(Not Actually) Official "Where Have You Been?" Thread

Since I already posted a map with places where I have been so far, here`s a map with countries (and provinces) where I`d like to visit (again) and dislike to visit....

Green = I definitly want to visit this place (again)
Yellow = Maybe I will visit this place (again) / I want to visit only very specific parts of this place
Orange = I don`t want to visit this place (again) - at least the most parts of it
Red = I definitly do not want to visit this place (again)
Gray = I absolutely do not know/ neutral

When did you visit North Korea?


Reposting this from another thread with an update, as I have since been to northern Italy and Switzerland. (Pale red = been to that country, blood red = been to that region of that country). Hope to add quite a bit more to this by the end of next year...


Orange is states I have visited, red is counties I have visited (I included just driving through), dark red is where I have lived. Yellow is airport only.

I have only been to Canada as far as other countries go, specifically Victoria and Vancouver. I know where I have lived is sad :(