Order and Progress...just not here...


The photographs revealed a metallic cigar-shaped object with stubby wings to the sides sitting in drydock at a small custom-built facility north of Natal. Its length was impressive 45 meters and a man standing next to the craft was giving orders to a work crew.

"Who is that"?

"His name is Holland, Presidente, John Philip Holland. Emperor Pedro recruited him to Brazil early last year for a considerable sum and chance to refine his designs. When combined with their own work the results were impressive". The naval attaché was nervous about meeting his president in person as the affairs of Brazil drew great interest in the nation, especially as many believed a showdown between the two continental powers inevitable.

"And you say another design is already being prepared"?

"Yes, one that does not require external support of the torpedoes. It is this new design they are building in this picture and the first one slated for production beyond isolated prototypes. We can gather a few details..."

"I said I wanted blueprints and technical data. Is this all you have"?

Lucas Torente paused nervously for a fraction of a second. "The technical details are still evolving, Your Excellency. I felt it premature to bring plans that were incomplete. You can already see the difference between the designs of Special Boat Number 3", as Torente pointed at the existant submarine in one of the photographs, "and the lack of wings on the new one".

"Go on"

"From what we know so far the craft fires a device known as a Whitehead torpedo and carries six to eight of them aboard. The crew is fifteen to twenty with four of those being engineers. The engines are a radical departure from the last model, this new engine has the capacity to produce most of its own water directly from the sea instead of having to bring..."

"Wait, the Brazilians have figured out how to desalinate water for an entire crew while in the ocean"?

"We believe so Presidente, but the evidence is as yet inconclusive".

Rosas felt that twinge again. His chest had begun to cause him pain several months ago, first once a week but now at least daily. The episodes were getting longer, and only his doctor and grandson knew of it. His son would act as mediator and power passed to the grandson so that stability and a Rosas leadership would be more easily maintained. A weapon like this would mean the chance to expand almost anywhere an ocean could take it. "Tell me about the torpedoes".

"No one has seen one used live yet, they may be very expensive toys for all we know".

"Pedro is no fool, either there has been a test or he has done his research and left little to chance. Where do they get the torpedoes from"?

"The Empire bought a license to make them three years ago and has been rumored to have improved on the design with a heavier warhead and much longer range, something close to 1000 yards. The warhead is heavy, we estimate 150-180 pounds, and compressed air makes up a lot of the power behind this new weapon. Designs are evolving, but we were able to get a Whitehead torpedo of our own as a basis for study".

"How many of these new submarines are to be built"?

"Eight, each named for states of the Empire. Interestingly the top speed is reported as 12 knots and the range close to 2000 miles, though the latter seems exaggerated. Much of the ship is dedicated to battery space and the new lead-acid batteries allow for an underwater range of 25 miles before recharge. The fuel-burning engines can be rune while underwater but this requires use of a pair of tubes attached to a tall glass tower normally used for visualizing other ships for oxygen intake. It also creates a lot of smoke as the bad air can not get out fast enough".

Rosas wondered if this was actually a production model or just another step as engines were refined further, especially as the surface engine seemed rather inefficient. Still, the weapon could be very potent in the right hands, and Rosas wanted some of his own.

"When can we get a copy of the plans for our own purposes"?

"Presidente, I have a copy of designs for their Special Boat Number Two here, the others are quite well guarded and would require significant resources to acquire".

"Get me the latest one and order the construction of a triad of earlier versions as a training vehicles. We will see their weapon and realize it ourselves". Then we look beyond our continent, Rosas thought to himself. Brazil was very active in Africa between the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn, apparently looking to unite the whole south-central part of the continent for themselves. Zanzibar had been reduced to a satellite of Brazil while slavery was ended abruptly south of Mogadishu, instantly earning praise and loyalty from many of the coastal peoples. With the Iberian Union on the verge of another Civil War it seemed that Pedro was looking to build a respectable military. This meant to Rosas that either Iberia was his next target or Argentina was. The thought was interrupted by another twinge of chest pain, this one lighter but still a reminder of its presence. He then turned to the newest piece of military equipment the Argentines had devised and began running the plans through his head. France and Argentina had common cause when they found their rivals Germany and Brazil sharing secrets.

"And bring in Admiral Torres as you leave. We have much to discuss".

"Yes Presidente, immediately". As Torente turned to leave he briefly saw a model of ship with a very odd prominence sitting behind a stack of paperwork in an obscure corner of the room...








Early 1874

Presidente Juan De Rosas spied the map sitting on the wall as he lay in the bed as his son and grandson discussed the succession of the hereditary Presidency. From Acre to Patagonia, from Santiago to almost Sao Paolo ran the flag of the Republic. In the last few years it was also being seen further afield, the Dominican Republic becoming an Argentinean satellite in exchange for debt relief and northern Papua New Guinea with its neighboring islands as a gateway to Asia. War raged between the United States and Spain with New York, Boston, and most recently New Orleans being firebombed by Spanish ironclads which the Americans were powerless to resist.

"You have heard what Juan III is asking for in exchange for ending the war, yes"?

It was the younger Juan in the room who responded. "They want the return of St. Augustine and much of the southern part of the state. While it is mostly worthless as swampland it serves to effectively shatter the Monroe Doctrine the Americans like to tout. Using the big river in the northeastern area of the state (St John's) and the smaller one in the west central part (Withlockoochee) sets a largely natural boundary while giving the Spaniards a base to strike from much of the rest of North America at will. It also means the Spanish could continue to support the Confederate leftovers used in Cuba recently".

The president nodded in accordance. "Close the door".

Both men look puzzled as the door was closed. "These might prove a useful piece of history someday".

The middle De Rosas took a dozen letters and two large pieces of thick paper from his father. As he read his eyes went agape and his jaw dropped. "You...made a treaty with the Emperor of Brazil"?

"Believe it or not we have been friends for many years. Boy, take the box from the cabinet over there, it is full of our correspondence. Yes our militaries have built up in a very public fashion, the entire political dance was calculated to make it look as though we were antagonists. This is the opposite of the truth, secretly we have developed project and plans to build our nations in mutual growth. As they work on their submersibles so we work on our rifles. As they work on their chemicals so we work on our machines. And so forth. The arrangement has been quite profitable, no one suspected our involvement in New York, did they"?

"You snuck a ship into New York Harbor, launched a weapon against a military vessel of another country, made it appear that the United States did this via their prototype torpedo boat, and then disappeared again"?

