Oil Found In Libya

Hi all. I just found this site a couple months ago and spent the time reading the threads.

Okay, so what if oil have been found in Libya, by quirk of geology or luck, would it be enought for Italy to remain neutral during WWII? The oil fields will be held hostage if she decides to go to war with the British and the French. So if Italy remains, neutral, I would assume there wouldn't be any invasion of Greece. No invasion might mean more resources for the Far East. With that in mind, Singapore might not fall or at least last longer.

Any thoughts?
Mussolini /Italy entered WW2 after it was obvious that France was defeated and the B.E.F no longer an issue. He believed that the war was to be only of short duration and that the allies would soon come to an accomodation with the Axis powers He needed 'a few thousand dead' so he could face Hitler at the peace conference as an equel. so no
However it depends I think when oil is discovered.
If it is discovered early enough and exploited then Italy has more prosperity does maybe a little better ,has a little better WW1 . and can afford to look after its people better than it did ,then you may have possibly have butterflyed away a dictator who remains a small time hack jounalist.
If it is discovered latter then maybe you have a chance. Economics change as you would expect and Italy becomes more important in European affairs and will be courted by both England ,France and Germany
The naval fleets of France and the UK would have a secondary refuelling option /target in time of war. economic power may encourage Mussolini to take a harder line with Hitler ,in particular over Austria.This policy may find encouragment in London and Paris leading to a rapproachment with the governments of those countries .
In any time line it is best to remember that Mussolini always was a gambler, and always went for grand theatrical gestures