Olympics 2012: Putin wins gold

I've had an idea I've been throwing around in my head since the Olympics. Vladimir Putin visited London to watch the judo competition and the Russian judo champion fight. WI Putin, a judo black-belt, entered the Olympics and competed for a medal? Besides giving him even more publicity as a bad-ass
I've had an idea I've been throwing around in my head since the Olympics. Vladimir Putin visited London to watch the judo competition and the Russian judo champion fight. WI Putin, a judo black-belt, entered the Olympics and competed for a medal? Besides giving him even more publicity as a bad-ass
He'd join Eddy the Eagle and the Jamaican bobsled team in the annals of Olympic sport.
I've had an idea I've been throwing around in my head since the Olympics. Vladimir Putin visited London to watch the judo competition and the Russian judo champion fight. WI Putin, a judo black-belt, entered the Olympics and competed for a medal? Besides giving him even more publicity as a bad-ass

His "bad-ass" gravitas increases 4-fold after the games, but unless he can overpower his opponents with his charisma, it would be difficult for him to win a gold medal.


Its not really possible to put in the full-time training required of an Olympic athlete whilst simultaneously being a major world leader. Putin likes carefully managed photo-ops where as if he forced the Russian Olympic Committee to select him for the Judo team he'd have a potentially humiliating situation beyond his control.
While the man's Judo experience is apparently impressive I wouldn't be to keen to see him in the ring. I think he could earn bronze if he really put his mind to it, otherwise I doubt he can go against men who have a bit of a leg up on him.
Its not really possible to put in the full-time training required of an Olympic athlete whilst simultaneously being a major world leader. Putin likes carefully managed photo-ops where as if he forced the Russian Olympic Committee to select him for the Judo team he'd have a potentially humiliating situation beyond his control.

If a medal is out of the question, he would definitely get press from just participating.

There's too few politicians who I can see as Olympic athletes.
Putin could probably "arrange", that all serious competition is poisoned or shot.
KGB style...
Vladimir Putin Vs William Hague - Politico's settle things honourably.
I would SOOOOOOOOO pay to see that.

2012 is never going to happen, like Medvedev signing with Dynamo Moskva on the KHL or something. However, in the early days...
Putin's talen in Judo is noted in University, he tries for but is rejected for the 1972 Olympics. However, aftre graduating university in 1975 he is recruited into the KGB where his prowess in the Dojo is noted. After training with the KGB his Judo becomes a cover and he is selected as a reserve fighter in the 1976 Montreal games. This becomes his first assignment in the first directorate. For the next 5 years his career takes him around the world competing, (with moderate success), in international Judo competitions. The high point is qualifying on merit for the 1980 Moscow games. An injury during a fight in the seeding rounds at the 1981 world Judo championships ending his international career although he kept up training all through his KGB career and later into his political career.
(as per OTL after this).
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Vladimir Putin Vs William Hague - Politico's settle things honourably.
I would SOOOOOOOOO pay to see that.

2012 is never going to happen, like Medvedev signing with Dynamo Moskva on the KHL or something. However, in the early days...
Putin's talen in Judo is noted in University, he tries for but is rejected for the 1972 Olympics. However, aftre graduating university in 1975 he is recruited into the KGB where his prowess in the Dojo is noted. After training with the KGB his Judo becomes a cover and he is selected as a reserve fighter in the 1976 Montreal games. This becomes his first assignment in the first directorate. For the next 5 years his career takes him around the world competing, (with moderate success), in international Judo competitions. The high point is qualifying on merit for the 1980 Moscow games. An injury during a fight in the seeding rounds at the 1981 world Judo championships ending his international career although he kept up training all through his KGB career and later into his political career.
(as per OTL after this).

I like it, it works within the idea of the premise, but is much more plausible.
You could make him a medalist in 1980, especially as most of the NATO nations boycotted in protest of the invasion of Afghanistan.