"Yes. You seem surprised". Neither of them were prepared to a move of that audacity, even from a man who once ordered the execution of a pregnant woman partially as a show that everyone was equal under his law. "The more they fight the more we benefit".

"And you do not think you have rousted a sleeping giant, father?! What happens if the Americans get their act together and find a way to build a true navy? For heaven's sakes the bullets we use..."

"...are found to have American cousins that work exceptionally well in our rifles. As do the Spaniards who actually bought our older rifles".

"It's brilliant", exclaimed the younger de Rosas, "and if this means what I think it does...when does Brazil land its forces"?

One de Rosas looked shocked, the older one smiled in smug satisfaction. "Six days if they stay on course".

"Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?!", yelled the middle de Rosas.

"Grandpa set up the United States as a fall-man for international conflict. Juan would love American territories as shown by his commitment of eight of his ten ironclads to La Nueva Gran Armada, leaving his shores much less defended. Pedro wants Portugal back...what did he give in exchange"?

"Recognition of our rights to Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, acknowledgement of our pending claim to Hawaii, and the Phillippines..."
Summer 1874

Hamilton Fish looked at Domingo Sarmiento carefully as he thought about the offer. The lack naval maintenance by the United States led to a dangerous situation that was made all the more obvious by the recent war with Spain. Landings of Spanish marines had already resulted in St. Augustine being captured and attempts to claim the entire state below the St. John's waterway to either the Withlacoochee or Suwanee rivers - in essence the entire state below Jacksonville minus the panhandle. The mere claim was ridiculous and Fish knew they could not be permitted to do so, but it would be at least another six months before the first of the seven new Republic-class ironclads was ready for trials. Their newest artillery, three pairs of the latest 15-inch breech loaded derivatives of Dahlgren and Armstrong guns, were already being field-tested successfully at various locations and beginning to be used at coastal defense stations. Unfortunately the shelling of New Orleans, New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore had already shattered faith in the ability of Washington to protect its own shores. Many of the largest businesses moved inland to St Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, and Memphis among others. Spanish raiding was already taking its toll on American shipping as well, thankfully the transcontinental railway was available for moving gold cross-country but losses to privateers and outright seizures were adding up quickly. To recover confidence in using the ports the Americans needed a Navy that they did not have. Argentina was offering aid and assistance, but at such a price...

"Our distaste for Spain is as profound as yours, Mr. Fish, their recent attempts to reclaim Chincha island among others left several large groups thirsting for revenge. Common cause would bind us together, you see".

Fish thought about the offer. Argentina wanted the Dominican Republic, the Canary Islands, Hawaii, and the Philippines. Cuba would go to the United States, and it was already inferred that the Argentineans would take gold in exchange for Hawaii and the Philippines, perhaps Alaska too, though the price would be steep. Without a navy to aid them the over 300 floating guns of Spain would remain a looming threat even as they tried to convince the British and French to join the war. Although the arguments were so far not convincing, continued attacks without response would only encourage aggressors - already Disraeli's government along with the new French Republic were considering their options, thoughts of New England coming under threat from land as well as sea were intolerable, and it was thought Paris would follow London's lead.

"We can hold out in the interior of the country and are already preparing a response. Yes, we will bleed a bit, but you are asking for a great deal".

"You are aware, Mr. Fish, that the Spanish are now organizing a 'Confederate Remnant' government, yes? That this government is based out of Leesburg, Florida and seeks to establish claims over the entire South"?

Fish kept a straight face, he knew about it because they printed flyers making their way farther north with each passing day. Grant and others knew that it was lack of international support and Union control of the Southern hinterlands that drew away many Confederate troops during the war. Many wanted to simply to get on with life and rebuild, but how many thousands would want revenge? And how would states devastated first by its own countrymen then by foreign invasion react if given a chance for independence under the protection of the United Kingdom and others?

"Spain still has to do more than take a coastal fort or two and some undeveloped swampland before we come to the table, Mr. Sarmiento. Your offer is appreciated but we have a few surprises of our own if things last for a while".

"If the ship that fired on the ironclad is any indication it would be wise to prepare contingencies. Torpedoes are still an experimental technology, their use in warfare is limited and countermeasures are already developing".

Rapid-fire naval guns, essentially Gatling guns that fire in higher calibers like .75 caliber or higher. Their use was still in the testing stage in the United States but testing proved successful for about one in three in Europe. These were also being equipped on the new ships, including a new type of torpedo boat made entirely from steel with a rapid-firing two-inch gun using a special bullet to pierce armor. These ships could be built en masse and used for skirmishing, a medium class of larger ocean-going ironclad would carry a triad of five-inch guns. It also carried a newer type of two-inch cannon to use a revolutionary design, inspired partially by the Argentineans themselves but also by British and Swedish designers.

"And we have our own means of repelling those as well".

"You are aware that the Brazilians have taken Madeira, the Azores, and are building a supply line reaching to Europe".

"Yes, Pedro probably wants his father's kingdom back".

"If he can land an army in Europe successfully, what would stop him from doing the same here? Would Florida or Louisiana become spheres of interest for the Empire? Do Martha's Vineyard and Long Island make good site for Brazilian coaling stations? Certainly the Atlantic has its riches, though California is surprisingly like Chile in some ways..."

"Careful ambassador, your language could be confused with ambitions in the Pacific". Argentina's bid for Alaska was only beaten out after negotiations with St Petersburg raised the price to almost $20 million, almost costing Grant the re-election, but it was now American territory. Hawaii was deemed essential to security of the Pacific as it was the closest oceanic territory to California, so it would be deemed essential, and Grant's interest in the Dominican Republic was already known before Argentina acquired it. Cuba would be a good buffer to protect the "soft underbelly" of the United States while the Philippines and Puerto Rico were deemed secondary. Still, California being under threat of Argentinean acquisition...

"I will speak to President Grant to see what his thoughts are on this matter and appreciate your time. The steaks were phenomenal, by the way, as was that...what do you call it again"?

