Oldest leader your country could have.

If you just want elected, this is a long shot but you don't say the POD can't be before 1900.…

Garfield's grandmother was alive when he was inaugurated. I remember that trivia bit from when I was a kid. So let's have Grant or someone elected in 1880 and assassinated, bringing about civil service reform. Then Garfield is the one with the antitrust bill in 1890 if Sherman is elected in 1880 and dies, and he becomes a very respected senator but keeps getting passed by for the presidency. He becomes a progressive and with William Howard. Taft selected for the Supreme Court. Teddy Roosevelt chooses him as a one term successor in 1908 figuring that he himself can come back in 1912 if he wants. Garfield is therefore elected at age 77.
Churchill was near enough 77 when he returned to power in 1951 and over 80 when he resigned. I cant see anyone older than that in the UK


Konrad Adenauer was 73 when he became German Chancellor in 1949 and remained in that post for 14 years. He could have governed for a bit longer but not by much, he died in 1967.
The timeframe is 1900-2010.

Ok, I'm from Brazil and the oldest president we had in this timeframe is Getúlio Vargas who was 68 when elected in 1950. The oldest I think we can get is Ulysses Guimarães who was 71 when he run in 1989.

What about your countries?
hard to top Queen Elizabeth II