Paul Ceglia beats Mark Zuckerburg in court

This is possibly the first thread on this website in this forum inspired by an episode of American Greed.

For the purposes of this what if, the POD is a sleeper, that awakens when Paul Ceglia's Mother's computer is discovered to have Ceglia's version of Page One of the StreetFax/PageBook contract (the one that mentioned Facebook by name) as its final draft, and records of the original email correspondence with Zuckerberg as submitted by Ceglia on Outlook Express, with Zuckerberg's email in a format consistent with Harvard's Student UNIX email client at the time.

Let's assume the screwdriver that Zuckerberg doesn't try any really funny stuff, like try to buy off Ceglia's lawyers or the judge or jury, and Ceglia won't entertain any offer less than his original claims.

1: What happens next with Facebook?
2: What happens with the Winkelvoss Twins?
3: Will The Social Network suddenly lose relevance?

An inquiring mind wants to know!