"Yerba Mate, Mr. Fish, yerba mate".
Late 1874

"Faro has fallen, your highness"

The scowl on Juan III's face was clearly visible as he flustered about his command center in Madrid. Pedro I of Brazil had already captured Lisboa, Gallicia, and Oporto rapidly with Faro now falling into his hands. In less than four months he had already taken the whole of Portugal and was now rapidly heading into Asturias, Leon, Zamora, Salamanca, and Caceres with probing attacks into Huelva, Bajadoz, and most disturbingly Valladolid. Although Spanish marines had successfully landed in Kitts Hummock Delaware and actually managed to destroy most of the Brandywine Mills powder production facility in a daring raid, the Americans had solidified defenses in much of the northeastern part of their country. Two of the ironclads were in need of serious repair, shoring in Cuba where revolutionaries were remaining difficult to control. New Orleans had not been assaulted again as it was deemed detrimental to the "Confederate Remnant" which, to the surprise of many, remained only relevant in the Florida panhandle and the southern fifth of Georgia east of the Okeefenokee. Assaulting New Orleans, ironically, united the nation in ways thought impossible so quickly after the Civil War. Most surprisingly, Grant had permitted his former foe James Longstreet to rejoin the United States Army, who had successfully contained an assault on Savannah to give Spanish troops a place to land in North America and perhaps consider creation of a new Confederacy. Support in South Carolina and Mississippi was notable but without direct supply lines it was clear that even Wade Hampton, the most sympathetic politician with the Remnant cause, was not going to support another new Southern nation.

Now 100,000 troops were sorely needed as the Brazilian army took Lisbon quickly and began recruiting locals to their cause. Juan had noted the Republicans and Felipists had begun rallying as well, only heavy-handed tactics had kept the whole affair from bringing his kingdom down. Yet as with Napoleon the guerilla tactics had worked to slow the advance - at first. Slowly but surely Pedro had begun winning over the locals by promising reforms, freedoms, and other rights no monarch ordained by God should dare show the riff-raff.

"How long until they reach Penaraca de Bracamonte"?

"They took it yesterday but we are containing their advancement on the road just east of town, your majesty".

Juan noted the numbers and the distance. Toros, Alaejos, now Penaraca. Except for Tavira and Monte Gordo the whole of Portugal was in Pedro's hands while the opposing army was marching hard east. In the north the advance was contained at Oviedo, Astorga, and Benevente but the central front was faring more poorly.

"How are our forces looking and what are the defenses in central front"?

"Your highness", noted the senior General Montegon, "We are secure in Madrid and the southern front along with the northern front are also secure. However the central front remains tenuous though more stable than even two days ago. The Brazilian army is tired and far from its supply lines, we have stores to last for years".

Alfonso Diaz-Hernan, one of the senior diplomats, almost cut him off. "Disraeli is offering to arbitrate a settlement, especially as the United States has begun to challenge for control of the seas with their new Liberty-class ships. The Liberty and Freedom will soon be joined by the Independence and Prosperity, and if I may say so these ships are perhaps individually the strongest the world has ever seen. It is reported that the British are planning to up-gun to the level of armament seen on these vessels soon, their 15-inch guns are devastating and the new rotary cannon on the Articles-class cruisers are extraordinarily effective".

"What does Mr. Disraeli propose"?

"Allow the United States to buy Cuba, returning Florida in exchange for a mighty sum and the permanent repudiation of the Monroe Doctrine. Retain Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam, and the Western Sahara while the other islands can be sold to Britain or other powers. Allow Portugal to leave of its own accord".

"The man is insulting at best, we have secured American soil and they should pay to get it back or let us keep it. Pedro will be wiped off the map once our force returns".

"One in four that left are dead and half that expeditionary force still functioning is sick or wounded. Florida remains ours but the US will likely retake it. Native Americans there are happy to help us if we can secure the territory, though a group of Micosukee and Seminoles appear to be helping the United States despite everything. Locally our people are not willing to be ruled by former colonists or rogue provinces so they will fight - but for us or a Republic I can not say".

Juan looked out the window. "The war continues and any such talk outside of new peace proposals is considered defeatist. Disraeli may ask about overtures if he wishes, but there will be no sale of Cuba or any other Spanish soil to the United States. My price for Florida is $100 million, public repudiation of the Monroe Doctrine, acceptance of guilt for starting the war, and one of their new ships, take it or leave it".

"What about Argentina"?, noted the messenger delivering the news of Faro.

Juan looked at him confusedly. "What of them"?

"Would negotiating a sale with them put the Americans at a security loss while keeping the islands out of their hands"?

An interesting thought, Juan pondered. Cuba was rebellious while Puerto Rico was profitable, but if it became necessary to sell the island...

"Thank you, Mister..."

"Franco, Nicolas Franco, Your Majesty. And my family is from Ferol in Galicia, it has already fallen to the twice-damned Brazilian bastards...my apologies, your majesty".

Juan smiled. "None needed, young man. None needed at all".

"Fine work, Corporal, fine work indeed". Colonel George Armstrong Custer had noted the work of the corporal in question when St. Augustine itself was stormed by over 300 Americans. Rifled artillery had made the difference but even so the ruins proved a formidable bulwark to penetrate, especially as Spanish snipers were using a single-shot Whitworth-style rifle capable of firing a brass cartridge and reloaded quickly.

"Thank you, Colonel, sir". Custer looked at the plainly-dressed man holding a Winchester 1873 rifle, the preferred close-quarter weapon of the 3rd Division, and noted the intricate patterns on the stock.

"Nice weapon, where did you get the work done on it"?

"Kansas, Colonel, sir. I spent some time out that way before joining the army, any damn fool crazy enough to land troops on US soil needs to be driven off".

"You use that weapon well enough, Corporal, what sorts of work did it see back West"?

"A little bit of everything, sir, and in my past I have been many things. Thankfully a good shot is one of them".

Custer smirked. Word had spread about this Wyatt Earp and his brothers, all of whom were reliable men and showed gallantry first at the Siege of Tallahassee where the Confederate Remnant was decisively defeated before taking a US state capitol and later at Lake City where its back was broken following the surrender of 'General' John Bell Hood after a fanatical cavalry charge gone awry. Custer found the irony of two former rebel generals squaring off humorous, especially when Longstreet had been waylayed by the new 'Lost Cause' movement that blamed him for the loss at Gettysburg if not the entire war. Meticulous planning had given Longstreet a decisive edge in each of the last two battles, this one seemed less about planning and more about take-the-damn-building. The new railroad being built to provide logistics was somewhat behind schedule but the Spanish had moved their administration to Tampa with secondary ones at Bone Key and Fort Dallas. Tampa was already being targeted for liberation while the Fort Dallas occupation was finding out how powerful a point the new Liberty-class ships could make.

"You're now a Sergeant, Mr. Earp. Keep up the good work. I need a reconnaissance team to scout down into Volusia County to Port Orange and Merritt Island, the railway under construction will reach Tampa in six months but we will need a line down the eastern coast and they now want to begin surveying".

