Not such a challenge but a do this anyway: Ban alternate history!

So, how could we have alternate history be banned?
Of course this is quite easy to do. Just have an oppressive regime who doesn't like the idea of world's where they don't exist.

So....Ban alternate history in the most imaginiative and entertaining (yet semi-plausible) way possible!


The most obvious ones are the Soviet Union (because of the ineluctable historical dialectic) and a Calvinist theocracy (because of predestination).


Instead of one Okla Fed Bldg bombing have several, & have Stirling & Turtledove implicated, (rightly or wrongly) with the guy who wrote the Turner Diaries (which is alternate history). When Bush takes office in 2000 his Patriot Act includes censorship laws. Sites like this are shut down, many of us are arrested. Esp harshly dealt with are those who oppose Bush's war against Iraq and the neocon philosophy.

Turtledove and Stirling turn a sort of 'state's evidence' and both become home security pundits based on their 'expertise' in the alternate history 'movement'. The guy who wrote Turner either dies, flees the country or is arrested on charges of treason never proven but probably genuine. Most of us are detained but eventually released as harmless. Leo, however, is forced into training duty for linguists in Iraq as a sort of penance, Thande is limited to grad asst duties in Chemistry for several years and Kit is forbidden to travel, which limits his political career considerably.

Ian is never clearly identified with any living person.
didnt the brit royal family disprove of a War of the Roses type board game so much, it was taken off the market? besides the predictable actions of despot regimes, closest i ever heard