. Add an overhyping of the Japanese threat and the two might merge.

If the EEC never forms post WW2, the BeNeLux (re-)uniting or a Scandinavian Union is also plausible IMO.
Arab Federation of 1958, uniting the two Hashemite Kingdoms.

Federation of the West Indies, 1958-62.
Ahschluss refers to Germany and Austria. Perhaps peaceful unification would be a better description. Anyway; Union of Balkan Socialist Republic, 1920