"In the middle of a goddamn war? Scouting will not be a problem but honestly sir a rail line that close to the shore could be shelled easily and that railroad put out of commission. Besides, there is not a major city to connect the railway to, so it sounds expensive".

Custer agreed but said nothing about that. "I have my orders, Sergeant, and you have yours".

"Yes, sir".
Early 1876

"And what are we calling this new monstrosity, Mr. Robeson"?

"Mr. President, the Victory-class battleship would bring us dominance of the seas for years to come".

"We already have that", noted President Grant. His fears that the Liberty-class would provoke a naval arms race were already proving somewhat true as the United Kingdom and German Empire were already reported to be building 'super-ironclads' or Liberties of their own. Another radical design might render the ships before her obsolete and begin another spending spree, one which a war-weary nation could not afford. "Why do we need these behemoths"?

"Because the British and Spanish will build something equivalent eventually, and to be frank sir, if the British had been involved in this conflict we would not likely be doing as well as we are". Florida was retaken albeit at heavier cost than expected and an invasion of Cuba seemed imminent. Argentina had not made friends when they proposed 'aid' and Grant had turned it down flat, the death of Presidente Rosas and the occupation of their military with half a dozen internal revolts might be the only thing preventing them from attempting an assault on the Philippines or Spanish islands in the Pacific. Pedro I of Brazil was proving a tougher foe for Juan III than the United States was, but with Madrid coming under threat of assault there were musings of peace overtures via Disraeli's government in the UK. So far the terms were unacceptable, but as time went by they were becoming more amenable. Grant wanted Cuba and Puerto Rico along with the Philippines and Guam, the latter two being a consolation prize. Hispanola was an Argentine state now, the thought of the major Caribbean islands answering to a government other than Washington had kept him up at night more than once.

"Mr. President these ships incorporate a number of new design advances. The use of two new 'triple-expansion' steam engines will give her a range sufficient to cross the Atlantic and back without refueling. Her guns, like those of the Liberty-class, will not include secondary smaller armaments other than the lightening rods and torpedo tubes". When the new model Gatling gun was presented someone from the Navy happened to be present and suggested putting a small electrical motor on the weapon. Its rate of fire double to over 1200 rounds per minute, making a tearing sound that frightened most of the civilian crowd. Using .45-70 rounds it was found to be an excellent anti-torpedo weapon. Torpedoes were becoming a spectacular weapon, though Grant thought they might be only a trend that would disappear as defenses improved. "Its three turrets of breech-loading 80-ton guns will be center-line with the bridge and permit rotation of 235 degrees, each turret having two of the guns. The elevator system is unique - separate locks and doors for powder and shells in the Minie style, loaded in a separate room, then placed on a totally separate elevator to the guns in the turrets. A direct hit on the guns will not go straight to the powder room but instead only to the powder on site at the time".

Grant considered this carefully. These would still be very expensive boats, and did the United States need to be in the empire business? "Go on".

"Top speed would be 17 knots, total range in excess of 8500 miles between coalings. Crews would be approximately 500, about a third manning the new steam engines powering the two screws. Her length of 325 feet..."

"My God, man! How many of these behemoths do you propose we build?! Is there enough steel in the nation for such a thing"?

"I say we build nine - three each for the Gulf, Atlantic, and Pacific. That would give us adequate protection for our coastlines for the foreseeable future".

"You had a mention in your telegram about a new type of ship", Grant hoping this would be substantially less expensive.

"Yes sir, a submersible attack vessel like those designed in Brazil could prove a threat even to this mighty vessel. We should begin planning some of our own". Grant knew the suggestion was valid, the European powers were already clambering for proposals and reportedly the Germans were already beginning sea trials for one such prototype.

"Refine the design for the new battleship for now. Right now we need to win the war and so far new weapons of that size and expense are not on the agenda".

"We are proceeding with acquisition of new rifles and cannons, why not new ships as well"? Grant scowled at the Secretary of the Navy, though his point was understood. American rifles were excellent in close quarters, but long-distance weapons were proving more difficult to come by. Argentina found itself 'missing' about a dozen weapons after a botched smuggling job into Cuba allowed American agents to acquire them.

"So far we are only studying the new guns, not ordering them, even if they are chambered for rounds 'surprisingly' similar to our own. The lightening rods are still being phased into service, and they perform well on land where we are currently dominant".

"Do you think Disraeli's government might help negotiate better terms if we had naval parity or superiority"?

"Probably not. They would like the Venezuelan question settled in their favor and plan to ask us to arbitrate at some point I imagine. The reputation of perfidious Albion exists for a reason even if it is exaggerated".
Treaty of London
Known in the United States as, "The Thanksgiving Treaty"
November 23, 1876

Whereas the parties mentioned below seek to establish a peaceful relationship following the conduction of war over the past three years, the following treaty shall serve as a declaration of their desire to live in peace and accord in the future. Please note that all currency is listed in American dollars as denoted by the symbol ($) at exchange rates based on the value of gold per dollar as of November 23, 1876


The Republic of Argentina, the United States of America, the Empire of Brazil, on the one hand and the Kingdom of Iberia on the other declare that the state of war among them is no more.


None of the aforementioned parties shall continue propaganda or instigation of rebellion, disorder, or similar activities among the populace of another. None of the aforementioned parties shall continue any state-sponsored activity, whether by covert or overt means, against the governments of the others.


The United States of America shall receive the Island of Cuba and the Islands of the Philippines in perpetuity from the Kingdom of Iberia in exchange for $50 million.


The Republic of Argentina shall receive the Island of Puerto Rico and the recent claims of the Kingdom of Iberia to the Argentinian States of Dominica, Cisplatina, Santa Catarina, Corrientes, Entre Rios, and Juliana are forever repudiated.


The Empire of Brazil will recover all claims of the Kingdom of Iberia to former Portuguese colonies in Africa and Asia along with the Canary Islands, the Azore Islands, Madiera, and the former territories of Portugal as demarcated prior to its annexation to the Kingdom of Iberia. The Empire of Brazil also purchases the Spanish Sahara and claims to Africa for a cost of $100 million.


The Kingdom of Iberia will allow for free and fair elections in Gallicia whether to stay part of Spain or join Portugal. These elections will also be held in Navarre and Sicily to determine whether they remain part of Spain or become an independent nation. Sicily will also have the opportunity to join the Kingdom of Italy it is so desires.


