OPEC Insists on and gets Dinars for Oil


As the tin says. There is no real effect till the arms race between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. in the 80s.

At that point, since the dollar is not world reserve currency pegged to Oil, the U.S. also collapses from an overspending on the military as it almost did OTL, but avoided the U.S.S.R.'s fate because the dollar was world reserve currency and they were the only legal producer of dollars and thus could control the flow of dollars to fix its fuckups.

The 90s see both the former U.S.S.R.'s successor states and the U.S. in acute economic collapse with associated revolts and rampant criminal activity.

Okay discuss.
Well, for such commodity countries will demand currency that is printed by strong economy and US was only one that fit the bill at that time. There simply is no alternative as other strong currencies such as Jen, West German Mark, Swiss Frank or any other european currency are simply not strong enough astheir mother countries are not big enough.

It was the birth of Euro that challenged this but US proved willing to back such dollar status, invading one country that switched to euros.
There would be the minor details that the US did not nearly collapse from an overspending on military forces nor did the US invade a nation over preferring the euro over the dollar but other than that...
There would be the minor details that the US did not nearly collapse from an overspending on military forces nor did the US invade a nation over preferring the euro over the dollar but other than that...

Well, US did invade a coutnry tht switched to euros and everybody who thinks about doing it is on US shit list.....
aktarian, it's ridiculous to even pretend a switch to the euro was the main reason or even a significant one for the invasion.
aktarian, it's ridiculous to even pretend a switch to the euro was the main reason or even a significant one for the invasion.

Did I say it was? isaid US invaded one country that switched to euros,other one that was thinking about it got on US shit list.



Another thread about economics in which most of the posters will not understand economics
aktarian, right.:rolleyes:

Just because the US invaded Italy in 1943, France and Belgium in 1944 and Germany and the Netherlands in 1945...holy frak.:eek:

Was that about that euro?

Two years?

aktarian, I thank you for your kindness in placing my endurance level at far beyond the reality of the situation...
aktarian, right.:rolleyes:

Just because the US invaded Italy in 1943, France and Belgium in 1944 and Germany and the Netherlands in 1945...holy frak.:eek:

Was that about that euro?


Of course, FDR knew that the Eurozone would come about and establish the Euro, so he invaded.

This means that FDR is psychic... and he's in a wheelchair...

Holy shit, FDR is Professor X!