Per the internationally recognized request of the communities of Capamento, El Zabal, San Roque, Santa Margarita, Puente Mayorga, Palmones, and Taraguilla, these communities will join the British Empire as part of the new Province of Gibraltar.


Any and all prisoners of war will be returned to their respective home countries as soon as possible. If persons recorded as 'missing' are unaccounted for at that time then the signatories of this treaty have the right to appeal for an international commission composed of the signatories of this treaty along with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for further information as to their status.


The aforementioned signatories mutually renounce any further indemnifications for costs of war by the governments therein. The Kingdom of Iberia will pay $15 million to the American State of Florida for the destruction caused therein and renounces now and forever any and all claims to that state. Individual families may apply for recompense based on documented damages during the war so long as they can be corroborated and claims are submitted within nine months of the treaty.


Diplomatic relationships between the aforementioned signatories are to resume immediately after this treaty is publically announced on November 24, 1876. Consular relationships are to also resume immediately though the specifics therein are to be arranged between the specific governments in question.


Any and all privateers flying Iberian flags are found not to be the responsibility of the Kingdom of Iberia but as individuals acting of their own accord during wartime for their own personal gain. They are condemned by all signatories to this treaty as pirates and are to be treated as such. Their gains are to be reported immediately upon their identification in any port in territory of any of the aforementioned signatories to this treaty.


Translations of this treaty shall be made in language acceptable and mutually agreeable to all signatories of this treaty and copies of this treaty in English, Portuguese, and Spanish shall be publically displayed at the seats of government for each of the respective signatories for the next thirty-six months.
March 1877

Dear Wyatt,

I understand your choice to stay in the US Army following the war and thank you again for all that you did for me. You were right about Ike Clanton, he has certainly got a bit of spark in him as you say but his father was so appreciative for your saving his life at Fort Dallas that my brother and I were immediately hired on to his business. His father appreciates the fact that we can read and I now run both his cattle drives and take accounting for his business, too. You should see the sky out here, amigo, pure blue and untouched - as if the Almighty himself wanted to retire here. There is a colorful character from Georgia who apparently met you in Kansas before the war, from the South I think, very good with cards and dice, he wants to say hi if you ever come out here. Will Bonney also wanted to tell you hello, he works with us occasionally and the veterans of the war were able to solve that problem in New Mexico I mentioned in the last letter. Apparently when half the guys from both sides refused to fight fellow veterans things sort of solved themselves.

I was not surprised that you chose to stay in Cuba after the war and even less that you were assigned to man the new base at Guantanamo. There will inevitably be another war with those damned Europeans at some point, the Spanish king is not quick to forget how the Tres Colonias Oestes dismantled his empire and his son is even more furious about it. Honestly I am as worried about Argentina and Brazil as Spain, though, the new "submarines" could easily sink a Liberty-class battleship even with her lightening rods and 15" guns. If nothing else our time in Cuba gave us enough Spanish to serve us well, talking to the locals here is easy enough once you get the slang down. Congratulations on your promotion again, the butter bars will serve you well, sir! Again, thank you for your help, and if you ever get your senses back and decide to come out this way, I will be happy to help you in any way I can. And should you find need of good cavalry at some time in the future I will endeavor to bring those I can to your aid.

Your friend,
Thomas McLaury
Fall 1877

"This is crazy, Mr. President", noted Secretary of War Henry Matthews. Samuel Tilden had won the vote in a very close race at the end of the war, Grant had endorsed Rutherford Hayes and it was only by a small margin that the vote carried in the midst of the post-war environment. Foreign policy was on many minds at the moment, but the costs of the evolving designs were always a headache. Tilden himself made his fortune by investments, shrewd calculations that encouraged many of his friends to let him manage their assets. Now he was being asked to do the same for an entire nation, and these Victory-class monstrosities were going to be very expensive.

Henry Matthews was chosen because despite being an ex-Confederate he created a truly bipartisan environment as attorney general in West Virginia during the war, causing not only his election to the governorship by a massive landslide in 1876 but also creating the first truly bipartisan atmosphere in postwar West Virginia, if not most of the nation. As a sign of unity he became an easy choice for Tilden without potentially putting someone "sympathetic to the Rebel Cause" in the Attorney General position as Tilden had originally wanted. "The specifications on this ship change as fast as the positions of a weak Congressman".

"We do need the ships, Mr. President. But the original order was discussed at nine, at least two shipyards have made investments along those lines".

"Their miscalculation is not of our concern. Moreover, the imperialism of my predecessor is not in keeping with my taste. Even the Germans are reluctant to expand elsewhere, and why should they or us? Focusing on our own markets and resources is surely enough to keep us occupied for the next half-century or more".

"I concur wholeheartedly, Sam, our nation has suffered two devastating wars in less than two decades. But perception is truth, and like poetry the art of telling the truth to the masses effectively is dying. You and I know these behemoths are likely only to attract fire, not fear. But if London, Paris, Madrid, or even Recife have them, we must as well. The same for the colonies, other nations will look at us as second-class if we are unable to keep and hold territory beyond our shores. Look at Argentina making a state of Puerto Rico, Dominica, and now El Salvador. Honduras and Nicaragua are very likely their next objectives, even now we play chess in our backyard while they are as far afield as Guam and even Sakhalin Island".

Tilden looked at him quizzically. "Why would they want a barren island in the middle of a sea of ice"?

"Because the Russians offered it to them, if only to antagonize the Japanese and Chinese. London wanted it, but Argentina has developed quite the economic boom over the last few years. Refrigerated cargo ships would only allow their produce - and ours - to feed that much more of Europe. Besides, Brazil has already claimed a very large piece of south-central Africa from one shore to the next and the Argentineans would like to expand their territories. Gallicia only just decided to stay part of Spain and Argentina was most interested in that area along with Sicily".

"Young Mr. Rosas is quite ambitious for someone who can barely control the whole of his country".

"They have made Peru and Ecuador all but satellites, we are aiding Venezuela and Colombia along with Costa Rica and Guatemala as they are all but our satellites now. A strong Navy is the only way to ensure that we are not restricted to our own borders in the future, especially as Cuba is so close to Dominica and some in Mexico still thirst for their former territories and more".


"Yes, Mr. President". Matthews unlocked a small briefcase and opened it on the President's desk. "We know that Santa Anna actually envisioned taking Florida, New Orleans, and the whole of the Gulf Coast as a prerequisite to taking Cuba. He envisioned an area much like that of the old Knights of the Golden Circle, basically everything within 2500 miles of Mexico City would answer to it. Argentina has not voiced such a threat to the United States as yet, but", Matthews pulled out three telegrams, "the potential for an alliance between Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina must be considered".

Tilden read the telegrams, his eyes aghast as the Diaz regime made known its intentions. "My God. He is actually offering them these things...and they are actually considering his offer"?

"I had our people check within proper and less proper channels, Mr. President. Pinkerton and his people were used as an objective check. These are real proposals. We have a map that shows what these changes would look like in a worst-case scenario..."

"I think the map is unnecessary. The navy will get its ships, along with the submersibles. We do need a new design on the torpedo boat though, from what I read the speed is totally unacceptable".

"Which leads me to the next design proposal known as an 'attack submarine'..."

Von Bismarck had never forgotten the insanity of demanding French territory during the war now almost a decade past. His dream was simply to have Prussia and his Emperor unite Kleindeutschland, nothing more. The talk of colonial adventures was also dismal, the dream of so many Germans to see borders from the Meuse to the Bug was ridiculous. Bismarck played chess, and as in chess, international politics were a matter of investigation, preparation, staging, planning, research, and only then movement. His meeting with Emperor William was notable not for its military scope but its proposal to maintain the balance of power in Germany's favor, though William himself disagreed somewhat. "We can not set the stage for a great European war, Otto. You mean to make us level with the British, we already share common blood with them and I think Frederick will make a fine Emperor in keeping the peace".

"Just so, your highness", noted the former reserve officer of the Prussian army, "but all the same we must be ready to step into our place in the sun. We are a newly unified nation barely five years old but look around us. Austria-Hungary is likely to collapse into a civil war, her German populace may seek refuge under our protection should Hungary decide to play kingmaker. Russia is, frankly, a powder-keg that also exists only a single step from rebellion. So long as the dreams of 'democracy' continue among our people we run the same risk. And we need to be ready to fight that fight should the time come. Until we have the means to produce the balance of critical materials for survival of our industry at home, especially critical military areas, we must have some sort of protection for our international commerce".

"It is unlike you to talk of the need for a military expansion, Otto. We have known each other for decades, perhaps this is the fourth or fifth time I have heard you speak of such things and the only one not directly involving taking territory or setting up for a political maneuver in the near future. Unless you are and I have not put the pieces together".

Von Bismarck was ironically not setting up for a political maneuver just yet, though he did know the French and British had followed the lead of the Brazilians and had begun to build a new generation of larger naval forces. The rumors of a super-battleship under construction in the United States were also worrying as Germany had a powerful navy but it was still in its infancy. "I worry we will have no protection from the new submersible weapons, your Highness".

"Submarines are a fad, little more, Otto. My experts believe the weapon will fall out of use in a few years, perhaps a decade at most, and that the American ship is a myth designed to counter for the shame they found in the last war".

"Your highness with all due respect I disagree. We have something of interest that may be worth looking at. An engineer in Koln spilled paraffin oil while working with tin and found it to burn cleanly under specific conditions. He decided to contact a man named Karl Benz, apparently an engineer working on a new type of engine that runs on petroleum distillates. Needless to say they have been working together to build a new type of engine, this Rudolf Diesel believes he can achieve a potent fuel efficiency if given the chance. He is very young, and born to Bavarians in Paris, but he has taken the loyalty oath and I think we could use this technology".

"A Frenchman with little life experience talks about new engines and fuels and you bring it to my attention? Any other man and I would laugh at you then tell you to leave. In your case, I presume he has a prototype and it was just that impressive"?

"I reviewed another invention called a 'refridgerator' two weeks ago from Diesel and a former teacher then discussed this new engine with Diesel and Benz along with two representatives from our navy and one of our shipyards. The subject of submarines came up, and we have been looking for a way to build faster ships without sacrificing performance apparently. This engine may be a means to that end, your Highness".

"I heard about the refridgerator, apparently it will permit the safe storage of foodstuffs across oceans and long distances. Very impressive, especially if the technology could be made available on a wide scale".

"Apparently they have also have a means of converting heat to energy. I saw the engine prototype at work, three engineering professors confirm its theoretical efficiency to be over seven times that of a steam engine".

That got the Emperor's attention. "Seven times? And you said it might be placed in a ship"?

"Or a submersible, your Highness. Petroleum distillates would be difficult for us to obtain, but an American eccentric named Lowe has shown it possible to make a liquid fuel from coal gas. We need not rely on foreign imports for this and could, with time, build an engine to drive a submersible faster and more quietly than previously. Our ships can load much less fuel for the same range or the same weight for longer ranges. It reduces the need for coaling stations, your Highness".

"Ah. Thus the need for colonies is reduced and less justifiable from a military perspective".

Von Bismarck nodded his head slightly in confirmation. The Emperor looked into the distance as he weighed his options. "Alright, Otto, show me what the young man's invention can do. If you impress me enough I might even build something beyond a demonstration piece. But please tell me this, why are you so interested in submarines when most people say it will be only a fad"?

"Your highness I think that the world is dominated by naval power. The argument is most convincing in a book called The Influence of Sea Power Upon History from 1660-1783, I will give you my copy if you so wish. It was written by an American officer of their recent war..."

"And I think that the outpost would have been overrun if not for those new chain guns. Damn Zulus, we were outnumbered at least ten to one and they nearly killed the Prince Napoleon". Colonel Redvers Buller was a tough man at the very least and the British 'chain gun' was their derivative, if not outright pirated copy, of the American 'lightening rod'. Dr. Gatling was taking the British government to court for its violation of international patents, including three he wisely procured in the United Kingdom before the sale of the weapons in 1878. "I think that the man would have died if that Argentinean doctor had not been part of the observation mission".

"At last word he will apparently live, though the scar to his chest will hurt for most or all of the remainder of his life". Sir Frederick Stanley was not even forty but a rising star in British political circles, his meeting with Butler had turned from what he perceived as just another glory hound pursuing medals into something more of a strategic discussion. "I was unaware their...unorthodox...methods were so helpful".

"Many decry them but the man treated Zulu, Boer, and Imperial alike. We think he saved a few thousand in June alone. If you get a chance have your medics talk to him and his people, apparently they are looking into chemical dyes for their use against bacterial infection. The man took several dozen plants back to Buenos Aires with him, at least half a dozen of each. He also talked at length with a few of the medicine men we captured. Either way, I was very impressed with their 'Long Man' rifle, the range on that thing has to be over 1500 yards". Rumors abounded of the capabilities of the five-foot-long Argentinean rifle, this model now able to hold five cartridges unlike its single-shot predecessor. Its effective sniping of a man at 1500 yards had British soldiers clambering to purchase them even if the expense was extraordinary.

"What did you think of the chain gun, Colonel"?

"I think that the weapon is quite effective, we could use them in our other colonial holdings as well. My main concern is the weapons for our main infantry, of course. The rifles we have now are adequate, but the Martini-Henry is being outclassed rapidly by other nations. Brazil has the Model 10, the Americans have their Springfield-Hall, and the Germans are using their new Mauser system. France is developing a new type of cartridge that may use a derivative of the Austrian smokeless powders for shotguns developed in 1875".

"Colonel the Austrian factory that tried to make it en masse was destroyed in an explosion".

"But sir, the French have had no such problem and have already developed an improved form of guncotton for their new torpedo system. We know they seek to develop some sort of new 8mm cartridge for their new Chassepot-type rifle".

"Interesting thought, but a chain gun with the same propellant would be interesting too". Stanley began to take notes.

"Yes it is interesting, but I am more concerned with the presence of the Argentinean 'observational mission' in Southern Africa. They have no business being there really, and even if their foodstuffs are bringing prices in England down I worry that they are eyeing the territory for themselves".

"What makes you think a South American country wants anything to do with Africa"?

"That's just it, sir, no one suspects they would. The Boers want their freedom and the Argentineans are likely to let them have it. Boer nations would have a sizable wealth in the form of the newly discovered diamonds there, so they could pay for a lot of technical expertise. If they come to terms with the Zulus and they unite against us as a common enemy, especially if they begin to inspire other colonials to do the same..."

"It would make Argentina friendly to nations that hate us and have the means to trade elsewhere. But it also means Buenos Aires would risk open war with us, and they would assuredly lose".

"Twenty and even ten years ago many thought the United States would not endure. Despite a Civil War and the Triple Continent War, they not only endure but have produced the largest battleship ever made".

Stanley noted the comment, the Victory-class battleship had only been displayed in the last month with a revolutionary type of engine reportedly 'stolen' from Germany and a quartet of breech-loading turrets with three fifteen-inch guns each. There were battleships built before the Victory and then there was everything else as far as capital ships were concerned. A nation that could combine sea advantages like that with an army wielding semi-automatic rifles and chain guns en masse..."What are you suggesting, Mr. Butler"?

"I think we need to squash the Zulus and take the diamond fields for ourselves. Push the Boers so far into the interior that they can not reap the wealth of the territories they now hold and fill them with good British loyalists. We also need to industrialize the area lest the colonials get out of control".

Industrializing Africa, a novel concept first put forward a few years ago when the Zulus were merely a menace. Stanley thought the idea paranoid, but Disraeli wanted him heard and his ideas brought to the Prime Minister for further attention. "I will discuss the matter with him. Taking people out of their home and forcibly moving them into hostile jungle is not civilized".

"Do not talk to me about uncivilized, Mr. Secretary. I have seen what the barbarians do to our soldiers, and only imagine what they will do to our colonies if not stopped..."

“Careful, sir! If you get it on your clothes it will be very difficult to remove”! Semmelweis thought the young man to be 35, maybe 40, and certainly rougher around the edges than most of his class. Yet this Juan de Bolingo had proven the single best chemist in his class at the University as well as the research laboratory, his interest in chemical dyes was reportedly yielding impressive results.

“I see the material stains very strongly”, noting the thick white towel turned a rich purple near the bottle.

“Indeed, the material was part of a dye trying to replicate the ancient Tyrian purple of Roman Imperial family but that was not the most impressive part. Notice…this”. De Bolingo moved away from the microscope as Semelweiss approached and looked through the device with its new electric light bulb providing consistent light from below. “What do you see”?

“Bacteria covering almost the entire slide, apparently staining the bacteria and making them more visible to the eye”.

“Yes, we published the technique last year, but”, de Bolingo taking the slide and replacing it with another, “now look at this”.

Semmelweis peered into the telescope past his glasses, at 62 he was starting to develop more significant myopia almost every other year it seemed. “Interesting, the bacteria here are far fewer in number”.

“We found two workmen injured on the same textile equipment who came into the hospital recently, one of whom had spilled a violet-colored dye”, he pointed to the small purple flask, “on the wound during the process. That man is still alive and doing well, the other required amputation of his arm and died late last night”.

“Are you suggesting that the dye was able to kill the bacteria without harming the man”?

“Yes, this blend of pararosaline dyes seems to have properties against many of the bacteria we encounter commonly here, though the uses of it are limited for now”.

“I thought you were working on those odd clumps of cells from the dog pancreas”?

“I am still working on them, the dog’s urine has attracted many flies and I think I know why, but I will discuss that later. For now I think this project merits further exploration, the chance to treat grievous wounds and potentially illnesses they generate would be an important breakthrough”.

It would change the world and rewrite medicine as they knew it, Semmelweis thought. Already new surgical techniques and ‘anti-septic’ practices had become more common, even German physicians were now turning to Argentina for the newest medical techniques while the medical school of 200 students now counted over 30 nationalities in its last two classes. “What about the dog pancreas”?

“I find a chemical out of the pancreas regulates blood sugar control, without it the dog died with a blood so sweet it attracted flies. The dog tried to compensate by urinating out the sugar, but its body could not expel the sugar fast enough. Like those children in our Blessed Mother Clinic” – a tag phrase used to denote those most likely to pass away – “the dog’s kidneys could not expel enough sugar to keep up with the food intake”. Semmelweis had lost a son to this disease and wanted to see it cured in his lifetime if possible, the other two children were now adults and his daughter was fervently working on a treatment for this Diabetes Mellitus as well. “Pursue both, I will work with you on the sugar concerns and ask you to get the university to help you with the dye questions. Also, it may be worth looking at other dyes too, let us not miss opportunities by narrowing our vision”.

“Yes, Dr. Semmelweis, and I was curious about your refrigerated blood storage project if I may ask”.

Semmelweis looked at him with a tired face. “We are trying to sort out the problems but so far we have hit a snag. If anything comes of it I will let you know”.
Just read the TL. The infamy meter of Argentina should be way above 25 at the moment. :p

Seriously, this is all very interesting but quite ASB after the Mapuche 'integration' (Chile did not manage to pull it off until the 1890s for a good reason).
In this TL Argentina gave the Mapuche a chance to have more autonomy in exchange for acknowledging Buenos Aires as its overall government, the Chileans simply conquered the area in OTL decades later. The idea was an economy of force - the Mapuche had no reason to love Chile following various events in the country and no love of Argentina either, but why not use the Mapuche to hem in the Chileans? Argentina was not moving settlers into the region nor casting out native peoples at that time. Chile had also neglected the area for a long time and it gave Argentina a chance to eliminate another national border while strengthening its position in the area. Rosas was utterly ruthless, he would not hesitate to use one population against another and in making the Mapuche part of Argentina he secures his southern flank while preventing anyone else from laying strong claims to the area. I disagree about what is utterly ASB here, the Chilean question would remain a large part of Argentina's agenda and its civil war in 1851 seemed a logical time to intervene. Rosas was also stopped largely by events led by (dead) Emperor Pedro II, without his involvement I think Rosas would not only have stayed in power but no one in (fractured) Brazil would be able to oppose him. I took care to ensure that everything mentioned here is either en route as OTL and discovered only slightly earlier, or inspired by real world events gone slightly awry. At one time in OTL the US worried that Chile had the naval capability of landing troops on our West Coast and we could do nothing about it, here an ironclad in New York is destroyed and it touches off a war that the US is woefully unprepared for, spurning naval redevelopment shortly thereafter and leading to a somewhat different world scene in 1880. The question becomes can Argentina and Brazil continue to cooperate or will one try to unite the continent under their own banner.

"But you must try these cakes, apparently they use three types of milk and are just so delicious"!, noted the President of the United States, James Garfield. The Argentinian bakery that had opened up on G street and New Jersey avenue had been so busy that the line was literally over a block long, their second major success was the "Cake of Three Milks" also known as Tres Leches. The first had been a form of coffee so strong that a few of the locals reported headaches and chest pain after trying a regular-sized cup, making much smaller shotglass-like cups the preferred vessel for consumption.

"No thank you, Mr. President, though I appreciate the offer. My business here requires your attention as I am afraid there are stirrings of war in Europe again".

"For heaven's sakes, did we not have enough destruction on this continent in the last war that they do not learn to save themselves in this generation? Our people are weary Robert, and why are you bringing me this information instead of Jim"?

James Blaine was Secretary of State and a fine diplomat, thought Robert Todd Lincoln, but he is not half the man my father was. Not on his best day. "Because he is gathering as much information as he can before his formal presentation and we decided I should start briefing you until he arrives".

"Very well Robert you have piqued my curiosity. What is so troubling in Europe?"

"Somehow it appears that the Germans, French, and Dutch have come to an arrangement to divide Belgium amongst themselves".

"And this concerns us how, Robert"?

"Because the British are threatening intervention and blockade if this occurs. And they are saying that neutral vessels will not be allowed to dock in ports of the affected countries".

"And what stops these nations from simply bolstering efforts for independence in the British colonies or protectorates? I am sure the sultans of India and citizens of the Boer states would respond favorably to such aid if the opportunity arises. Since you brought a map with you, what is the proposed division, anyway"?

"Germany would take the Duchy of Luxembourg and the Belgian province of Liege along with the eastern half of the Belgian province of Luxembourg. France would gain the rest of the Belgian province of Luxembourg along with Hainaut, Brussels, and Namur. Meanwhile the Netherlands would gain West Flanders, East Flanders, Limburg, and Antwerp. Apparently Brabant is to be left as part of a city-state guaranteed permanent neutrality that would retain the title of 'Belgium' for purposes of treaties and legal niceties".

"But Robert why on Earth would the French agree to this dealing with the Germans"?

"Simple, Mr. President, it gives them significant coal and steel production capacity above what they already have. Germany is geographically close to their existing industrial heartlands at Brinwy, while this would also be close to a new Prussian province such a deal would expand France's industrial capacities considerably. The Netherlands considers the whole area a series of rogue provinces while the Prussians are quick to take 'back' Luxembourg along with the western portions of another 'lost province', the British have also made a startling revelation..."

As the sentences was finished in walked James Blaine with a telegram and excited look on his face. "You will want to hear this Mr. President, I presume that Robert brought you up to speed on the situation in Belgium".

"Yes, why the excitement and why is this so urgent, James"?

"Jim, I'll be honest with you, I wanted to confirm everything before talking to you about it because the situation was so damned unbelievable I would not bring it to you without confirming it myself. Yesterday I was asked to come to tea at the British embassy by their new ambassador Lord Sackville who presented me with this situation in person. This morning he presented something else".

President Garfield took the letter and read over it, pacing at first then slowly. His eyes squinted, his brow furled, and he re-read the letter twice. "They are serious"?

"I confirmed it with my sources and our embassy in London. The offer to sell British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Bahamas in exchange for a military alliance is genuine, as is the revelation of their new Navy".

"And we are not sure of the capacities of this new 'Nelson' class battleship, only that eight of them are under production and four more are planned"?

"We know they are comparable in size to the Victory-class proposed by our offices and might even be direct copies. We also know that they are preparing for sea trials with at least four of these monstrosities. Further we know they are capable of withstanding any battleship in the world today...except perhaps the Victory and probably not the Liberty-class".

Garfield shuttered at the thought. "We are not ready for a war and I shall not have us drug into one".

"It gets more interesting, sir". Lincoln pulled a triad of telegrams from his coat pocket. "The French, Germans, and Dutch have sent a sort of counter-offer".

Garfield looked at the letter dismally and with shock. "They offer us the chance to conquer Canada for ourselves and 'immediate recognition of claims to that territory along with any Caribbean possessions of the United Kingdom that should fall to occupation of forces of the United States during hostilities should they arise'. This sounds like a nations seeking allies against a rising coalition".

"Mr. President, less than five days ago the Russians signed just such a pact with the United Kingdom, and Italy along with Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans are thought to be siding towards London as well".

"James do not misunderstand me, but if Berlin, Paris, and Amsterdam want to do something in Europe, they are the axis on which that continent turns. Where does Spain sit in all of this and what of the South Americans"?

"Spain looks to side with the axis you mentioned while Argentina and the Empire of Brazil are weighing their options. Argentina is thought to favor the axis while Brazil favors London and its allies. If war erupts between multiple continents, it we *truly* are faced with a global war of some kind, we need to be thinking about defending ourselves. Mr. President, I strongly suggest we consider building the Liberty-class ships".

"We still need to review their design specifications and bring them up to the most modern possible, along with the Turtle-class submarines. Does anyone know where Mr. Hunt is"?

"He will be here in five minutes. What are your thoughts, Mr. President"?